Local, organic meat share for $100 from the Small Farms CSA (Fall 2010)

Total: 6 lbs. ground beef, 8 lbs. pork sausage & 2 hens.

If you enjoy local, organic meat: this is a great deal!

We signed up for this meat share as part of our local CSA (Small Farms, run by the Love is Love farm), you can read the Specifics on the CSA and the Fall 2010 Membership Agreement

PictureDescription Details
6 lbs.
Pastured, ground.
grass-fed beef, 1 lb. frozen chub

Frozen into 1 lb. chubs. Packed for Country Gardens Farm of Newnan, GA by Yoder's Butcher Block in Montezuma, GA and/or West GA Processing in Carrollton, GA.

Free-range, hormone-free, approximately 3-4 lbs. each
frozen hen in ziploc bagBy Country Gardens Farm of Newnan, GA, raised on pasture and fed a natural non GMO Feed.
8 lbs.
Pastured; heritage breed; ground sausage, mild
1 frozen pound bag of local pork sausage

Frozen into 1 lb. chubs. Packed for Country Gardens Farm of Newnan, GA by Yoder's Butcher Block in Montezuma, GA and/or West GA Processing in Carrollton, GA.



CSAs/Local Farmers Markets

You've got to see the farmer's market we go to Sundays that's underneath a major highway here in the city! It's like an outdoor DeKalb Farmer's Market. Good variety, hidden treasures and some free ranch meats.

Next adventure is to actually go to some of the local CSAs in our area (http://www.ecovian.com/s/sacramento/csa-food-delivery). There are plenty...

Adelle Frank

Sounds fun!

And I love that it is under a major highway. What hidden treasures have you found so far?