Adelle Frank Drupal, genealogy, accessibility, and religion archives geek in Atlanta, Georgia


Feeds is my Friend: a Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 migration story (without coding)

Drupal 7 logoEnjoy the slides from my entertaining and demo-driven presentation, given at the GT Build Day on December 5, 2013. This was a demo-driven presentation on how to use the Feeds module to make your migration from Drupal 6 to 7 easy and code-free. You can find the video on the attached GT Build Day page. I've attached my sample D6 Views import code & D7 Features at the bottom of this page.

Backing up and migrating: where content is stored in Drupal database tables and files

Drupal logo surrounded by data-related icons You need to backup your Drupal 7 database and site, possibly because you have finished testing and want to move it to the live web server. The problem: you don't want to waste space backing up LARGE tables or files that you don't need, but are unsure which tables and files in your Drupal site to ignore. The solution: Adelle's guide to Drupal 7 tables and files (see below).

Drupal 6 to 7 migration tips (Rock Eagle 2017)

feeds-icon-drupalicon-d7small.jpgMy presentation from Rock Eagle 2017 of the tips for migrating a site between version 6 and version 7 of Drupal.

Plan your Chunks! Win the Future with Information Architecture NOW

hands covered in henna patterns, holding the Drupal iconMy slides from the information architecture-focused presentation I gave at Drupal Camp Pune 2014 on April 5, 2014 (at 4:30pm IST/7:00am EDT). If you saw me live, you got to have a laugh when a random virtual "guest" decided to hangout in my presentation.

How to easily migrate pages from Drupal 6 CCK content types to Drupal 7 fields using the Feeds module

Feeds icon showing move from Drupal 6 to 7 One of the easiest ways to upgrade between version 6 and version 7 of Drupal is to re-build your site in Drupal 7, and then use the Views Data Export and Feeds XPath Parser modules to move your pages and articles into your new site.

This post shows you the details of setting up both a D6 View you can export and a D7 Feeds importer you can use to migrate that View content.

Update: You might find the code attached to the "Feeds is my Friend" post helpful in supplementing these instructions. And I now recommend using the Features module to make it easy to copy Content Types, Taxonomies, Menus, and Feeds Importers from your test to production sites.

How to set up a "simple" multilingual Drupal 7 website using field (entity) translation

Drupal icon saying Hola and Hello Do you need to set up a "simple" multilingual site with Drupal 7, using the future-looking Field translation method? Learn how to create a small website where the public content switches between many languages, but editors only use one language.

GT Drupal: Install Script, Profile, and Editor

Drupal 7 logoEnjoy the slides from my somewhat entertaining and demo-driven presentation, given at the GT Build Day on November 5, 2013.

Views WoW! (for Drupal)

Views Wow logoEnjoy the slides from my HUGELY entertaining "ViewsWoW!" presentation, given at Rock Eagle on October 25, 2013. Other presenters also sharing their slides at this Google drive

Education events at DrupalCon Portland 2013

Drupal cms logo A list of education-related events happening at DrupalCon Portland. Let me know if I've missed any! Official hashtag for these sessions is: #drupaledu . New collaboration site for education users of drupal is: (create an account and make comments).

How to replace HTML tags and text in a Drupal database using phpMyAdmin and SQL

Drupal cms logo Did you validate your drupal website and realize you need to replace some unclosed HTML4 tags with XHTML strict self-closing tags? Or maybe you're adding in some ARIA roles to make your text a bit more accessible.

Lo and behold: you will suddenly need to use your web host's phpmyadmin interface and SQL to find and replace strings of text in drupal's database.

Don't panic! Here's how you do it.

Catalyzing Drupal collaboration & coding at your institution

Rock Eagle logoEnjoy the slides, resources, and install profile code from my "Catalyzing Drupal Collaboration & Coding at Your Institution" presentation, given at Rock Eagle on October 25, 2012.

How to Recover after updating to webform_civiCRM 6.x-2.4 when your Drupal 6 site uses civiCRM 3.x

Drupal & CiviCRM logos combined Are you using Drupal 6's webform module with CiviCRM version 3.x? Did you install the webform_civiCRM-6.x-2.4 module, and your site stopped creating civiCRM contact links for your webform reports?

First: re-set your site to use webform_civiCRM-6.x-2.3 and re-create the auto-assignment of civiCRM groups for each webform.

Next, if any webform submissions were created before you realized the problem and re-set your site as described above, follow the below steps to re-create links for those submissions.

