Twitter highlights for Sunday of the 2010 LITA National Forum
Were you unable to attend the 2010 LITA National Forum in Atlanta? Find twitter streams a bit overwhelming, lacking in context, or chronologically confusing?
Here is your solution: a re-organized, select set of relevant and/or funny tweets for each of the talks given on Sunday. Please post comments if I've missed any particularly good tweets!
I'll also be posting links to the slides, when I can find them. I've also posted similar summaries for the other days of the LITA conference, including: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
- Omeka Archives
- Cloud Discovery
- Mobile Patrons
- Managing Staff E-Learning
- Lightning Talks
- Agile Library IT
- Keynote: Linked Library Data Cloud
- Fun memes & thoughts
Crowdsourcing the Archive, Cloudsourcing the Capture: Using Omeka for Collaborative Digital Archives and Exhibits on Campus
Gwen Evans (Bowling Green State University) (Presentation Slides)
- Omeka site at Bowling Green: [varnum]
- Omeka story capture: When the microphone didn't work for audio capture in a loud room, used Google Voice and downloaded an MP3. [varnum]
- A post on Facebook asking students to put their stories into Omeka led to. dozens of stories -- on Facebook. [varnum]
- Gwen Evans: Would be interesting to capture students' iPod playlists [varnum]
- Very compelling tool for digital exhibits : - great presentation by Gwen Evans [frierson]
- Gwen Evans' talk on #omeka was very timely -- I'm thinking about it for our library's online exhibits. Great information. [varnum]
- OH coming out of Gwen Evans' talk on Omeka: "now *that's* why you stay 'til Sunday!" [bmljenny]
- Also, 1st demo in 4 days where use for public libs was *immediately* apparent. My smallish publib could easy pull it off #omeka [mkny13]
Enabling Discovery via the Cloud
Marliese Thomas (Auburn University), Michael Gorrell (EBSCO Publishing)
- CIO from EBSCO talking about their discovery product. CIO? OMG. :) [rulebrit]
Mobile Patrons: Better Services on the Go
Vincci Kwong, Gary Browning (Indiana University - South Bend) (Presentation Slides)
- no tweets :(
E-Learning: Two Approaches to Managing Staff Learning
Pat Carterette (Georgia Public Library Service), Jay Turner (Gwinnett (GA) Public Library)
- the presenters have training from both a large level aka mult lib and single lib cool [wanderingeyre]
- pat and jay are def instructors... we have learning goals for the session! and they asked for perticipation! [wanderingeyre]
- Jay said you need synchronous learning for higher level learning. i disagree. asynch learning can be higher level [wanderingeyre]
- rapid authoring tool for learning courses [wanderingeyre ]
- Jay: "people don't learn from a damn power point slide." Amen! [wanderingeyre]
- rly enjoying the elearning session bc they r well grounded in both tech and learning theory [wanderingeyre]
- In ELearning - can develop software sim modules for practice dealing w/ screaming patrons. Show & do with screencast & sim tool. [beatricepulliam]
- On the use of crazy SFX in elearning: Save the cross fades for your mama... [beatricepulliam]
- Evaluation not end of design phase, it's the beginning. [beatricepulliam]
- Great training prep tips from the great Jay Turner (who just rocked a #litaforum presentation!) RT @alalearning [pbromberg]
Lightning Talks 2
- I'm giving a lighting talk on ResearchRaven. Background [hleman]
- Up early working on ResearchRaven. Lightning talk about it at nine. Here is sampling of today's work on it [hleman]
- Is "skinnability" a word? It is now :) [rulebrit]
- lightning talks 2 - topics include project management, maps, and gimp so far [shortskinylatte]
From Cobbled To Agile: Re-Engineering Library IT
Joan A. Smith PhD (Emory University) (Slides of Presentation)
- Create a business plan for your department. Define what you do. Determine what university does vs lib it - reduce redundancy. [mfrisque]
- Understand staff capacity so you can meet deadlines instead of continually pushing them back. [mfrisque]
- Tried to determine how much time goes into a project, how many people to start vs maintenance, cost for set up, continued support [mfrisque]
- List product requirements, divide into task, est time to complete each task, est resource needs, and org tasks into iterations [mfrisque]
- Cobbled to Agile: Track IT staff hours to calculate costs of individual projects, get comfortable with times needed for projects [ninermac]
- online form for new IT projects goes to approval and must be matched to SPECIFIC part of strategic plan [ninermac]
- "developer points"= what a developer can accomplish in 2 hours [ninermac]
- The use Scrum for planning each iteration. Each project is broken down into requirements that take no more than 2 hours. [mfrisque]
- "we're a small shop of 8 software ppl" JEALOUS, we are begging provost for ONE programmer to help me :) [ninermac]
- if ppl are upset about close hour tracking or a formal process for new projects say "no blame, just gain" [ninermac]
Closing General Session: The Linked Library Data Cloud: it's time to stop thinking and start linking
Ross Singer (Video)
- Frightened by final presenter's slide prep... [dleonard]
- Anecdotally, I'd say wikipedia's bio pages are consistently least accurate ones #linkedlibdata [mkny13]
- "silos of strings" no context for important links between metadata [mkny13]
- @rsinger focuses on limits imposed by siloed data, fragile identifiers that enable interoperability between repositories/siloes [alncornish]
- @rsinger "we have siloes of siloes attached together by very strings" [alncornish]
- I think we just took metadata to the fourth dimension. [julian2]
- @rsinger cites WorldCat Identities: service (with limits) that provides context in siloed environments [alncornish]
- i admit i'm a music fanatic but let's get past the fandom & on to the ideas & suggestions. [ncolyar]
- I see what would need more work - better indexing, clearer mapping, open standards, and a lot more metadata with better workflow. [julian2]
