Twitter highlights of THATCamp Southeast 2011
Were you unable to attend
THATCamp SE 2011 in Atlanta (March 4-6)? Find twitter streams a bit overwhelming,
lacking in context, or chronologically confusing?
Here is your solution: a re-organized, select set of relevant and/or funny tweets for each of the sessions. Please post comments if I've missed (or completely mis-categorized) any particularly good tweets! There's even a list at the bottom of this post of tweets that I couldn't place (your help is welcome!)
I'll also post links to people's notes, blogs and slides.
- Help Me Place these Tweets
- Bootcamp
- Day One (1)
- Day Two (2)
- Fun memes & thoughts
- Planning: We love logistics
- Other Peoples' Summaries
Bootcamp - Morning
Introduction to Programming using Python & Django (Scott Turnbull)
Scott Turnbull posted his python & django notes.
- Installing new software for tomorrow's @THATCamp_SE bootcamp. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 03 at 21:19]
- Just relieved that it wasn't me with the first set of technical difficulties that brought everything to a halt #programmingtrack #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 09:23]
- Hello World. Now I'm not cursed forever, apparently. #thatcamp [mugalynn on March 04 at 09:26]
- RT @adellefrank: zen of #python = best mission statement EVER. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 09:27]
- I have just appeased the programming gods #helloworld #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 04 at 09:27]
- It's hard to pay attention to the #python lesson, take notes on the #python lesson, and tweet about the #python lesson. #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 09:55]
- RT@mugalynn If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it must be a duck #thatcamp #python #ducktyping [adellefrank on March 04 at 09:56]
- RT @adellefrank: Uh, oh. #python assumes I know what I'm talking about - Yikes! #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 09:58]
- @adellefrank Is #python giving us authority?! I am so not used to that. #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 09:58]
- Quack. QUACK. Qu. #ducktyping #thatcamp #python [tassietheg on March 04 at 09:59]
- It's dark in here RT @iantrevor: #Programmingtrack is in the innermost doll of the Russian doll. #THATCamp [erinsells on March 04 at 09:59]
- RT @jillheather: @Scrivenings Could you blog about SQL instead? That would be useful. // maybe after Django #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 10:15]
- #encapsulation matters #python 4 scholars: EZ 2 change way you capitalize/process doc titles, if 1 function does ONLY this. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 10:29]
- RT @adellefrank: Since we're near HQ of #wafflehouse , that should be 'covered, smothered hash browns' for print food.title() #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 10:44]
- #google heavily invested in #python lots of #tutorials #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 10:45]
- Google YouTube tutorials on #python 'Beginning Guide' #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 10:45]
- Beginner's guide for python for non-programmers: #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 10:46]
- #python intro code will be posted to #thatcamp website Hurrah @scottTurnbull ! [adellefrank on March 04 at 10:47]
- \Go to lunch with a programmer. Figure out how to talk to a programmer.\ #THATCamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 10:47]
- \You should go to lunch with programmers occasionally. Get to know them.\: Scott Turnbull #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 10:48]
- @iantrevor That sounds like a bad pickup line a programmer would use. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 10:48]
- When I finally got my coin to flip between DC and Seattle, it chose DC #python #thatcamp #cliffjumping [erinsells on March 04 at 11:14]
- Great - it's Python night with my kid! MT @iantrevor: Invent with Python: free ebook: build games in #python #THATCamp [candace_nast on March 04 at 11:15]
- RT @Scrivenings: I just made python flip a coin for me 100 times. I'm a digital humanist now. #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 04 at 11:21]
- Can't install Django on my loaner laptop b/c I'm not a superuser. :( #thatcamp #programmingtrack [Scrivenings on March 04 at 11:23]
- OTOH, hand will be free for tweeting now that i'm just looking over @erinsells shoulder. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 11:24]
- Scott is explaining #django #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 11:25]
- 10 years is AGES in dig humanities programming #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 11:26]
- RT @k_wade_a: @iantrevor Great free book for learning Python and programming #THATCamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 11:27]
- Django! Frameworks! #thatcamp [tassietheg on March 04 at 11:28]
- Avoid Ruby on Rails like the plague #thatcamp [mugalynn on March 04 at 11:41]
- \My advice is avoid Ruby on Rails like the plague. But Django is so much better documented.\ #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 11:42]
- \Avoid Ruby on Rails like the plague!\ @scottturnbull Bad documentation, versions, etc. Use #python &#django #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 11:42]
- @erinsells: When I finally got my coin to flip between DC and Seattle, it chose DC #python #thatcamp #cliffjumping // getting my hopes up [trevorknoblich on March 04 at 11:45]
- RT @ewagoner: @Scrivenings Wow. Was that the instructor? I would give the exact opposite advice. // #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 11:46]
- @Scrivenings @iantrevor One of the best parts of my time @ Emory was having lunch with the programmers, especially Scott Turnbull! #thatcamp [amandafrench on March 04 at 11:46]
- Important concept = Unit tests. Can sink u on scholarly projects w external developers! #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 11:54]
- Programmers are going to wonder why they are suddenly so popular. And always booked for lunch. #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 11:59]
- I bet they eat dinner, too! #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 11:59]
- Recommended FUN reading for why URLs / URIs should be STABLE. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 12:06]
- Scott Turnbull: URL design is among the biggest oversights in design of scholarly resources #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 04 at 12:06]
- recommends a Berners-Lee article, \Cool URIs don't change,\ as background on the topic #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 04 at 12:07]
- \you don't want to expose your data willy-nilly to your users.\ #that'swhatshesaid #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 12:08]
- Why Django > Ruby. RT @Scrivenings: \you don't want to expose your data willy-nilly to your users.\ #thatswhatshesaid #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 12:10]
- Fighting words.RT @adellefrank: Why Django > Ruby. RT @Scrivenings: \you don't want to expose your data willy-nilly to your users.\#thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 12:14]
- @Scrivenings lol! #thatcamp [triproftri on March 04 at 12:16]
- Bring it on, @briancroxall ! Fighting words. \Why Django > Ruby...\ #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 12:16]
- Considering quitting #thatcamp tweeting. I'm not going to top the \that's what she said\ joke. #doiquitwhilei'mahead? [Scrivenings on March 04 at 12:26]
- Scott Turnbull just offered to build me a database &website in 2 days for cost of a lunch. #heshouldbemorecarefulaboutpromising #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 12:28]
- Scott Turnball: \In Python, if you type more than five lines you're probably doing it wrong. #THATCamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 12:31]
- #THATCamp programming track: [iantrevor on March 04 at 12:33]
- #thatcamp building a poo-etry portal with django... [cartandy on March 04 at 12:44]
- \Don't make them make you be an expert.\" #THATCamp" [iantrevor on March 04 at 12:52]
- Scott Turnbull stresses if you contact out programming, insist on unit testing for your project. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 12:52]
- \key to programming: you just have to accept that it's turtles all the way down.\" #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 04 at 12:54]
- RT @Scrivenings Scott Turnbull stresses unit testing by external programmers. #thatcamp Get ahead of future NSF data requirements. [adellefrank on March 04 at 12:54]
- UNIT TESTING IS VERY IMPORTANT.--Scott Turnbull #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 12:55]
- RT @pfyfe: Scott Turnbull: URL design is among the biggest oversights in design of scholarly resources #thatcamp // I know @dancohen agrees. [thatcamp on March 04 at 12:56]
- 2011, Ruby On Rails becomes self aware, becomes to enamored with it's own reflection to pose a threat to anyone. Life goes on. #thatcamp [Streamweaver on March 04 at 14:04]
- Scott Turnbull is on Twitter: @Streamweaver #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 14:36]
- For @adellefrank: BeatifulSoup does amazing Python things with ugly ugly HTML. Learn it and love it. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 09:08]
- The more I hear people talk, the more I think every humanist working in a digital world should learn a little Python. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 15:23]
- For #thatcamp python bootcampers RT @ericaendicott FYI, PyCon is in Atlanta this weekend: #fb [adellefrank on Mar 9 at 7:32]
Visualizing Time and Space with Simile Widgets and Google (Brian Croxall)
Phoebe Acheson posted her notes on the Timelines Assignment.
- @briancroxall just gave me the power to make up dates on a timeline., That's power. . and fiction at #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 09:24]
- @briancroxall at work #thatcamp bootcamp [RandyGue on March 04 at 09:27]
- Realtime html editor--awesome tool for an HTML newbie #thatcamp [astonesc on March 04 at 09:55]
- I hate it when @briancroxall is right. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 09:57]
- @Scrivenings What is @briancroxall right about? #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 09:58]
- I am eerily thrilled that @briancroxall doesn't have ALL the answers. This is a good start so I don't feel so lost and alone #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 10:14]
- Utter, tragic fail with my timeline BootCamp. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 10:26]
- @briancroxall is a #thatcamp warrior fighting through whatever obstacles stand in his way. [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 10:29]
- For truth. And humility. RT @RebeccaOling: I am eerily thrilled that @briancroxall doesn't have ALL the answers. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 10:56]
- I just figured out what I broke in my timeline overview this morning. Smart quotation marks vs. plain ones. GAH!! #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 04 at 13:14]
- @briancroxall has #tigerblood. Way to redeem yourself! #thatcamp #WINNING [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 12:29]
- Smart Quotes aren't, the lesson of #ThatCamp [afamiglietti on March 05 at 12:29]
- @briancroxall hacked himself and humbled me again. drats. #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 12:29]
Teaching with the Cloud (Wayne Morse and Chris Fearington)
- ECIT philosophy: pedagogy should dictate to technology, not other way around = only philosophy for digital humanities pedagogy #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 09:23]
- RT @lawnsports: Amen! #blackboard_you_suck RT: @h_martin22: Everybody hates Blackboard #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 10:09]
- \we don't live in an ideal world... A question you'll often ask yourself is 'Am I making this too complicated for myself?'\ #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 10:14]
- The answer to that question is \yes, you are.\ #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 10:14]
- New post: \Use GoogleDocs for Crowd-Sourced Notes\ (via @ProfHacker) #DHapi #THATCamp [georgeonline on March 04 at 11:22]
Visualizing Course Content (Wayne Morse and Chris Fearington)
- \When using technology, think about the scale of your class.\ Indeed. #pedagogy #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 10:28]
- For everyone in the pedagogy track of #thatcamp, here's a great motion chart YouTube video: re: Chris's talk. [allistelling on March 04 at 11:23]
The Civil War Papers Project I: Intro to Encoding Texts with TEI (Alice Hickox)
- 19th century handwriting is so lovely, even if the writer has no command of grammar. TEI encoding civil war letters at #thatcamp [classicslib on March 04 at 10:59]
- I'm realizing that encoding a document is a form of interpretation. There are interpretive decisions along the way. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 11:23]
- @THATcamp So, that's one blog post topic generated this morning at #thatcamp and I haven't even made it to lunch. [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 11:48]
- totally geeked out on text encoding of civil war letters #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 12:13]
- I am geeking out over TEI and doc description! This is so cool, like an information treasure hunt. #thatcamp [rswharton on March 04 at 12:35]
- #thatcamp has a nasty poltergeist that trashes the best laid plans, but not the learning! [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 12:45]
- Nice. RT @RebeccaOling: the letter I've been encoding from Henry Creydenwise to his folks #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 04 at 14:08]
Engaging Students through Digital Storytelling (Wayne Morse and Chris Fearington)
- @billiehara Meeting? Reading? It's all interpretation. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 11:44]
- RT @h_martin22: Can't assume that students know how to use different technologies. #thatcamp #fb [iantrevor on March 04 at 11:52]
- \Incorporating technology can change classroom hierarchy. Instead of producing for teacher, producing/creating for peers.\ #thatcamp #fb [h_martin22 on March 04 at 11:58]
- With the variety of techy things we are exploring at #thatcamp, I am still reminded of how cool something simple like Wordle is. [allistelling on March 04 at 12:04]
- @allistelling There's a really awesome blog post on using Wordle to read Milton's Paradise Lost - but I can't find it now. :( #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 04 at 12:27]
- #thatcamp @allistelling Ped. track: Site for my Blake class (w/projects, syllabus, student posts &tweets. [rogerwhitson on March 04 at 12:30]
- @cfearrin Thank you! For reminding me of how awesome the 1-in-8-million NYT stories are. Fantastic. #thatcamp [allistelling on March 04 at 12:33]
- #thatcamp Twitter really making me think hard about the differences between here (ped track) and there (prog. track). Interesting. [allistelling on March 04 at 12:39]
- #thatcamp ped. track, Emory Center for Interactive Teaching's page on digital storytelling: [allistelling on March 04 at 12:50]
- #thatcamp ped. track, @cfearrin recommended looking at the 1-in-8-million project relative to digital storytelling: [allistelling on March 04 at 12:55]
Bootcamp - Afternoon
The Civil War Papers Project II: Intro to GIS (Michael Page)
Phoebe Acheson posted her notes on this Google Earth experience.
