Adelle Frank Drupal, genealogy, accessibility, and religion archives geek in Atlanta, Georgia


Where to research the 2017 Georgia Elections (political candidates and ballot questions), with DeKalb county examples

DeKalb County sealQuick and helpful tools for researching candidates and ballot measures for the current elections in Georgia.

Using DeKalb county as an example, I also show you great places to learn more about your local races! With a has a newly-updated quickstart section, this is a detailed follow-up to my introductory post on how to research political candidates.

District-specific 2010 elected offices & incumbents for DeKalb, Georgia

DeKalb County sealFirst, get your own, personalized ballot for this election on Tuesday, November 2!

Second, peruse the research below for places to research the contested races and ballot questions which depend on WHERE YOU LIVE in DeKalb County, GA.

Third, if you're interested, I also wrote a detailed blog post on election research tools, as well-as a post like this one for county-wide elected offices.

Finally, please let me know if I've missed any district-specific elected offices, or if you have any good resources for these races (videos of debates, etc.).

County-wide 2010 elected offices & incumbents for DeKalb, Georgia

Georgia state sealFirst, get your own, personalized ballot for this election on Tuesday, November 2!

Second, peruse the research below for places to learn more about the contested races and ballot questions on which EVERYONE in DeKalb County, GA votes, regardless of where they live in the county.

Next, if you're interested, I also wrote a detailed blog post on election research tools, as well-as a post like this one for district-specific elected offices.

Finally, please let me know if I've missed any county-wide contest races or elected offices, or if you have any good resources for these races (videos of debates, etc.).

Summary of 80 Findings of Fact in Judge Walker's decision on Proposition 8 (Perry V. Schwarzenegger)

Court strikes down Prop 8 Federal Court Judge Walker's soon-to-be famous "80 findings of fact" were hard to scan in their original format, so I removed all those annoying (though, no doubt, necessary) citations and have created a friendlier list.

Walker overturned Proposition 8 because its proponents "fail[ed] to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license."

I could offer my thoughts, but I mostly want to hear yours. What did YOU find interesting about these facts?

How to research political candidates

A follow-up to the checklist of things to do before election day, this post gives an overview of 4 criteria for evaluating political candidates, seeing through distortion techniques, and 5 places voters might find candidate information.

The internet and the 2008 election (Pew)

This report highlights information seeking on the internet, which is becoming an increasingly-used source for voter information. Unfortunately, at the moment, the internet is most useful for national elections. Statewide and, especially, local election information is still difficult to locate on the internet. Local voter advocacy groups would be well-served to focus on sharing their local voter information in the formats and customized for the tasks mentioned below.

Franken's relevant and well-spoken remarks/questions for Sotomayor

Check out CSPAN's 2 videos of Al Franken's initial remarks (which are hearteningly on point and civic-minded), and of Sotomayor's responses to his questions.

DocumentCloud to create open archives for investigative reporting and FOIA documents

Free, somewhat well-tagged access to documents gained by Freedom of Information Act requests and by investigative journalists.

Huge non-profit news coop and web 2.0: a match made in heaven

What are the technological and semantic web possibilities for the recently-formed Investigative News Network?

Online Voter Behavior and Needs: preliminary research

How can web developers make it easier for voters to keep government honest and make informed decisions in the voting booth? To begin to answer this question, I've done a preliminary survey of research on voter information behavior, especially as it relates to online usage.

Georgia healthcare & government go transparent with new web sites

Georgia's Government rolled out two new websites in January, aimed at making government and healthcare more transparent in Georgia:

Track U.S. Congress with a widget or RSS feed

I'm trying out the widget for tracking just those bills and members of Congress in which I am interested.

New president = new design for

As captured on, the new administration has changed the website for the whitehouse.


Overall, I find LexisONE: The Resource for Small Law Firms to be an excellent source for its intended audience (individual attorneys). It may also be useful for voters doing research on candidates who are lawyers or judges.

Voter checklist of things to do before election day

Abstract: A government-provided checklist of things to make sure you've done before election day.