Web Design with the Brain in Mind
Do you have to design a web site, but you have no graphic design training? Are you a designer, but need evidence-based research to justify your design decisions? If either of these apply to you, I've got a poster and paper that will help.
Updated: new book recommendation!
I spent a year reading up on cognitive and information science and, let me tell you, there are TONS of helpful insights for people doing web design!
Sketchy Poster
To get a taste, I recommend looking at my poster, which has lots of sketches that are both funny and educational. It received rave reviews and much positive attention at the 2010 LITA National Forum, IA Summit and THATCamp SE.
Paper & Awesome Reading Recommendations
Follow this up by reading my paper for just a tiny bit more detail and even more humor. It is very short (only 3 pages), but it has an incredibly-readable set of resources listed in the Bibliography, should your interest be piqued by the big picture presented therein. In fact, let me tempt you with a list of my 3 favorite reads:
- Johnson, Jeff. (2010). Designing with the Mind in Mind: a simple guide to understanding user interface design rules. New York: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
- Weinschenk, Susan M. (2011). 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People. New Riders Press.
- Weinschenk, Susan M. (2009). Neuro web design: what makes them click? Berkeley: New Riders.
- Lidwell, William, et. al. (2010). Universal principles of design: 125 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach through design. Beverly, Mass.: Rockport Publishers.
Additional Reading Recommendations mentioned at THATCamp
- If you want to learn web development, or even just get the BEST overview of HTML & CSS EVER - check out these chapters in InterACT with Web Standards:
- Chapter 5: Writing for the Web
- Chapter 11: Introduction to HTML structure
- Chapter 12: CSS styling basics
- Seductive Interactions presentation by Stephen Anderson
- An excellent, short book to consider getting used is this book of photocopied notes from a visual design class: Notes on Graphic Design and Visual Communication by Gregg Berryman.
- Podcast & Slides on Designing with Grids by Mark Boulton
- Some Accessibility resources:
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web (W3C)
- ARIA Roles (AListApart)
- Skip Navigation links (WebAIM)
- Designing for Mobile First (LukeW) & Responsive Web Design (AListApart)
Adelle Frank
Tweets from THATCamp about my SEXY presentation