- Hope there's a nap break. This morning's been intense! #thatcamp [remaindered on March 04 at 12:30]
- Oops, no, that's a *map* break. GIS after lunch! #thatcamp [remaindered on March 04 at 12:32]
- Getting a Google Earth overview #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 14:04]
- GIS guru Michael Page @waypoints is taking us through Google Earth. #thatcamp [RandyGue on March 04 at 14:08]
- Google Earth is on the agenda at the DH BootCamp track this afternoon. #thatcamp [rswharton on March 04 at 14:09]
- So keyhole inc, used spy satellites to produce what became googl earth. I'm not sure how I feel about this. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 14:09]
- Getting started with the GIS BootCamp being led by @EmoryLibraries GIS librarian Michael Page. (@waypoints) #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 14:13]
- I learned what a smoot is: Thanks, #thatcamp! [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 14:41]
- Apparently there's a unit of measurement called the \smoot\": And you can use it in Google Earth. Learning at #thatcamp" [briancroxall on March 04 at 14:43]
- #thatcamp gr8 urban anth or soc activity ides--stdents use google earth to compare pedestrian walkways [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 14:55]
- RT @rebeccaonion: this is cool: us board on geographic names has list of Places That No Longer Exist #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 15:20]
- Imagining how google earth would make a British East India companyman's head explode. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 15:26]
- That's been my favorite part so far. RT @briancroxall: Wrapping the whole earth in historical maps from the Rumsey collection. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 15:27]
- @waypoints gets applause for \I called the local library\" to find an old courthouse. #thatcamp" [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 15:28]
- MT@briancroxall unit of measurement \smoot\" #thatcamp // based on MIT prank. Oliver Smoot became ANSI chair, ISO prez #prankiography" [shermandorn on March 04 at 17:08]
- Coolest random geeky thing I learned at #thatcamp yesterday: the smoot. [classicslib on March 05 at 09:11]
Introduction to Content Management Systems: WordPress, Drupal, Omeka (Tim Bryson, Andy Famiglietti, Roger Whitson)
Tim Bryson's Google Doc on Drupal: #thatcamp [mugalynn on March
04 at 14:13]
- @afamiglietti asks which CMSs people are curious about. Lots of hands for WordPress, but I think @Omeka won. #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 04 at 14:12]
- Finally made it to #thatcamp - watching @rogerwhitson and @afamiglietti present on Word present on Wordpress [ktcrow on March 04 at 14:12]
- I love imagining everything I will be able to do with these CMS without Blackboard weighing me down. #thatcamp #CMS #blackboardsucks [erinsells on March 04 at 14:32]
- Teaching with technology: want collaboration? wiki. want posts? blog. want pages? drupal. want artifacts? omeka. #thatcamp #learningalot [jackiewyse on March 04 at 14:34]
- @rogerwhitson said: Before you get into some tech, you need to know what you want from it. #THATCamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 14:34]
- Tell Us? IN 140 Char @afamiglietti I can jump in, tho' I'm far from an expert. #thatcamp [whatmakesexpert on March 04 at 14:34]
- RT @jackiewyse: Tchng w tech: want collaboration? wiki. want posts? blog. want pages? drupal. want artifacts? omeka. #thatcamp #learningalot [miriamkp on March 04 at 14:36]
- Helpful! MT @jackiewyse -Teaching w/ tech: want collaboration? wiki. want posts? blog. want pages? drupal. want artifacts? omeka. #thatcamp [ktcrow on March 04 at 14:40]
- RT @ktcrow: Helpful! MT @jackiewyse -Teaching w/ tech: want collaboration? wiki. want posts? blog. want pages? drupal. want artifacts? omeka. #thatcamp [niathena on March 04 at 14:40]
- RT @jackiewyse: Teaching with technology: want collaboration? wiki. want posts? blog. want pages? drupal. want artifacts? omeka. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 14:42]
- @jackiewyse What do you mean by \artifacts\"? #thatcamp" [erinsells on March 04 at 14:43]
- @iantrevor I think the #thatcamp_puppy is lost somewhere in the #drupal tables. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 14:55]
- RT @Scrivenings \#Drupal ~ free puppy...lot of maintenance.\" RT @lawnsports can abandon it @ someone else's doorstep when it's old #thatcamp" [adellefrank on March 04 at 14:56]
- Artifacts = collection of digital assets! Yay @miriamkp! Thanks for the definition! And omeka is a digital exhibition space. #thatcamp [jackiewyse on March 04 at 14:57]
- #thatcamp Entendres aside, the backend of these systems define them. Access to the backend is either a pain or freedom depending on yr goal. [allistelling on March 04 at 14:57]
- @thatcamp_se Have y'all shown off how easy it is to make a basic #drupal 7 site on - no backend required? #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 14:57]
- \Omeka is created to be an exhibition space, to display a collection of digital assets.\" #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 04 at 14:57]
- @billiehara the #thatcamp_puppy will now surely cost me hours in #photoshop #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 14:58]
- @adellefrank You should show us tomorrow! #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 04 at 14:58]
- \Anything can be an artifact on Omeka\" says @miriamkp #thatcamp" [ktcrow on March 04 at 14:58]
- RT @lawnsports: @iantrevor I think the #thatcamp_puppy is lost somewhere in the #drupal tables. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 14:58]
- Learning about Omeka: good way to display artifacts; digital collection space #thatcamp #fb [h_martin22 on March 04 at 14:59]
- loving Miriam's explanation of @omeka! #thatcamp [QBGPhotography on March 04 at 14:59]
- Go @miriamkp! RT @QBGPhotography: loving Miriam's explanation of @omeka! #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 14:59]
- \To take Omeka to the next level, people create a narrative experience.\"-@miriamkp #thatcamp" [iantrevor on March 04 at 15:15]
- Sounds like @miriamkp is tearing it up talking about Omeka. What's awesome is that she's ad libbing! #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 15:16]
- Me too! MT @Scrivenings Contemplating creating an Omeka site for my photography to replace my crappy, crappy, crappy [tumblr] site #thatcamp [QBGPhotography on March 04 at 15:16]
- @briancroxall I think @miriamkp should do my segment at 4 and I'll take notes! #thatcamp [remaindered on March 04 at 15:17]
- Learning how to build an exhibit in Omeka - @miriamkp giving a really helpful walk-through. #thatcamp [ktcrow on March 04 at 15:19]
- Advantage of using a content management system instead of html from scratch: updating/revising is easier. #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 04 at 15:25]
- Why do people think we're past RSS? I'd be dead in the water w/o RSS. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 15:28]
- CMS also has advantage of interoperability with applications and other collections. #cms #html #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 04 at 15:28]
- Second. RT @lawnsports: Why do people think we're past RSS? I'd be dead in the water w/o RSS. #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 15:29]
- That sounds negative... RT @pfyfe: a phrase to think about: \the power of defaults\" #thatcamp" [erinsells on March 04 at 15:31]
- RT @h_martin22: The backend of drupal is scary. #thatcamp #fb [Streamweaver on March 04 at 15:34]
- @iantrevor @lawnsports for the record, I love &use RSS, I just keep hearing that it is \dead\" #thatcamp" [afamiglietti on March 04 at 15:38]
- @afamiglietti Fair enough. I just hope it isn't really. #thatcamp #RSSnotdead [lawnsports on March 04 at 15:39]
- I think @ProfHacker needs an \RSS is Dead! Long Live RSS!\" post. #thatcamp" [samplereality on March 04 at 15:39]
- #thatcamp awesome photo round the corner of child Woodruff in clown-style bowtie [cartandy on March 04 at 15:41]
- @afamiglietti That's fair. I can't imagine what someone would replace RSS with. #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 15:42]
- Drupal is as scary as you make it... so don't. You probably need wordpress, omeka or joomla instead though. #thatcamp [Streamweaver on March 04 at 15:45]
- French press photo makes a great modern art statement in #omeka. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 16:17]
The Civil War Papers Project III: Presenting Research (and its Metadata) on the Web (Chris Pollette, Kim Durante, Laura Akerman)
- wondering, will people stay awake for metadata? #thatcamp [lake44 on March 04 at 14:13]
- Dublin Core sounds like a great name for a punk band. #omeka #thatcamp \We are Dublin Core! Goodnight, Chicago!!!\"" [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 16:29]
- RT @michaeljaltman: Bumper sticker idea: \Be kind. Use metadata.\" #thatcamp" [miriamkp on March 04 at 16:44]
- RT @Scrivenings: RT @MichaelJAltman: Dublin Core sounds like a great name for a punk band. #omeka #thatcamp \We are Dublin Core! Goodnight, Chicago!!!\"" [mbtimney on March 04 at 16:44]
- The theme of the whole day today (in the DH project track) is the process of turning information into knowledge. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 16:47]
- RT @MichaelJAltman: Dublin Core sounds like a great name for a punk band. #omeka #thatcamp \We are Dublin Core! Goodnight, Chicago!!!\"" [amyeetx on March 04 at 16:48]
- Is there some marker in Dublin, Ohio that lets tourists know it was the birthplace of dublin core? #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 16:55]
- First mention I've heard of @zotero at #thatcamp BootCamp. [iantrevor on March 04 at 16:56]
- Yay! Whiteboards! My favorite display tech #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 04 at 16:58]
- \those are going to give #omeka a headache...well, if it had a head.\" #thatcamp" [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 17:01]
- Building a community collection through contribution plug-in for #omeka. That's an awesome idea. #thatcamp. [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 17:03]
- Tags at #thatcamp Omeka/metadata workshop: civil war, bunnies. [shermandorn on March 04 at 17:03]
- Omeka has plug-ins for allowing public contributions, controlled vocab for metadata, etc. #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 04 at 17:05]
- @shermandorn The Union weaponized bunnies in the first year of the war. #thatcamp #littleknownfact [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 17:05]
- forgot how much i loved the Dublin Core. We're back together, again. #thatcamp [kimtruck on March 04 at 17:08]
- If you're at Manuel's after #thatcamp, find someone who got their civil war letter up on the #omeka collection and buy them a beer. [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 17:08]
- going to go home and start making @omeka archives galore #thatcamp [rebeccaonion on March 04 at 17:23]
- @mugalynn Depends on the ontology. FOAF insists that the target of a foaf:knows relation be a Person. Closed-minded ol’ FOAF. #thatcamp [justben on March 04 at 17:44]
Creating a Web Presence for Yourself or Your Projects (Miriam Posner, Stewart Varner, Brian Croxall)
- Online presence is starting now in the Jones room #thatcamp [StewartVarner on March 04 at 15:38]
- RT @StewartVarner: Online presence is starting now in the Jones room #thatcamp // going ahead without @briancroxall, that reprobate. [Scrivenings on March 04 at 15:49]
- web presence is as much about personal disambiguation as self promotion #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 04 at 15:52]
- LinkedIn - It's like an Omeka made of people!! #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 04 at 15:58]
- @briancroxall is now talking about #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 15:58]
- Instructors create bridge from in-class discussion to online, outside of class student community. #thatcamp [buzzdad on March 04 at 16:13]
- own the internet: check the availability / consistency of your username #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 04 at 16:13]
- Or bumps up your name. #thatcamp #grammar #fb [h_martin22 on March 04 at 16:14]
- @cscannella fun fact: your gastrointestinal problems are onscreen at #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 04 at 16:15]
- RT @pfyfe Brian Croxall: signing up for Twitter was the single best thing I did for my academic career #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 04 at 16:15]
- Following the folks downstairs' discussion of twitter on twitter. That's meta. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 16:15]
- RT @pfyfe: Brian Croxall: signing up for Twitter was the single best thing I did for my academic career #thatcamp [amyeetx on March 04 at 16:16]
- Though the LOC is getting all of our tweets, @twitter may be making it more difficult to use for scholars: #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 16:17]
- Twitter: I like it when people randomly enter into conversations with me or my students. #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 04 at 16:18]
- if i knew i was gonna be on a screen at #thatcamp, i would have livetweeted my installing the new toilet seat from earlier. [cscannella on March 04 at 16:19]
- \Twitter is like passing notes in class.\" @mugalynn on tweeting at #thatcamp" [iantrevor on March 04 at 16:23]
- #thatcamp i just posted on facebook that I'm tweeting a conference for the first time.... [cartandy on March 04 at 16:26]
- #thatcamp the ideological move of not talking about social media as performance, being compelled to perform... [cartandy on March 04 at 16:28]
- facebook only allows one name change? man, people are gonna stay together for the facebook URL #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 04 at 16:47]
- RT @afamiglietti: facebook only allows one name change? man, people are gonna stay together for the facebook URL #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 04 at 16:48]
- @briancroxall is it okay to be in a relationship with some(thing) other than a person? #thatcamp [mugalynn on March 04 at 16:49]
- ugh, #thatcamp is telling me I really have to get around to maintaining my website and censoring my twitter [afamiglietti on March 04 at 16:49]
- \you've already failed if you're an academic &you're in some sort of relationship with another human being.\" #thatcamp #wisdom" [Scrivenings on March 04 at 16:50]
- first tweet ever. thanks #thatcamp [AlyssaStalsberg on March 04 at 16:56]
- Woot! RT @AlyssaStalsberg: first tweet ever. thanks #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 04 at 17:33]
Day One (1)
Day 1 - Morning
Messy DH
Michael Altman posted the Group-edited notes. He also posted the document from the breakout session on generating blog post topics relating to these messes at 2:30 in RM756 (which turned into Digital Impact, instead of Mess).
