Huge non-profit news coop and web 2.0: a match made in heaven

What are the technological and semantic web possibilities for the recently-formed Investigative News Network?

Their aim is to "assist the newest nonprofits achieve greater economic stability and public presence, while at the same time, developing new models to monetize the shared, combined content of the member organizations." (Nieman Watchdog)

I'm intrigued by the possibilities for technology use in this new network. Some of the notes from the big Pocantico meeting lead me in some interesting technical and library science directions.

Some particularly relevant questions asked and topics discussed include:

  • "Should the frame definitely be 'investigative' reporting? Or 'public affairs'?" (I think a good selling point, and important moral stance, would be that this is journalism in the service of the public.)
  • "How can we get on mobile platforms?" (Ooh...I smell web standards.)
  • "Should alignments be by geography or subject area or both?" (Both: use Faceted Metadata!)
  • "A wiki and/or listservs for sharing ideas/resources?" (Wiki, please, as it's more community-accessible)
  • "Opensource APIs" (Be still my little techie heart. I wonder if they've seen Drupal 7?)
  • "Common format for data" (Semantic Web. Semantic Web. Semantic Web.)


What do YOU think of the possibilities?