- I have a hard time believing that any solution relying on more detailed metadata has a chance in realworld (sadly) [mkny13]
- Ross is blowing my mind. [griffey]
- Short version: fun with hyperlinks! [mkny13]
- Iiiiinteresting example title . . . :) [mkny13]
- Once Google can fully harness linked data, all our existence are belong to Google. Currently, Google model is largely strings. [julian2]
- re:Google p0wns us--Is that good or bad? [mkny13 @julian2]
- Oh, how I <3 RDF! [adellefrank]
- I love listening to people that are leagues smarter than me. [griffey]
- @rsinger hits RDF, central to his linked data presentation [alncornish]
- BIBO vocabulary for describing citations, used with RDF [adellefrank]
- quotes LC reprt ( ) re bib description, libs "make use of the data created by others in the supply chain" [ alncornish]
- Library of Congress has linked data for some collections. Used OAI-ORE for harvesting collections of things [adellefrank]
- ross is so smart he is making my head hurt. his talk is excellent [wanderingeyre]
- Linked data makes metadata cataloguing more distributed. [adellefrank]
- Library of Congress permalink service. [adellefrank]
- key player in linked data.[adellefrank]
- LC provides cool URIs for HTML biblio records (can then be harvested) [adellefrank]
- IFLA creating vocabs for FRBR, etc. Has a semantic web working group. [adellefrank]
- We've already got biblio records. What we need to do is ONLY add identifiers [adellefrank]
- could using linked data make browsing between records doable and replace shelf browsing? [wanderingeyre]
- Easy places to start adding ids = name authority files [adellefrank]
- another player in semantic web. [adellefrank]
- Of course, doing so could only be described as "freebasing." That's unfortunate ;) [mkny13]
- Call to Action for Librarians re: Semantic web - start adding identifiers (HTTP URIs) to resources/records! [adellefrank]
- @rsinger cites dbpedia, a linked data version of wikipedia [alncornish]
- It's browsing in the way it's so much fun to browse wikipedia [mkny13]
- Freebase uses games to get blank fields filled in. [adellefrank]
- Anyone have a link for the male or female Wikipedia game that Ross SInger just mentioned? [libsmatter]
- RT @libsmatter Anyone have a link for the Wikipedia game that Ross Singer just mentioned? [htomren]
- This does feel like wikipediazation of catalog. In a good way. Links to links to links [mkny13]
Wishing Ross had been earlier in the conference, so much to digest [jeanphilli]
- string^context = entry point into linked data cloud? [julian2]
- OCLC & doing a lot of work re: semantic web. [adellefrank]
- need for increasing contextualization in discovery (who a person is influenced by|who s/he influenced); identifiers are central [ alncornish]
- Concept and potential application of linked data is fascinating. Thanks Ross for awesome keynote. [vacekrae]
- Someone asked yesterday if we young turks thought it was a good time to be a librarian. This is reason why it is. [mkny13]
- shout out [adellefrank]
- W3C to-do, environmental scan of vocabularies, etc. needs published. [adellefrank]
- shout out for extensible catalog ( from ross singer [adellefrank]
- Excellent closing keynote from Ross Singer. Finally think I grok linked data. [varnum]
Fun Memes & Closing Thoughts
- Here are some names just to note in Open Science: Cameron Neylon, Jean-Claude Bradley, Michael Nielsen, Jonathan Eisen. Thinkers! [hleman]
- Antony Williams' ChemSpider is an example of what started as a labor of love and has since boomed. We can make things like that! [hleman]
- Other names of note in Open Science Martin Fenner, the science librarian Dorothea Salo Egon Willighagen [hleman]
- ScienceOnline is a key conference on the subject of Open Science. See planning wiki for overview of subject [hleman]
- One more morning of head in the clouds, foot on the server ... [dleonard]
- Due to popular demand, I've uploaded my paper AND poster on Web Design with Brain in Mind for #litaforum [adellefrank]
- Looking for a good read on your way home? [RschDev]
- Things not seen at #litaforum : knitting in the audience [acbtanya]
- I brought knitting but knew I'd want to take notes! RT @acbtanya Things not seen at #litaforum : knitting in the audience [jenmasc]
- Things not seen at #litaforum : consistently working, widely available wifi [mkny13]
- Wow, Hilton Atlanta nor equipped for mass simultaneous two-convention checkout. Hello Ross. [rulebrit]
- Thank you LITA for an excellent forum. It's nice to spend time with your tribe. [RschDev]
- met a guybrarian from Chicago with a Detroit Techno Militia sticker on his laptop. Small world! [beatricepulliam]
- Turns out i like grits. Who knew?! [ninermac]
- @beatricepulliam from 313 nice meeting you. youll like this #littlewhiteearbuds [ kj_hubbard]
- good mix for your trip home lita conf. attendees via #soundcloud [kj_hubbard]
- I tried to get them to use #roysucks during my keynote at #litaforum, but nobody took me up on it. [rsinger @rtennant]
- Kudos to all the moms-to-be who braved the hotel chairs, and congrats to the new dad whose baby came during #litaforum [ninermac]
Gwen Evans
Twitter highlights
Thanks for doing this, it was extremely useful (and fun) -- I've linked this from my probationary faculty eportfolio for my evaluators who are less familiar with twitter. And it was much easier to get a sense of the overall session from the highlights you provided. Hope you keep doing it for future LITAs!
Adelle Frank
Link specifically to your session on these twitter summary pages
I'm glad this concatenation was useful! It was my pleasure to post this homage to all y'all's excellent presentations...hope to see you presenting again at next year's LITA!
If you want to link DIRECTLY to your presentation on this page, copy the link from the gray table of contents that links to YOUR presentation. Just in case you don't want your faculty evaluation committee to have to sort through everyone else's presentation summaries, too. :)