- RT @rswharton: \Messy DH,\" considering ethics, environmental impact, access, and how they play into our integration of tech #thatcamp" [erinsells on March 05 at 10:25]
- RT @rogerwhitson: Interested in what it means to model a humanities approach to messy problems. Does that mean critique? collaboration? access? #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 10:55]
- RT @michaeljaltman: There's a difference between academic freedom and academic independence. One can be free and part of a community. #thatcamp #messydh [iantrevor on March 05 at 10:55]
- #thatcamp #messydh Frustrating to realize that, as we brainstorm solutions, we are caught in the cycle of institutions that are the cause. [allistelling on March 05 at 11:23]
- #thatcamp #messydh Can't get away from the concrete solutions that BCampbell and @MichaelJAltman have suggested. Less bytes, more humans. [allistelling on March 05 at 11:24]
- RT @MichaelJAltman: Messy DH: I'm seeing two approaches that can be combined: Teach the Mess. Act on the Mess. #thatcamp [erinsells on March 05 at 11:25]
- @allistelling #thatcamp #messydh Maybe bytes/humans is a false delimma? Perhaps how do we humanize bytes? #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 11:27]
- Pedagogy-minded suffrage re tenure and promotion. #thatcamp #messydh [iantrevor on March 05 at 11:44]
- DH answers would be one place to deploy these ideas. I still think we need something else that really outlines the mess. #thatcamp #messydh [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 11:49]
- Might be a good starting place for a pedagogical social network? #thatcamp #messydh [iantrevor on March 05 at 11:51]
- RT @amndw2: I'm totally up for this!RT @pfyfe: I want subject librarians to become ProfHackers for their disciplines #thatcamp | yes! [writingortyping on March 05 at 12:08]
- RT @rogerwhitson @michaeljaltman a ProfHacker-Hacker session? #messydh #thatcamp // hear, hear [shermandorn on March 05 at 12:25]
- Mess hacker breakout session RM756 right now. How do we think ab access, ethics, etc. of dh #thatcamp #messydh [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 14:30]
- The room of requirements at Emory even has a white board! (well, it's grey) #thatcamp #messhacker [iantrevor on March 05 at 14:57]
- RT @MichaelJAltman DH messes became Digital Impact. #thatcamp #messydh cc @georgiawebgurl [georgiawebgurl on March 05 at 16:58]
- Recommended reading re: Chinese electronics manufacturing for those at messy DH session at #thatcamp SE #digimpact [michaeljaltman on March 10 at 11:49]
Digital Piles: Are Collections Useful? (Andy Carter)
Phoebe Acheson's summary post: Making Digital Collections Work for the Scholar [classicslib on March 10 at 9:21]
Sexy Good Web Design (Adelle Frank)
I posted my hilarious funny poster & paper, as well as a summary of tweets and reading recommendations from my phenomenally fabulous session:
- Progressive reveal is great @adellefrank #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 10:26]
- I'm the newbie in the Web design class, hoping to figure out how to make my religion and travel stuff look cool online. #thatcamp [bbrazil on March 05 at 10:29]
- Something friends at #thatcamp se might like: 8 Essential Web Typography Resources: [foundhistory on March 05 at 10:57]
- People stress over click counts. People will click as much as necessary, so long as they feel like they're getting closer. [Note by presenter: called "information scent"]. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 10:58]
- Adelle Frank is doing such a great job running the Web design class #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 11:27]
- Web design - Should all links be underlined? What are some other ways to indicate that there's a link? #thatcamp [subversiveone2 on March 05 at 11:27]
- @miriamkp Yes, @adellefrank is the bomb. #thatcamp [amandafrench on March 05 at 11:27]
- @miriamkp Wish I could be two places at the same time! But I figured I can bother @adellefrank a later time. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 05 at 11:28]
- RT with handle: @adellefrank is doing such a great job running the Web design class #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 11:28]
- @adellefrank recommends Debolt et al., Interact with Web Standards as the next step for budding web designers #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 11:43]
- A List Apart ( also recommended for new web designers #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 11:44]
- @adellefrank also recommends Designing with the Mind in Mind #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 11:45]
Digital Images
- I think we need to about asserting educators' rights to use images in scholarship under the Fair Use doctrine. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 05 at 10:25]
- Need to have an awareness of who owns the technology we use. Proprietary/Open-Access issues. #thatcamp[rogerwhitson on March 05 at 10:26]
- I think we need to be more aggressive about asserting educators' rights to use images in scholarship under the Fair Use doctrine. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 05 at 10:26]
Sherman Dorn posted notes from this session. And I decided to move @tedfriedman's Hegemony game pitch from the lunch dork shorts here, because it is SO topically appropriate.
- and now, for the twitter-pokemon phase of #ThatCamp #GottaCatchEmAll [afamiglietti on March 04 at 15:39]
- @afamiglietti Darn. I thought it was time Magik cards? #thatcamp [allistelling on March 04 at 15:41]
- In the games session of #thatcamp, listening to @tedfriedman talking about Transamerica. What other conferences bring you board games?! [briancroxall on March 05 at 10:28]
- Better to avoid the \bells &whistles\" of computer gaming, which can be fetishized. Start out on games w/ board games #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 05 at 10:29]
- Does putting a classroom activity into the context of a game allow students to take risks &accept being wrong sometimes? #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 10:57]
- Just pitched the long-brewing Hegemony: The Game in 2 minutes at #thatcamp. Magic: The Gathering mechanics meet Gramci &Althusser. [tedfriedman on March 05 at 12:51]
- @tedfriedman Not the same, but you might check out Illuminati: New World Order (the card game) #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 12:53]
- Theory cards for Hegemony: The Game: #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 05 at 12:54]
- @tedfriedman why didn't you mention Hegemony in the games session??! #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 05 at 12:55]
- Yes - I'm a fan. Also Avalon Hill's classic Class Struggle. RT @justben: Check out Illuminati: New World Order (the card game) #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 05 at 12:56]
- @shermandorn Your session got me thinking about it for first time in years. Thanks! #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 05 at 12:58]
- RT @jmittell: \You've Been Interpellated!\" - repeat the actions of the last card played by your opponent #thatcamp #hegemonythegame" [tedfriedman on March 05 at 13:37]
- Or \you realize you're always already in the Panopticon. No effect.\" RT @chutry: you've been sent to the Panoticon! Lose 3 turns. #thatcamp" [tedfriedman on March 05 at 13:39]
- @tedfriedman \You're persuaded to enter a humanities doctoral program, allowing yourself to be warehoused.\" #hegemonythegame #thatcamp" [shermandorn on March 05 at 13:43]
- RT @shermandorn: @tedfriedman \You're persuaded to enter a humanities doctoral program, allowing yourself to be warehoused.\" #hegemonythegame #thatcamp" [tedfriedman on March 05 at 14:21]
- RT @rogerwhitson: I'm thinking of a \Specters of...\" card that resurrects a theorist who has been sent to the graveyard. #hegemonythegame #thatcamp" [tedfriedman on March 05 at 14:23]
- RT @allistelling: Hegemony card game: I can see it happening in huge groups at Dragoncon next year! #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 05 at 14:54]
- RT @QBGPhotography: hegemony game! Awesome idea for Women's Studies classroom! #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 20:23]
- @Scrivenings I ain't fighting @tedfriedman; he's got those #hegemonythegame cards I am afraid of #theoryblood #thatcamp [allistelling on March 07 at 13:58]
- games & the meaning of play #play #gametheory #thatcamp [georgiawebgurl on March 9 at 11:06]
Digital Humanities in Higher Ed
Notes from Digital Humanities in Higher Education session: #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 05 at 11:49]
- How do we instill values of community w/in students? What about labor issues in DH? #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 10:28]
- In other words, can the humanities do anything more than tell people that they should be \downers?\" #thatcamp" [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 10:54]
- @rogerwhitson #thatcamp Perhaps the answer is methodology, not spending as much time on critique as on foundational goals. [allistelling on March 05 at 10:55]
- RT @rogerwhitson: In other words, can the humanities do anything more than tell people that they should be \downers?\" #thatcamp" [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 10:55]
- Using digital humanities to promote continued learning beyond enrollment. #thatcamp [thecarlhall on March 05 at 10:56]
- @MichaelJAltman @rogerwhitson Gerald Graff calls that \the problem problem.\" #thatcamp" [amandafrench on March 05 at 10:56]
- RT @billiehara: Using DH in classes mandates a change in pedagogy, hierarchical model to collaborative model. #THATCamp [laurenpressley on March 05 at 11:23]
- How do we teach students to think (or build) like a humanist? #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 11:26]
- Can we just play Calvinball in class: you can do anything as long as you don't repeat yourself? #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 11:27]
- What would it be like to have Calvinball classes? You can't do the same thing twice? #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 05 at 11:27]
- RT @allistelling: @iantrevor #thatcamp \Nevermind the Research, here's the Pedagogy.\" That's my Sex Pistols/Pedagogy mashup." [iantrevor on March 05 at 11:43]
- If golf is like teaching then I'm screwed. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 11:50]
Day 1 - Dork Shorts at Lunch
- @briancroxall Put me at the head of the dork shorts list. I want to go first and set the standard for dorkiness. #thatcamp #dorkshorts [RandyGue on March 05 at 07:18]
- Lunch at #thatcamp. Getting ready to start dork shorts. People seem nervous. [briancroxall on March 05 at 12:19]
- anyone want to volunteer for a #dorkshort on how FERPA does/not apply to all this digital pedagogy, online student presence? #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 05 at 12:26]
- Randy Gue mentions docu \All Alone Together: Neon Christ and Atlanta Hardcore\" at #thatcamp . Looks interesting." [justben on March 05 at 12:28]
- Punk rock documentary, I know @cccooollliiinnn wants to fund this: #fb #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 05 at 12:28]
- @RandyGue @michaeljaltman #thatcamp that's the one! \i have more cars than you have friends...woooo!\"" [cartandy on March 05 at 12:46]
- RT @michaeljaltman: Who knew @RandyGue was such a badass? #thatcamp [lake44 on March 05 at 12:47]
- Got called on by @briancroxall to present \any weird ideas abt writing center stuff\" so I did dork short on privacy concerns. #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 05 at 12:51]
- @classicslib Ican tell you all about the skunk. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 05 at 13:11]
- @billwolff #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 05 at 14:16]
- @Scrivenings Sorry to cold call you like that. Felt badly. But you did great! #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 05 at 14:20]
- RT @RandyGue Atlanta hardcore punk rock documentary: #thatcamp #allalonetogether [briancroxall on March 05 at 14:44]
- RT @wpwend42: RT @RandyGue Atlanta hardcore punk rock documentary: #thatcamp #allalonetogether [adellefrank on March 05 at 14:57]
- By popular demand, the Atlanta punk film is on twitter. Follow us on our hardcore journey. #thatcamp [atlantapunkfilm on March 05 at 16:54]
- RT @RandyGue: RT @atlantapunkfilm: By popular demand, the Atlanta punk rock documentary is on twitter. #thatcamp #punkrockchangedmylife [erinsells on March 05 at 19:51]
- RT @erinsells: RT @RandyGue: RT @atlantapunkfilm: By popular demand, the Atlanta punk rock documentary is on twitter. #thatcamp #punkrockchangedmylife [literarychica on March 05 at 20:01]
- I knew! RT @lake44: RT @michaeljaltman: Who knew @RandyGue was such a badass? #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 20:22]
- Back in Bama trading dork shorts with the cat. Thanks y'all for a great #thatcamp ! [saverkamp on March 06 at 19:40]
Day 1 - 1:00pm Sessions
DH & Special Coll
No tweets during this session (that I could find).