How to send email notifications for comments in Drupal 7 with actions & triggers (or the Rules module)

Rules module logo Do you have a Drupal 7 web site? Do you want to get an email when someone comments, so you don't have to check your site all the time? Don't panic! Here's how you do it.

You don't need to install any new modules to do this in Drupal 7. All that's needed is a little configuring and to copy and paste in a short bit of code.

Update: Both the easiest & most powerful way to get these notification emails (in Drupal 6 or 7) is to install and configure the Rules Module. NodeOne has a great set of video tutorials on their site explaining how to use the Rules module. I've also put example code for a Rules-based email notification in the comments to this post for both Drupal 6 and Drupal 7

How to Debug Drupal and LAMP

Atlanta Drupal Users Group logo Using a more scientific method & customer-centric approach to debugging Drupal, rather than randomly trying things, will greatly increase your productivity.

This presentation was given by Robert Ristroph at DrupalCamp Atlanta 2011.

Equally importantly, Rob gives specific tips and tools for debugging common problems in the different parts of a Drupal installation.

If my notes in this post are not enough, you can also watch a video of Rob's similar presentation in June at the Colorado DrupalCamp.

Mobile, Responsive & Adaptive: Tweet archive from DrupalCon London 2011

DrupalCon London logo A big meme at DrupalCon London this year was mobile, so I've arranged the tweets that featured the words "mobile", "responsive" or "adaptive" by the sessions to which they belong. 

Let me know in the comments if I missed any tweets or have placed them with the incorrect session.

Hope you enjoy this archive and that you start getting some Drupal 7 Theming ideas!

Twitter highlights of THATCamp Southeast 2011

conference logo Were you unable to attend THATCamp SE 2011 in Atlanta (March 4-6)? Find twitter streams a bit overwhelming, lacking in context, or chronologically confusing?

Here is your solution: a re-organized, select set of relevant and/or funny tweets for each of the sessions. Please post comments if I've missed (or completely mis-categorized) any particularly good tweets! There's even a list at the bottom of this post of tweets that I couldn't place (your help is welcome!)

I'll also post links to people's notes, blogs and slides.

Twitter highlights for Saturday of the 2010 LITA National Forum


conference logoWere you unable to attend the 2010 LITA National Forum in Atlanta? Find twitter streams a bit overwhelming, lacking in context, or chronologically confusing?

Here is your solution: a re-organized, select set of relevant and/or funny tweets for each of the talks given on Saturday. Please post comments if I've missed any particularly good tweets!

I'll also be posting links to the slides and posters, when I can find them. I've also posted similar summaries for the other days of the LITA conference, including: Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.

Twitter highlights for Friday of the 2010 LITA National Forum

conference logoWere you unable to attend the 2010 LITA National Forum in Atlanta? Find twitter streams a bit overwhelming, lacking in context, or chronologically confusing?

Here is your solution: a re-organized, select set of relevant and/or funny tweets for each of the talks given on Friday. Please post comments if I've missed any particularly good tweets!

I'll also be posting links to the slides, when I can find them. I've also posted similar summaries for the other days of the LITA conference, including: Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Presenting: the "Adelle" theme for Drupal 6

Drupal cms logoWhen I first started blogging back in 2008, I decided to use drupal as the behind-the-scenes software. I'd been in love with it for years, ever since using version 4 at work. But, my goodness, the trials of getting it to look nice!

Herein you will find my journey through 2 themes to this beautiful design you see in front of you now.

DrupalCamp Atlanta SESSIONS - Saturday Sept. 19th

DrupalCamp Atlanta 2009 badgeWill you be attending DrupalCamp at Kennesaw State University?  I will. There are some fascinating sessions being offered.

Saturday, September 19, 2009, 9:15 am to 5:00 pm.

Some of the sessions that look interesting include:

Sharepoint vs. Drupal comparison for library intranets

Here is a quick, brief comparison of Drupal and Sharepoint as options for a library intranet.

Best free software for cheap (I mean, frugal) web developers ...and everyone else

Best free software for: protecting your computer, developing web sites, and having fun/being productive.  I assume you have a Windows machine because they're cheap (unless you're a REAL techie who uses Linux and builds their own computer, in which case, this blog entry is probably beneath you).

Digital rights management and the breakdown of social norms

Abstract: May claims that the ease of copying digital works has sparked an attempt by (largely corporate) owners to enforce their perceived legal rights over the works' digital embodiments with technological tools for digital rights management (DRM). He argues that these DRM technologies have sparked a renewed political debate over the balance of private and public rights in this arena.