Your Favorite Application: Show & Tell
Here's iantrevor's rundown of what we talked about in the
Application Show &Tell: #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 05 at
Here's afamiglietti's:
- just installed readitlater after @briancroxall's demo, using it to store docs from the game panel #thatcamp #winning [afamiglietti on March 05 at 13:09]
- #thatcamp showcases so you don't have to give folks your cell#, just this and it comes to you as a txt [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 13:10]
- #thatcamp DEVONThink Pro Office as a way to organize your project/information [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 13:24]
- RT @Scrivenings: Emma: For writing looks way cool. Wouldn't it be fantastic tool for Writing Ctr? #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 13:22]
- Love 750 stuff. #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 13:34]
- the app that's an even meaner version of mac freedom - and it doesn't cost $ @annehelen #thatcamp [rebeccaonion on March 05 at 13:43]
- #thatcamp dictionarysearch add on for firefox [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 13:46]
- lazarus (ffox add-on): autosaves data you type into web forms. awesome, but means you must use ffox #thatcamp [rebeccaonion on March 05 at 14:13]
- Reviewing the list, I'm amazed at how many great apps we covered in 75 minutes #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 07 at 00:29]
Semantic Web (Robin Fay, Ben Ranker & Adelle Frank)
Robin's Slides on semantic web - metadata and more [georgiawebgurl on March 06 at 14:25]
Whiteboard notes 1 and whiteboard notes 2 from this session.
- Mad Libs in the #thatcamp #semweb talk! [justben on March 05 at 13:10]
- So those nouns are subjects and objects. Why do you have to impose a binary structure? This is why the #semweb will fail. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 13:12]
- . How have I not known about this site? #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 13:29]
- Info on Corey Harper webinar for the #thatcamp ers in the Semantic session: [lake44 on March 05 at 14:18]
- 4 #semanticweb group #thatcamp : #linkeddata ross singer via @adellefrank cc @gergiawebgurl [georgiawebgurl on March 05 at 15:14]
Open Access Publishing
- in the open access session at #thatcamp listening about Southern Spaces, journal based out of Emory [ashuping on March 05 at 13:17]
- Effect of open access publishing on citation impact: #openaccesspublishing #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 05 at 13:45]
Psycho-spiritual impact of tech (Brian Campbell)
- Just finished a head-clearing, tech-free #thatcamp session on new media & spirituality. Now desperately catching up on email,tweets,fb,... [tedfriedman on March 05 at 14:28]
- Thx for the shout out, Brian.#thatcamp [edrescherphd on March 06 at 12:46]
Writing/Communicating humanities scholarship on the Web
No tweets during this session (that I could find).
Day 1 - 2:30pm Sessions
Research Hacks (Miriam Posner)
Tips for batch-processing archival photos by Miriam: (w/a big h/t to @cliotropic): [miriamkp on March 06 at 10:36]
- Reviewing @cliotropic's History Research Hacks ( in preparation for leading a session on Research Hacks #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 11:47]
- Just watched @miriamkp batch-process jpgs into searchable PDF text (sadly, with a Mac-only program). #thatcamp [_mesk on March 05 at 14:52]
- mith tile gets a shout out at #thatcamp for processing images of text in the humanities. [justben on March 05 at 14:56]
Teaching with Technology
- Just talked a little about @NoelStudio to #thatcamp participants of Pedagogy &Tech session. [EmoryWritingCtr on March 05 at 15:39]
- Noel Studio for Creativity at E Kentucky U: #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 15:41]
Historic Maps & GIS
- GIS/maps related Atlanta transportation study 1946, digitized at #thatcamp [saratravels on March 05 at 14:47]
- in the GIS session and thought of the NYPL map rectifier #thatcamp [StewartVarner on March 05 at 14:52]
Web tools
No tweets during this session (that I could find).
Kindles in the Writing Classroom
- One already positive note to the Kindle study, embedded librarian who attends class every day. #thatcamp [rswharton on March 05 at 14:45]
- Everyone in the class has all the texts the class has read at all times. Kindle study class. #thatcamp [rswharton on March 05 at 15:23]
- I've moved to the Kindles in Classroom session. Have been off Twitter for most of the session.Feels nice to be totally focused. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 05 at 15:26]
- Kindle allows you to search across all your texts, by collections(?), or by text. That would definitely be useful for a lit class. #thatcamp [rswharton on March 05 at 15:26]
- Quora: What third-party ebook-lending services (fee or free) are in development? 3 Answers: Kindles in Classroom #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 05 at 15:44]
- My guide to e-book resources (for Kindles in Classroom): #thatcamp [classicslib on March 05 at 15:53]
- e-readers in class -free discussion #thatcamp @thatcamp_SE [georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:16]
Day 1 - 4:00pm Sessions
- Eek! We'd better start learning how to archive Omeka sites. These humanists have some ambitious dissertation ideas #thatcamp [saverkamp on March 05 at 16:21]
DH & Assessment (Sherman Dorn)
DH &assessment notes at #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 06 at 09:01]
- What can we do with assessment from a digital humanities perspective? #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 15:54]
- as the DH answer to assessment drives #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 05 at 15:58]
- Anvil is free video annotation tool. Useful for evaluation of performances? #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 05 at 16:26]
- @rswharton just told us about @calliopeinit, which isn't posting yet but it's Twitter feed for nonprofit running Emma. #thatcamp #want [Scrivenings on March 05 at 17:03]
- Robin Wharton is a superstar. She's rocking the assessment session. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 16:59]
- RT @Scrivenings: Robin Wharton is a superstar. She's rocking the assessment session. #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 05 at 16:59]
- @rswharton @Scrivenings #thatcamp is anyone putting out notes on assessment session? [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 17:04]
Leveraging social web crowdsourcing
- @willburdette I just talked about your crowdsourcing of textbooks in RHE 309K #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 06 at 09:35]
Zotero (Jason Puckett)
- I think we're going to have a Zotero v. Endnote battle before the day is done. #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 05 at 13:28]
- @iantrevor Zotero v endnote? Bring it on! #thatcamp [LibrarianJason on March 05 at 13:58]
- I'll play for #teamzotero RT @iantrevor: I think we're going to have a Zotero v. Endnote battle before the day is done. #thatcamp [erinsells on March 05 at 14:10]
- To weigh in, I'm in #TeamZotero but I've never used Endnote before. #cheap #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 05 at 14:12]
- I suspect that most of the #thatcamp crowd trends toward #teamzotero anyway [LibrarianJason on March 05 at 14:28]
- #librarianjason #thatcamp great idea from Emory to create web based bibliographies with student input.#omeka makes this easier in #Zotero [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 16:22]
- #zotero can sync with #omeka #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 05 at 16:23]
- Make online cv publications appear using #zotero api of citations #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 05 at 16:24]
- Learning about Zotero. The snob in me wants to disbelieve, but so far I'm kinda sold on it. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 16:26]
- looking through some #zotero plugins: #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 05 at 16:26]
- Zotero-based research game: #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 05 at 16:28]
- bibliobouts turns citation searching into a competition #thatcamp #zotero [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 16:29]
- Beta of #zotero connector for #chrome #thatcamp @librarianjason test carefully! [adellefrank on March 05 at 16:48]
- RT @cartandy: #thatcamp i'm hearing 'zotero...(beer)...zotero....(beer)...' power of coffee failing [tedfriedman on March 05 at 16:49]
- #zotero can sometimes scrape list of citations from web like search results in amazon #thatcamp but NOT wishlist [adellefrank on March 05 at 16:50]
- Yup, I'm sold. RT @pfyfe: Zotero most effective when completely integrated with workflow, says @librarianjason. Time to commit. #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 05 at 16:51]
- Excited about Zotero timeline feature: sort items in your collections by either publication date or date you saved it. #thatcamp [_mesk on March 05 at 16:51]
- #endnote +1 better for output, can create own doc type &change stylesheets #zotero better for capture #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 05 at 16:55]
- @briancroxall #endnote +2 faster bc is client not in cloud can keep libraries in #dropbox #zotero #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 05 at 16:57]
- #zotero add metadata to your blog posts with this plugin #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 17:09]
- #zotero has beta commons partnership w internet archive for archives + auto OCR for pdfs #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 05 at 17:13]
- #zotero can get citation for a pdf if pdf is in google scholar #thatcamp @librarianjason [adellefrank on March 05 at 17:14]
- Plugin to export Amazon Wish List to CSV file: Next step: figure out how to import into Zotero. #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 06 at 01:01]
- RT @ajlyon Hence standalone, which uses XULRunner instead of Firefox proper, and makes #Zotero a good deal lighter. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:08]
- #Emory + #Zotero = true love! RT @patgmac did you know about and ? #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:10]
- RT @briancroxall: @librarianjason is talking about Bibliobouts: #thatcamp [activelearning on March 06 at 13:13]
Digitization to digital collections
No tweets during this session (that I could find).
Day Two (2)
Day 2 - 9:15am Sessions
#alt-ac: Alternate Academic Careers
#Alt-ac Session Notes THATCamp Southeast 2011 [michaeljaltman on March 06 at 10:42]
- #alt-ac sounds a little like a conversion experience #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 06 at 09:34]
- You just don't think you have skills because you're in graduate school and you hate yourself #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 06 at 10:14]
- Dear #THATCamp, even though I didn't attend you, you have already enriched my life through your docs, especially the #Alt-ac one. Thanks. [maureentmcc on March 08 at 11:12]
Subject Guide Development & Use (Nelson Fredsell)
#thatcamp pics on flickr, captured notes left over from #libguides session at [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:32]
- disc of LibGuides #thatcamp. issues of org, assess, cross-dscip integration, course v subject [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 09:36]
- Possible opensource alternative to Libguides: and of course, Drupal #thatcamp [astonesc on March 06 at 09:41]
- Solving the mystery of quality LibGuides. What's the trick? #thatcamp [remaindered on March 06 at 09:43]
- Talking about alternatives to LibGuides. We believe @adellefrank might suggest Drupal. #thatcamp [remaindered on March 06 at 09:52]
- LibGuides glitches/practices from Purchase #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 09:56]
- #thatcamp looking for alt to LibGuides, at UGA we use this (open-source, free) and love it: [classicslib on March 06 at 09:57]
- #thatcamp see what it looks like in action here: [classicslib on March 06 at 09:58]
- From #crowdsourcing and teaching session for #libguides session: Include options for students to comment on/add resources. #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 06 at 10:00]
- Subject Guides can suck your time #thatcamp focus on the gems and try not to duplicate efforts [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 10:13]
- @classicslib We took a look. Thanks! Seems very similar to LG. How do you like it? #thatcamp [remaindered on March 06 at 10:25]
- flash widget to scroll flickr images by roy tanck #thatcamp. an idea to make subject or course guides more entertaining? [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 10:32]
- #thatcamp u can contact Springshare for more in depth stats from the backend of LibGuides [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 10:33]
- It's definitely 1 good alt RT @remaindered Talking about alternatives to LibGuides. We believe @adellefrank might suggest #Drupal. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:26]
Teaching Students How to Code (Paul Fyfe & Robin Wharton)
- Teaching code? Show results so are motivated to learn more #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:35]
- Defining coding: Encoding structure vs. Programming actions #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:36]
- Humanists should focus also on practical #howto like setting up version control in #git #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:37]
- A lot of programmers tend to be bottom-up thinkers, while a lot of humanists think top-down. #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 09:40]
- How to learn to think like a coder? Humanists need explicit (pg-rated) mapping of code to real world. #thatcamp Top-down. No more foo! [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:41]
- Software engineers tend to think more bottom-up, than top-down #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:41]
- Idea 4 teaching code: partner with cs grad students if in humanities. &break it out into bite-size chunks #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:43]
- 1st semester = concepts &theory (both humanist &cs) 2nd semester = details of relational databases, xml, xsl, ruby, python, etc. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:45]
- Must include small skills-building in that 1st semester (unix command lines, pipes, etc.) #thatcamp so its usefulness is shown [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:46]
- Mention of Ruby w/o the Python partisans sharpening knives at #thatcamp #peaceinacademe [shermandorn on March 06 at 09:46]
- #google software's painful! But most people don't need this level of math #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:49]
- \I didn't get into this business to do math\" #thatcamp re: digital humanities & programming" [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:50]
- Both dh &programmers need to know a bit about each others' stuff to collaborate on a task #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:53]
- New word, better than \tweckling\" = \"dissertating\" #thatcamp" [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:56]
- Dissertating? I like! #Thatcamp [LSHannan on March 06 at 09:56]
- Give students a sense of completion &contribution in #humanities , as in the #sciences #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:58]
- It's hard to formalize the value of errors. #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 09:59]
- Not #java fans, #python better to learn 1st #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 09:59]
- It's okay to #play &#fail in computer science. Computers don't hate you, they're just stupid #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:01]
- Program together #thatcamp fresh eyes catch errors [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:02]
- For teaching programming to humanists: Go slowly. #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 10:04]
- Talking about value of #failure in coding, \ @briancoxall foiled by smart quotes\" we love you, brian! #thatcamp" [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:06]
- RT @justben: It's hard to formalize the value of errors. #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 06 at 10:06]
- RT @adellefrank: Program together #thatcamp fresh eyes catch errors [shermandorn on March 06 at 10:06]
- Teaching #tei by marking up a recipe card #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:06]
- Marking up recipes - difference bt those who cook a lot vs. Those who only do skillet sensations #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:10]
- @adellefrank Math is everywhere! #thatcamp [derekbruff on March 06 at 10:10]
- Value of de-sensitizing people to failure @shermandorn by sharing best failures each week in class #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:12]
- \show humanists the monster behind the door (complicated stuff) just enough so they are cool w not knowing yet &doing it 2 learn\" #thatcamp" [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:25]
- Hackety hack &ruby for kids as ez to learn #thatcamp (like dummies books) [adellefrank on March 06 at 10:27]
- learned so much in teaching coding session at #thatcamp . grateful for everyone participating and sharing perspectives -- thanks all! [pfyfe on March 06 at 10:37]
- We learned TONS, thanks to @pfyfe for running the teaching coding session at #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:33]
- RT @bbrazil: I love the idea that forcing students to build something, rather than just critique things, forces them to think more deeply. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:36]
What will your archivist think about you? (Gypsye Kate)
- Thx 2 @Gypsyelib 4 idea: submit crucial web sites 2 IA as part of #preservation strategy #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 04 at 17:58]
Crowdsourcing and teaching
No tweets during this session (that I could find).
Day 2 - 10:45am Sessions
Digital Pedagogy & Digital Humanities
Live blog: last day at #THATCamp [LaurenLibBlog on March 06 at 12:15]
- More profound visual literacy in today's learners, whether emoticons, logos, etc. #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 11:04]
- @sramsay on building backgrnd to convo on digital pedagogy at #thatcamp bigger Q: do humanities require building? [shermandorn on March 06 at 11:06]
- We did twitter in class, and only 1 out of 75 students had ever used it before. #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 11:07]
- Discussion of a mini-critical edition as a group product that is creating and recognized as scholarship. #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 06 at 12:01]
Drupal (Adelle Frank)
- Anyone interested in a session today where we play some more with #drupal on ? @thatcamp_se #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 07:04]
- @adellefrank I'm interested in drupal session. I need to yak less and hack more today. #thatcamp [RandyGue on March 06 at 07:24]
- @RandyGue perhaps we can claim an empty room during the second #thatcamp session for some #drupal ling [adellefrank on March 06 at 07:49]
- RT @subversiveone2: Tip from drupal session - dreamhost offers discounted web hosting for non-profits. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:38]
- Laptop = server tools mentioned in #thatcamp #drupal session: & [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:55]
- #drupal session at #thatcamp mentioned best tool for community-building #commons [adellefrank on March 06 at 16:43]
- #drupal session at #thatcamp Here's my funny pictures explaining a bit about web servers [adellefrank on March 06 at 16:53]
- Playing around w/ @ManagingNews, I set up a global #THATCamp feed. Kinda cool. [ebellempire on March 08 at 15:11]
- Like but willing to pay? Try buzzr #drupalcon #thatcamp
Envisioning Librarian/Scholar Collaborations
Miriam Posner posted the group-edited notes, as well as one attempt to summarize.
- MT @briancroxall: Academics here are confessing they're not sure how to not bother to librarians. Great conversation only at #thatcamp. [michaeljaltman on March 06 at 11:03]
- RT @MichaelJAltman: \We are paid to be interrupted.\" re: librarians #thatcamp" [thatcamp_SE on March 06 at 11:03]
- RT @lawnsports: Of librarians: \We are paid to be interrupted.\" #thatcamp" [h_martin22 on March 06 at 11:03]
- RT @briancroxall: Academics here confessing they're not sure how to not bother librarians. Great conversation to have, &only at #thatcamp. [Scrivenings on March 06 at 11:07]
- @saverkamp \active lurking\" to form relationships w/librarians #thatcamp" [lawnsports on March 06 at 11:09]
- RT @briancroxall: Academics here are confessing they're not sure how to not bother to librarians. Great conversation to have, &it'd only happen at #thatcamp. [aeguerson on March 06 at 11:09]
- RT @Scrivenings: The danger of being considered as providing services is ppl think of you as being a servant... #thatcamp [laurenpressley on March 06 at 11:37]
- RT @briancroxall: Bumper sticker idea: \Don't be a dick. Hug a librarian.\" #thatcamp" [ktcrow on March 06 at 11:38]
- RT @LibrarianJason: Open access journal Collaborative Librarianship #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 06 at 11:38]
- @briancroxall showing us the \Collaborators' Bill of Rights\" from #trx4hx #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 06 at 11:39]
- Talking about fair use and remixing - remixing as scholarship? #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 06 at 11:41]
- remixing and mashups as pedagogical tools, and the specter of intellectual property litigation throwing a wrench in it #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 11:43]
- Librarians and faculty helping each other help ourselves. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 06 at 11:43]
- Non-tenure track faculty librarian (which I am) always felt like \faculty lite.\" #thatcamp" [saratravels on March 06 at 11:44]
- RT @MichaelJAltman: I'm realizing that librarians can be a \safe space\" to bring the ?s you're too afraid to ask faculty. #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 06 at 12:00]
- RT @lawnsports: Now I feel dumb for not having had relationships w/librarians as a grad student #thatcamp (don't read \relationships\" the wrong way)" [briancroxall on March 06 at 12:00]
- Yay!! RT @MichaelJAltman: I'm realizing that librarians can be a \safe space\" to bring the ?s you're too afraid to ask faculty. #thatcamp" [laurenpressley on March 06 at 12:01]
- Glad to see folks at #thatcamp acknowledging teh_awesomeness of librarians. I <3 mine! cc: @neddaahmed [noelrk on March 06 at 12:01]
- RT @laurenpressley: Yay!! RT @MichaelJAltman: I'm realizing that librarians can be a \safe space\" to bring the ?s you're too afraid to ask faculty. #thatcamp" [dupuisj on March 06 at 12:03]
- RT @lawnsports: Now I feel dumb for not having had relationships w/librarians as grad student #thatcamp (don't read that wrong way) [Scrivenings on March 06 at 12:03]
- imagining a DH Ideas/Collaborators market as some cross btw DH Answers, Kickstarter, and UPenn CFP (CFC call for collaborators?) #thatcamp [pfyfe on March 06 at 12:11]
- RT @briancroxall: RT @librarianjason: Wouldn't it be cool if there were an ideas market where potential faculty and librarians could matchmake? #thatcamp [amndw2 on March 06 at 12:19]
- Yes! RT@librarianjason: Wouldn't it be cool if there were an ideas market where potential faculty and librarians could matchmake? #thatcamp [pmhswe on March 06 at 12:19]
- RT@librarianjason: Open access journal Collaborative Librarianship #thatcamp //A new find for me. [pmhswe on March 06 at 12:20]
- RT @briancroxall: Quoth @tedfriedman: What's been really useful for this weekend for me is learning how librarians think about things. #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 06 at 12:27]
- RT @briancroxall: RT @MichaelJAltman: I'm realizing that librarians can be a \safe space\" to bring the ?s you're too afraid to ask faculty. #thatcamp" [colettemarie on March 06 at 12:27]
- RT @briancroxall: @lawnsports: Academics &librarian relationships are stuck at middle school dance: we're all here but on opposite sides of gym. #thatcamp [colettemarie on March 06 at 12:29]
- RT @shermandorn: a useful EFF resource on responding to IP barritry. #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:40]
- RT @pfyfe imagining DH Ideas/Collaborators market as cross btw DH Answers, Kickstarter, &UPenn CFP (CFC call for collaborators?) #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 06 at 14:20]
- RT @pfyfe: imagining a DH Ideas/Collaborators market as some cross btw DH Answers, Kickstarter, and UPenn CFP (CFC call for collaborators?) #thatcamp [rswharton on March 06 at 14:25]
- @pfyfe project bamboo was working on something like this -- ping @neilhimself neil fraistat #thatcamp [triproftri on March 06 at 15:11]
- Great idea: RT @pfyfe: imagining a DH Ideas/Collaborators market as some cross btw DH Answers, Kickstarter, and UPenn CFP #thatcamp [carinr on March 06 at 16:01]
- RT @LibrarianJason: Wouldn't it be cool if there were an ideas market where potential faculty and librarians could matchmake? #thatcamp [mcarchives on March 06 at 20:22]
- librarian labor is invisible to the scholar, the scholar's labor is mystified to the librarian...for reasons (always) #thatcamp [cartandy on March 07 at 09:56]
- Inspired by #thatcamp, I've just made an appointment with one of the digital collections librarians at my school. [subversiveone2 on March 10 at 7:31]
Pedagogy & the CMS (Moodle): Rethinking Content & Approach
CMS Panel - #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 06 at 10:40]
- Are you at #thatcamp SE and want to know what #sakai is becoming? Find me! [thecarlhall on March 05 at 13:47]
- Last tweet is a nice, empty google doc for us to use collaboratively documenting the Panel on CMS #thatcamp [afamiglietti on March 06 at 10:41]
Fun memes & thoughts
Charlie Sheen #winning #tigerblood
- Last morning of #thatcamp: Let's have all #tigerblood and no #slothblood. I'm looking at you, @iantrevor [lawnsports on March 06 at 08:28]
- Rogercamp at #thatcamp. how good are you at being in two places at once? Now, that's #winning ! [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 09:13]
- I need to write something about how great #thatcamp SE was, but I have a mountain of work in front of me. Need #tigerblood to get through it [michaeljaltman on March 08 at 15:21]
- @MichaelJAltman We've got that on tap at Jazzman's now. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 08 at 15:34]
- @briancroxall has #tigerblood. Way to redeem yourself! #thatcamp #WINNING [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 12:29]
- Nate Kreuter: My Reflection on the Weekend: THATCampSE '11: The Pixels are on the Wall #thatcamp #winning - [lawnsports on March 07 at 10:30]
- #slothblood @afamiglietti: @allistelling @lawnsports @iantrevor @erinsells are all #winning at #thatcamp [erinsells on March 06 at 00:08]
- #wildebeestblood #slothblood @afamiglietti: @allistelling @lawnsports @iantrevor @erinsells are all #winning at #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 06 at 00:10]
- #thatcamp keep your options open HACK #winning [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 12:56]
- @Scrivenings I ain't fighting @tedfriedman; he's got those #hegemonythegame cards I am afraid of #theoryblood #thatcamp [allistelling on March 07 at 13:58]
- @briancroxall Awesome. It was either that or a drug called @charliesheen. But I didn't want my face to melt off. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 08 at 15:36]
Drupal #thatcamp_puppy
- RT @Scrivenings \#Drupal ~ free puppy...lot of maintenance.\" RT @lawnsports can abandon it @ someone else's doorstep when it's old #thatcamp" [adellefrank on March 04 at 14:56]
- @iantrevor I think the #thatcamp_puppy is lost somewhere in the #drupal tables. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 14:55]
- @billiehara the #thatcamp_puppy will now surely cost me hours in #photoshop #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 14:58]
Ibuprofen bagel & high kicks
- RT @jmcclurken: RT @lawnsports: #thatcamp R &D: I'm inventing an ibuprofen bagel. //1st profitable project to come out of #thatcamp? // :) [thatcamp on March 05 at 09:58]
- @dancohen I was doing high kicks for a while. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 05 at 11:27]
- My weight is down a touch despite not getting to the gym in six days. Apparently high kicks burn calories. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 08 at 08:47]
- @briancroxall question is, what was yr highkick to bagel ratio? &are ibuprofen #thatcamp bagels less caloric than their reg. counterparts? [rebeccaonion on March 08 at 08:56]
- We're so busy at BootCamp that the tweets are drying up. But we're learning! #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 04 at 10:58]
- One of my favorite things to come out of #thatcamp? The de-privatizing of @scrivenings' Twitter account. [briancroxall on March 08 at 15:35]
- We've got the entire library to ourselves this weekend. Neat! Three-legged races in the research commons! #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 17:01]
- I didn't bring the right shoes for the 3-legged race breakout session in the stacks today. #thatcamp [erinsells on March 05 at 08:23]
- 1st Woodruff exhibit #thatcamp tweet! RT @cartandy: awesome photo round the corner of child Woodruff in clown-style bowtie [RandyGue on March 04 at 17:12]
- @jbj @briancroxall Whoa! We should have a steampunk #thatcamp meetup. [rebeccaonion on March 04 at 17:22]
- Time for #thatcamp. We put the \un\" in \"fun!\"" [briancroxall on March 05 at 07:21]
- What can brown do for you? #thatcamp t-shirts rcok! [adellefrank on March 05 at 07:32]
- Better than the f and u. Excited! RT @briancroxall: Time for #thatcamp. We put the \un\" in \"fun!\"" [jamieg on March 05 at 09:13]
- Less yack, more hack. #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 05 at 09:58]
- RT @jackiewyse: Wow! People using spiral-bound notebooks and pens seem retro and countercultural here at the Mac-dominated #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 05 at 10:58]
- sooooo, any other Linux users at #ThatCamp ? [afamiglietti on March 05 at 13:54]
- 60% Win, 40% Mac and three iPads in session. I know, iPads are outside the norm. #thatcamp [buzzdad on March 05 at 13:57]
- I have Scrivener envy (but not Mac envy). I've heard the new PC version of Scrivener still has too many bugs. #thatcamp [_mesk on March 05 at 13:29]
- I hacked a nap that #thatcamp session. Thanks @RandyGue for the couch advice. [lawnsports on March 05 at 14:14]
- Discovered \Visible Tweets\" at #thatcamp and used it to visualize tweets from my #wb1102 class!" [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 15:49]
- You guys. We made a #thatcamp. [miriamkp on March 05 at 20:04]
- My first tweet... thanks to the #THATcamp SouthEast organizers! It's been a lot of fun :-) [ruthellenmartin on March 05 at 21:06]
- @justben got a lap dance from a librarian at #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 06 at 09:01]
- Nommin and yakkin in the Jones Room as day 2 of #thatcamp gears up. And, ya know, getting a lapdance. [justben on March 06 at 09:05]
- RogerCamp: when Roger lists 3 sessions in 2 time slots #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 06 at 09:13]
- Second Harry Potter reference of the #thatcamp from @briancroxall. @rogerwhitson needs a time turner. [iantrevor on March 06 at 09:14]
- #thatcamp @rogerwhitson Will lead three sessions simultaneously. Abracadabra. #rogercamp [allistelling on March 06 at 09:14]
- #thatcamp @rogerwhitson just walked out of our session, I think he was reaching under his shirt for the time turner. [allistelling on March 06 at 10:10]
- The best part about DH conferences is that I like the people I meet so much. It assures me I've chosen the right profession! #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 06 at 13:47]
- Deeply happy. Whenever I'm around thoughtful, passionate academics I'm reminded of why this is exactly the right world for me. #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 14:21]
- result of #thatcamp going to ask boss about creating Pee Wee's Playhouse version of @DigLibGa w/ secret word (search) &'marry it' button [cartandy on March 06 at 16:31]
- Thanks for all the twitter love but I want thank all the campers who unconferenced the hell out of #thatcamp southeast. [StewartVarner on March 07 at 09:16]
- RT @rogerwhitson: Check out my love letter to THATCamp! #thatcamp [thatcamp on March 07 at 09:55]
- Thanks to @briancroxall @miriamkp @stewartvarner @lshannan @remaindered for a great #thatcamp weekend. [RandyGue on March 06 at 12:52]
- For all those thinking @ #thatcamp JR, you might want to point your kids to Snap Circuits: @brettbobley @jenhoward [briancroxall on March 8 at 21:47]
We love logistics: thoughts on planning & logistics
- @allistelling @iantrevor #thatcamp veterans' tip: crawl under a table and plug in immediately, &don't tweet it till after u get ur own plug [lawnsports on March 04 at 09:55]
- i have wireless, but need an extension cord-- go figure #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 14:13]
- @lawnsports @allistelling Plenty of plugs in #programmingtrack's room. #THATCamp [iantrevor on March 04 at 09:57]
- @iantrevor @allistelling Actually, plenty of plugs here too #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 04 at 09:57]
- #THATCamp planning sessions! [laurenpressley on March 05 at 08:52]
- I'm being a wallflower during the session planning. But great ideas are going up on the board. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 05 at 09:01]
- #thatcamp anyone want to collab on digital collections in the classroom? [cartandy on March 05 at 09:09]
- ya'll vote for adelle &my session on the semantic web. @that_camp_se #thatcamp [georgiawebgurl on March 05 at 09:11]
- is hoping to get near the whiteboard w/in the next 15 minutes... #thatcamp [subversiveone2 on March 05 at 09:14]
- Some great session ideas going up on the board. Voting choices are tough. #THATCamp [iantrevor on March 05 at 09:19]
- #thatcamp: tag your Flickr pictures \thatcamp\"" [StewartVarner on March 05 at 09:21]
- I've got the open-source twapperkeeper alternative happily archiving away #thatcamp tweets. [samplereality on March 05 at 09:28]
- Are we overloading the network? Yep. Cool. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 09:56]
- The first rule of #thatcamp is no reading papers at thatcamp. [Scrivenings on March 05 at 09:57]
- \We're here to hack today. Less yack more hack.\" -@briancroxall (#thatcamp rules:" [iantrevor on March 05 at 09:58]
- @mugalynn instead of talking about #thatcamp you should tweet about #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 09:58]
- /me throws a tomato at @briancroxall #thatcamp #tweckling [afamiglietti on March 05 at 09:59]
- new word of the day: #twackling thanx Brian #thatcamp [lake44 on March 05 at 09:59]
- Second rule of #thatcamp is you don't yack at #thatcamp: less yack, more hack [Scrivenings on March 05 at 09:59]
- New word I ljust learned at #thatcamp: tweckling (twitter heckling). [tedfriedman on March 05 at 09:59]
- No tweckling. New word to me. I'd giggle, but I worry that might now be forbidden. #thatcamp. [justben on March 05 at 10:00]
- As much as we all love the tech, the whiteboard is the heart of #thatcamp. [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 12:50]
- RT @allistelling: @briancroxall #thatcamp Will we be able to see session leaders introduce sessions throughout the conf? // Second that. [iantrevor on March 05 at 10:26]
- @allistelling Maybe I should have done it all throughout. We'll see if we can get more done at lunch. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 05 at 10:29]
- IRC geeks at THATCamp should also feel free to use #thatcamp channel on freenode. [clioweb on March 05 at 10:57]
- RT @thatcamp_SE: Don't forget that the Room of Requirement is 756! Use it for breakout sessions/continued hacking! #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 05 at 12:27]
- \There's power in the floor,\" according to @briancroxall #thatcamp" [Scrivenings on March 05 at 14:31]
- Yay @THATCamp_SE saves the day.: @georgiawebgurl There are Coke machines on the first floor, towards the front of the building. #thatcamp [georgiawebgurl on March 05 at 14:59]
- Someone leave a purple butterfly wallet in the back of Jones Room? #thatcamp [LSHannan on March 05 at 17:13]
- RT @thatcamp: Everyone at #THATCamp SE, pls consider volunteering to take notes on a session and post them on the blog. We're interested! [miriamkp on March 05 at 20:37]
- @briancroxall I wish I was at that session. (Though the one I'm in is great, too...) Glad for the google doc! #THATCamp [laurenpressley on March 06 at 11:04]
- @laurenpressley It's a problem of abundance, for sure. Want to be 3 places most of the past 2 days. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 06 at 11:04]
- @laurenpressley But you can feel free to come join us here! There's no shame in decamping and recamping at #thatcamp. Room 215. [briancroxall on March 06 at 11:05]
- Just decamped from one session to another. A practice I hate to see at library conferences, but it's acceptable at #thatcamp. [h_martin22 on March 06 at 11:11]
- RT @h_martin22: Just decamped from one session to another. A practice I hate to see at library conferences, but it's acceptable at #thatcamp. [thatcamp_SE on March 06 at 11:11]
- @laurenpressley Excellent. And then we can learn from you later! #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 06 at 11:12]
- @lawnsports Headed downstairs to floor 2. Meet up for walking to lunch in the main conf. room? #thatcamp [allistelling on March 06 at 12:04]
- @allistelling After the wrap up #thatcamp? [lawnsports on March 06 at 12:07]
- Gathering for closing ceremonies at #thatcamp SE. We're passing the torch to Florence and Melbourne next! [thatcamp_SE on March 06 at 12:09]
- Anybody doing lunch down in Emory Village? #thatcamp [justben on March 06 at 12:37]
- Here's a skill I need to improve by #thatcamp 2012: recognizing people from their twitter photos. I hate staring at name badges. [tedfriedman on March 06 at 12:55]
- Post #thatcamp burger at Wonderful World. [Scrivenings on March 06 at 13:11]
- @mostlymuppet good to hear that all the #thatcamp tweets weren't annoying my non-academic friends. :) [Scrivenings on March 06 at 14:28]
- Thank you to all of the #thatcamp attendees who posted amazing recaps of sessions I wanted to but couldn't attend. [rswharton on March 06 at 14:29]
- @GLThatCamp Wish I could apply again this year but I'm already on a trip then. But I'll follow the #thatcamp tag and hopefully learn a ton! [ianmilligan1 on March 06 at 15:40]
- @h_martin22 - You will be writing a summary post of your @THATCamp_SE #thatcamp experience, won't you? [james3neal on March 06 at 20:50]
- 2nd RT @h_martin22: Congrats to @briancroxall, @miriamkp, @stewartvarner, @remaindered, @lshannan on the first #Thatcamp Southeast. [allistelling on March 06 at 21:48]
- @briancroxall, @miriamkp, @stewartvarner You and your team did a thorough and energetic job with #thatcamp. Thank you for being so welcoming [allistelling on March 06 at 21:49]
- RT @RandyGue Thanks to @briancroxall @miriamkp @stewartvarner @lshannan @remaindered for a great #thatcamp weekend. // AGREED! [shermandorn on March 06 at 21:56]
- My last post of the night. My least fav part of #thatcamp: blocking all of the unwanted Twitterbot followers who \like\" me now. Gross." [allistelling on March 06 at 22:01]
- Might take me a day or two to go through and followback the zillion new twitter followers from #thatcamp.... [LibrarianJason on March 07 at 09:10]
- I think THATCamp could benefit from sessions on Stable URIs, Integrating with Programmers or Lessons from Project Post-Mortems. #THATCamp [Streamweaver on March 07 at 09:17]
- @nowviskie @briancroxall @wynkenhimself Though maybe daycare at #THATCamp Prime is a bad idea: too distracting to grownups? No clue. [amandafrench on March 07 at 09:32]
- All the #thatcamp tweets have really brought out the spam. Block and Report for Spam is my very favorite Tweetdeck feature. [iantrevor on March 07 at 13:46]
- 3 days of excellent professional development = lots of blogging and email triage! #thatcamp #launcch [laurenpressley on March 07 at 15:13]
- Hey, if you went to #THATCamp Southeast, please take a sec to fill out an evaluation. Fave session? Least fave? [thatcamp on March 07 at 21:38]
- Getting money and reimbursements started for #thatcamp SE. It's all the fun stuff. [briancroxall on March 08 at 11:47]
- Excited to see all the posts about #thatcamp SE going up on the blog. See them aggregated under this category: [thatcamp_SE on March 08 at 14:30]
- RT @THATCamp_SE: Did you feel sad not to be at #thatcamp Southeast? Get your very own TCSE shirt. For only $10!! [miriamkp on March 08 at 18:13]
- Jonesing for my coat which I left in #thatcamp @briancroxall is it safe? [RebeccaOling on March 04 at 22:05]
- If you see @lshannan, give her a high-five. She's been working like crazy to make sure all the food is in order. #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 04 at 14:05]
Other Peoples' Blog Posts & Summaries
- Nate Kreuter: My Reflection on the Weekend: THATCampSE '11: The Pixels are on the Wall #thatcamp #winning - [lawnsports on March 07 at 10:30]
- Roger Whitson
- \I felt the love even before the unconference started.\" from \"Why I love #THATCamp\" by @rogerwhitson:" [foundhistory on March 08 at 10:53]
- BTW, I reposted \Why I love THATCamp\" at TECHStyle for those of you who want to comment: #thatcamp" [rogerwhitson on March 08 at 11:22]
- Lauren Pressley
Help Me Figure out Where to Place these Tweets
If you know which session one (or more) of the tweets below belongs with, please copy it into a comment on this post and tell me, so I can move it to the correct location. Thanks!!
- +this week's #mithdd talk by @tcarmody.-#thatcamp [erinsells on March 05 at 11:51]
- RT @thatcamp: Sometimes I think we should have a #THATCamp in which the whole day is devoted to one problem / task. Cf. OST:[cyTHATCamp on March 05 at 11:55]
- @AlyssaStalsberg I KNEW #thatcamp would convert you to twitter! woo hoo! welcome. [maureentmcc on March 05 at 12:09]
- @briancroxall trust me, it could be worse. wait till you take the kids to the local ice rink or carnival #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 12:56]
- New netbook holding up pretty well at #thatcamp se. [h_martin22 on March 05 at 12:57]
- #thatcamp tenure = magillah or magilla [cartandy on March 05 at 13:22]
- #thatcamp steven johnson and DEVONThink. Mac only [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 13:25]
- #thatcamp love being here with the head of uga classics dept...#awesome [cartandy on March 05 at 13:30]
- pooprietary media #thatcamp [Focs on March 05 at 13:32]
- Teach students that it's okay to be uncomfortable with unfamiliar tech -- it's an experiment with freedom to fail. #teaching #thatcamp [jackiewyse on March 05 at 14:43]
- assignment idea #thatcamp online portfolio[RebeccaOling on March 05 at 15:13]
- @adellefrank I think 40+ years, especially under the old moniker \digital computing.\" Will look for link. #thatcamp" [tassietheg on March 05 at 15:15]
- Fascinating discussion of quantitative &qualitative methodologies for sudying changes in Wikipedia articles at #thatcamp. [tedfriedman on March 05 at 15:19]
- ethnography of Debian Oooooh, yum! #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 15:20]
- @Scrivenings Any chance you could share the link to the Mark Sample post on ProfHacker? #thatcamp [jackiewyse on March 05 at 15:21]
- Map fiends, here's the @cnnireport cultural census project I mentioned at #thatcamp: Share your story! [jamieg on March 05 at 15:25]
- Also: \Everything Sings,\" a North Carolina neighborhood shown by narrative maps, created by Denis Wood. #thatcamp" [jamieg on March 05 at 15:31]
- #thatcamp considers using to create presentations. what are the accessibility restrictions? [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 15:34]
- I love that I’m in a room with people who watch BSG while processing research data. #thatcamp [justben on March 05 at 15:37]
- RT @justben: I love that I’m in a room with people who watch BSG while processing research data. #thatcamp [jackiewyse on March 05 at 15:38]
- @rogerwhitson Do you have a specific twitter assignment or do your students just tweet about Blake whenever they get the urge? (!) #thatcamp [ktcrow on March 05 at 15:52]
- #thatcamp Shadow Hacker finished with initial notes; maybe we are changing names to Digital Impact? [allistelling on March 05 at 15:54]
- Use Pear Note to tie evaluative discourse to times in performances? #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 05 at 16:22]
- @briancroxall says: \Academics like paper.\" @miriamkp replies: \"Not really. They just pretend that they do.\" #clever #thatcamp" [jackiewyse on March 05 at 16:25]
- Thinking about ways to use DH tools (visualization, data collection, etc.) to analyze student texts and provide feedback. #thatcamp [rswharton on March 05 at 16:26]
- RT @tedfriedman: Never been around this many librarians before. Great group, lots of glasses, but I'm starting to worry about overdue books. #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 05 at 16:48]
- @rogerwhitson brought up @prezi. I haven't heard much about prezi today. #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 05 at 16:50]
- @tedfriedman we're friendly zombies #thatcamp [cartandy on March 05 at 16:51]
- I'll second that ;-) starting to feel like a zombie.. @cartandy: @tedfriedman we're friendly zombies #thatcamp [georgiawebgurl on March 05 at 16:54]
- thnx>C \Everything Sings,\" a NC neighborhood shown by narrative maps, created by Denis Wood. #thatcamp @jamieg" [georgiawebgurl on March 05 at 17:04]
- RT @erinsells: Rec from @iantrevor, this writing handbook has a chapter on \Writing On and For the Web.\" #thatcamp" [literarychica on March 05 at 17:04]
- I love the fact that librarians are commingling w/ grad students, faculty. Really interesting push-pull abt preservation, metadata #thatcamp [miriamkp on March 05 at 17:07]
- I'd like to thank #thatcamp for at least 4 good ideas for DH tools to build... next year, I'll give back I promise! [afamiglietti on March 05 at 17:07]
- @erinsells I'm not at #thatcamp, bu your last link on writing on/for the web made me think: how is academic wr… (cont)[literarychica on March 05 at 17:09]
- Just did my first 750-word day! A little piece of awesomeness that wouldn't be possible w/out the cool ppl @ #thatcamp. [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 18:31]
- I wonder if @litfolksarehip has made any interesting sightings during #thatcamp? [samplereality on March 05 at 19:44]
- @_mesk Totally agree - though part of what makes #thatcamp work is the concrete tools we have as objects of discussion - (1 of 2) [rebeccaonion on March 05 at 21:05]
- @allistelling \What do librarians get angry with each other about?\" #thatcamp" [lawnsports on March 05 at 23:44]
- @erinsells I feel like #thatbeer would be more popular than #messhacker. #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 05 at 23:58]
- #thatcamp broke my 750word streak. Now I'll never get that albatross. [iantrevor on March 06 at 00:02]
- @lawnsports @allistelling bad listserv etiquette. discovery interfaces. not retiring. #thatcamp [saverkamp on March 06 at 00:19]
- RT @miriamkp: RT @Adam_Crymble: What should mobile app for historians do? #thatcamp // environmental history app! [Scrivenings on March 06 at 06:56]
- @saverkamp \Not retiring.\" I think that one is cross-disciplinary. #thatcamp" [lawnsports on March 06 at 08:22]
- RT @allistelling: #thatcamp I've you've ever used a course mgmt. system and want to hear about and imagine more, come to @rebeccaoling and my session at 10.30 [ashuping on March 06 at 09:39]
- An amazingly awesome assignment from @lawnsports about spy message construction as an assignment. #thatcamp [allistelling on March 06 at 10:09]
- Need to watch Spanish Prisoner again. #thatcamp [h_martin22 on March 06 at 10:25]
- I want to take a class with @lawnsports. #thatcamp #girltalk [h_martin22 on March 06 at 10:35]
- @afamiglietti Fascinating Wikipedia presentation yesterday! Can you recommend anything on Wikipedia &actor-network theory? #thatcamp [tedfriedman on March 06 at 10:42]
- I'm enjoying participating in #thatcamp while in my pjs and cooking lunch for my kids at home. Suspect real even better than virtual tho. [classicslib on March 06 at 11:37]
- I hope to talk more with @thecarlhall a lot more about digital course portals, coding, and pedagogical application. #thatcamp [allistelling on March 06 at 12:02]
- My #thatcamp take away: A bump up in general digital knowledge, a sense of what's possible, urgency of learning more digital skills. [bbrazil on March 06 at 12:47]
- RT @justben: audacity as a pedagogical tool #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:36]
- RT @pfyfe: Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy #thatcamp [adellefrank on March 06 at 13:39]
- @rebeccaonion Hey, I love the Superman skin on my Firefox - but not so much its bugginess... #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 06 at 20:08]
- Not biggest takeaway, but one life changing thing I learned at #thatcamp se was that some people pronounce MySQL 'my sequel.' Who knew? [iantrevor on March 06 at 21:21]
- Here's my CMS #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 06 at 22:24]
- Has anyone used a class wiki to collaboratively demonstrate the editing/revision process? It's hard to sell students on revision. #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 07 at 00:14]
- Interesting after #thatcamp RT: @Lifehacker: Being intentionally alone--can make you happier &a better friend.[allistelling on March 07 at 08:27]
- Has about 10 blogs posts in the hopper (back-brain) about THATCamp SE (#thatcamp). Luckily lots of desk tome today to start composing. [classicslib on March 07 at 08:29]
- Many thanks to organizers (@briancroxall main public face, one of a team), presenters (esp. Bootcamp) and attendee-collaborators! #thatcamp [classicslib on March 07 at 08:31]
- Has about 10 blogs posts in the hopper (back-brain) about THATCamp SE #thatcamp. Luckily lots of desk tome today to start composing. [classicslib on March 07 at 08:32]
- RT @atlantapunkfilm: By popular demand, the Atlanta punk film is on twitter. Follow us on our hardcore journey. #thatcamp [aliceinchainscl on March 07 at 08:32]
- @jbj @Scrivenings @allistelling Not a joke. Just haven't had the mental space for it. Not sure @ UVa. @nowviskie is swamped. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 08:36]
- @iantrevor I know some a prof here at Emory who's done that. @acavender has written about using Google Docs for collab revision. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 08:58]
- @lawnsports WordPress? That's mine too. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 08:58]
- @briancroxall Yep. I'm a Wordpress evangelist. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 07 at 08:59]
- RT @allistelling: My last post of the night. My least fav part of #thatcamp: blocking all of the unwanted Twitterbot followers who \like\" me now. Gross." [briancroxall on March 07 at 08:59]
- @lawnsports I felt that way yesterday afternoon as people trickled out from the Jones Room. Hard to come down from that high. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 08:59]
- @iantrevor That's how I normally hear it said. But don't take it from someone who can't say \taqueria.\" #thatcamp" [briancroxall on March 07 at 09:00]
- @triproftri I don't think that @neilhimself wants to get pinged on that one. Try @fraistat instead. ;-) #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 09:02]
- RT @rogerwhitson: Already miss #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 07 at 09:02]
- RT @justben: Deeply happy. Whenever I’m around thoughtful, passionate academics I’m reminded of why this is exactly the right world for me. #thatcamp [thatcamp_SE on March 07 at 09:03]
- RT @miriamkp: The best part about DH conferences is that I like the people I meet so much. It assures me I've chosen the right profession! #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 09:03]
- @briancroxall Yeah, I think that a small letdown after a particularly rewarding experience is pretty typical for us humans. #thatcamp [lawnsports on March 07 at 09:04]
- Thanks for the compliment, @RandyGue @h_martin22 @allistelling and @shermandorn -- it was great having you here for #thatcamp ! [remaindered on March 07 at 09:08]
- sipping coffee, pondering the awesomeness of #thatcamp. Thinking of ways to bring the energy, ideas, and collaboration forward. [mcarchives on March 07 at 09:12]
- have to get the thoughts out before the buzz disappears, reflections on #thatcamp, opinions my own etc...rapid fire [cartandy on March 07 at 09:55]
- i leave #thatcamp thinking harder about social relations, the organization of bodies and how they are kept apart [cartandy on March 07 at 09:56]
- how fundamental the social is, analog social, to establishing the trust required to communicate #thatcamp [cartandy on March 07 at 09:56]
- always already about relations, the digital ameliorates problems, but can’t solve them...#thatcamp [cartandy on March 07 at 09:57]
- Dammit, server problems as soon as I post my #thatcamp reflection. Please be patient and check back. [lawnsports on March 07 at 10:34]
- Because of #thatcamp, I updated my LinkedIn account for the first time in 8 months. [iantrevor on March 07 at 11:05]
- How do I love thee, #thatcamp? RT @rogerwhitson: Check out my love letter to THATCamp! #thatcamp [erinsells on March 07 at 11:13]
- yeah, I need to do that, too. ;-) @iantrevor: Because of #thatcamp, I updated my LinkedIn account for the first time in 8 months. [georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:17]
- I think that's true of academia in general. Lots of silos@cartandy leave #thatcamp the organization of bodies and how they are kept apart [georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:18]
- expert network starts as community, ends up as silo. Lot of work to network within & outward, but worth it. @cartandy #thatcamp art [georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:21]
- interesting post &I think highlights why #thatcamp is different. @rogerwhitson[georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:26]
- back at ya. @StewartVarner t I want thank all the campers who unconferenced the hell out of #thatcamp southeast.[georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:29]
- #BNN #THATCAMP Greg Crane outlining cultural diffs. with hum &sci ugrads students should be able to contribute to research [swkowk on March 07 at 11:30]
- ooh, thanks, was hoping you all would start a twitter acct. @aliceinchainscl @atlantapunkfilm Atlanta punk film is on twitter. #thatcamp [georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 11:32]
- #BNN #THATCAMP interoperability is not just technicial but intellectual - hear hear!! [swkowk on March 07 at 11:36]
- @afamiglietti @Scrivenings @rogerwhitson I know that @tedfriedman was interested as well. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 07 at 12:24]
- @briancroxall oh my! how that one get into my favorites? #thatcamp [triproftri on March 07 at 12:25]
- Pondering PechaKucha of #thatcamp experience &for end of March presentation on digital program development and collaboration...more coffee [mcarchives on March 07 at 12:32]
- I saw this and thought \dh article!\" @chronicle: To reach students, let them build stuff /clearly I've been at #thatcamp" [laurenpressley on March 07 at 14:57]
- It's official - I'm addicted to #thatcamp. [RandyGue on March 07 at 15:21]
- @RandyGue Ha--I hear that! #thatcamp [edmj on March 07 at 15:36]
- RT @RandyGue: It's official - I'm addicted to #thatcamp. // Some of us feel about #THATCamp the way a mama bear feels about her cubs. [thatcamp on March 07 at 16:44]
- writing in public: A writer's imagined camera - on visual grammar #thatcamp @thatcamp_SE [georgiawebgurl on March 07 at 23:03]
- RT @cartandy: already feeling the possible fade just a bit, how to capture the productive recklessness of human contact #thatcamp [saverkamp on March 07 at 23:10]
- Man, this is an epic result of #THATCamp Southeast -- scholars and librarians, talking to one another.[amandafrench on March 07 at 23:52]
- @samplereality What does it mean that *I* get spam messages from *your* university president, for donating once to #thatcamp? [jbj on March 08 at 06:46]
- @neddaahmed @tedfriedman Interested in discussing #thatcamp at GSU. Hesitant to commit to volunteering yet. :) [LibrarianJason on March 08 at 08:44]
- To get and send #THATCamp announcements by e-mail, sign up at[thatcamp on March 08 at 09:18]
- RT @LibrarianJason: @neddaahmed @tedfriedman Interested in discussing #thatcamp at GSU. Hesitant to commit to volunteering yet. :) [allistelling on March 08 at 09:48]
- RE: awesome conversation b/w librarians &scholars @ #THATCamp SE: want more like this! Have seen # of comments recently, eg, suggesting [+][edmj on March 08 at 10:09]
- @erinsells @lawnsports @iantrevor We all went to slightly different #thatcamp sessions. What if built a doc. that collectd our fav stuff? [allistelling on March 08 at 10:19]
- @allistelling @lawnsports I think @iantrevor and I were at almost all of the same ones, but I'd be down for that #thatcamp [erinsells on March 08 at 10:37]
- @Scrivenings @afamiglietti @allistelling @tedfriedman Thursday afternoon next week to talk about #thatcamp? [rogerwhitson on March 08 at 10:39]
- RT @RandyGue: It's official - I'm addicted to #thatcamp. [thatcamp_SE on March 08 at 10:54]
- RT @laurenpressley: I saw this and thought \dh article!\" @chronicle: To reach students, let them build stuff /clearly I've been at #thatcamp" [thatcamp_SE on March 08 at 10:55]
- This seems like #thatcamp relevant reading:[afamiglietti on March 08 at 11:25]
- Playing catch-up at work and looking forward to using some #thatcamp ideas with students before the semester ends. [h_martin22 on March 08 at 13:14]
- If you're getting unwanted mail from GMU b/c you donated to #thatcamp (Prime), let us know @thatcamp & we'll try to get you off their list. [thatcamp on March 08 at 13:54]
- Bad link now fixed: Excited to see posts about #thatcamp SE going up on the blog. See them all: [thatcamp_SE on March 08 at 14:33]
- @ronda_at_uva @edmj Although there's still room for a good bumper sticker or two: \Don't be a dick. Hug a librarian.\" #thatcamp" [briancroxall on March 08 at 14:47]
- @edmj @miriamkp @ronda_at_uva And that both sides in the conversation had brought valuable things to the table already. #thatcamp [briancroxall on March 08 at 15:12]
- @briancroxall @miriamkp @ronda_at_uva Makes total sense that a lowering of barriers and increase of trust would help. #thatcamp [edmj on March 08 at 15:49]
- @miriamkp oh man, it was. Omeka was a different kind of challenge but much more manageable. I did, wish I had been at #thatcamp before [mcarchives on March 08 at 15:59]
- Did you feel sad not to be at #thatcamp Southeast? Well, now you can get your very own TCSE shirt. For only $10!![thatcamp_SE on March 08 at 16:19]
- this seems relevant to #thatcamp[afamiglietti on March 08 at 18:26]
- Those of you from #thatcamp who are interested in William Blake, should follow @Blake2_0 for news on Blake's appearance in contemp culture. [rogerwhitson on March 9 at 07:24]
- Interview with Todd Presner about articles in Visualizing the Archive, issue 2.1: #thatcamp #TILTS [mandellc on March 9 at 16:43]
Along with this
Along with this reply...
@erinsells that it's hard to tweet & follow the programming lesson at the same time. That's why I'm not tweeting. @briancroxall [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:59am]
These were classified as
These were classified as Simile Widgets but they should actually be in the programming bootcamp:
# I hate it when @briancroxall is right. #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 04 at 09:57]
# @Scrivenings What is @briancroxall right about? #thatcamp [erinsells on March 04 at 09:58]
Some of my tweets from the
Some of my tweets from the programming session didn't make it in:
RT @ewagoner: @Scrivenings // #thatcamp #programmingtrack #python [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:53am]
>>> a[0:2] ['spam', 'eggs'] #thatcamp #python [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:52am]
>>> a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234] #thatcamp #python [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:51am]
Crap, @briancroxall was right. Started tweeting & now i got lost in the programming track. my_string what what? #thatcamp [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:45am]
Mixing single & double quotes is ok, so long as you're doing it right. #thatcamp [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:40am]
Print("Hello World") #thatcamp [Scrivenings Mar 04, 9:26am]
Alt-Ac: You just don't think
You just don't think you have skills because you're in graduate school and you hate yourself #thatcamp [michaeljaltman on March 06 at 10:14]
Adelle Frank
Scrivenings - you rock!
Reiterated happy sentiment :)
Assessment session: Anvil is
Assessment session:
Anvil is free video annotation tool. Useful for evaluation of performances? #thatcamp [shermandorn on March 05 at 16:26]
@rswharton just told us about @calliopeinit, which isn't posting yet but it's Twitter feed for nonprofit running Emma. #thatcamp #want [Scrivenings on March 05 at 17:03]
Teaching with Tech: # Just
Teaching with Tech:
# Just talked a little about @NoelStudio to #thatcamp participants of Pedagogy &Tech session. [EmoryWritingCtr on March 05 at 15:39]
# Noel Studio for Creativity at E Kentucky U: #thatcamp [Scrivenings on March 05 at 15:41]
"Show & Tell your favorite
"Show & Tell your favorite apps":
# RT @Scrivenings: Emma: For writing looks way cool. Wouldn't it be fantastic tool for Writing Ctr? #thatcamp [RebeccaOling on March 05 at 13:22]
# Love 750 stuff. #thatcamp [rogerwhitson on March 05 at 13:34]
# the app that's an even meaner version of mac freedom - and it doesn't cost $ @annehelen #thatcamp [rebeccaonion on March 05 at 13:43]
# lazarus (ffox add-on): autosaves data you type into web forms. awesome, but means you must use ffox #thatcamp [rebeccaonion on March 05 at 14:13]
# RT @rebeccaonion: lazarus (ffox add-on): autosaves data you type into web forms. awesome, but means you must use ffox #thatcamp [iantrevor on March 05 at 14:14]
Nate Kreuter
This is a fantastic resource
This is a fantastic resource you've compiled. I can help place some of the homeless/contextless tweets. I'll get back to you on it.
Well done!
Adelle Frank
Thanks for the help!
Somewhere around categorizing tweet number 790, I think my brain just gave out. Any corrections you can offer would be MUCH appreciated!