Birth registration for Gloria Duarte y Ruiz of Mantua, Cuba in 1915
A certified transcript of the birth registration information for Gloria (Duarte y Ruiz) Valera, born 22 October 1915 in Mantua, Pinar del Rio province, Cuba. Includes a summary of key information, a Spanish transcript of the document, and an English translation of that transcript.
Citation and Download
Certified transcript of birth registration for Gloria Maria Duarte Candida del Rosario y Ruiz, issued 28 September 1961, Municipal Court, Mantua, Pinar del Rio province, Cuba; citing original certificate no. 115, filed 29 November 1915, p. 223, vol. 15, Births (Nacimientos), Civil Registry, Municipal Court, Mantua. [Download the original document, scanned with permission from her daughter's private collection.]
An overview of the main people, places, and dates found in this document.
- 22 October 1915: Date of birth - Gloria born at 5:00 p.m. in her parents' house in Mantua.
- 29 November 1915: Date of original record - Gloria's birth filed in civil registry of the municipal court in Mantua.
- 28 September 1961: Date certified transcript issued - by Mantua municipal court to Ramon Ruiz.
- 5 October 1961: Date transcript signatures confirmed - by Ministry of Justice in Habana.
People and Relationships
The list below details the people mentioned in Gloria's birth registration, how they are related to her, and any of their relevant personal details.
- Gloria Maria Duarte Candida del Rosario y Ruiz: the person whose birth is registered by this document.
- Antonio Duarte y Alfonso: Gloria's father
- Native of: Alacranes (Matanzas province)
- Resident of: Mantua (on 29 November 1915)
- Age: 26 years old (on 29 November 1915, born between 30 Nov 1888 and 29 Nov 1889)
- Profession: Local Head of Communications (on 29 November 1915)
- Maria de los Angeles Ruiz y Colome: Gloria's mother
- Native of: Mantua (Pinar del Rio province)
- Resident of: Mantua (on 29 November 1915)
- Age: 23 years old (on 29 November 1915, born between 30 Nov 1891 and 29 Nov 1892)
- Profession: "the work of her sex" (on 29 November 1915)
- Marcial Duarte y Fernandez: Gloria's paternal grandfather (Antonio's father)
- Native of: Alacranes
- Resident of: Union de Reyes (on 29 November 1915)
- [Unknown] de Candida Alfonso y Blanco: Gloria's paternal grandmother (Antonio's mother)
- Native of: Caraballo (La Habana province)
- Resident of: Union de Reyes (on 29 November 1915)
- Ramon Ruiz y Garcia: Gloria's maternal grandfather (Angelita's father)
- Native of: Mantua
- Resident of: Mantua (on 29 November 1915)
- [Unknown] Vitalia y Colome: Gloria's maternal grandmother (Angelita's mother)
- Native of: Mantua
- Resident of: Mantua (on 29 November 1915)
- Other: possibly the person to whom this transcript was issued in 1961 (which would imply he was still alive)
- Fernando Sanchez: legal adult witness to original birth registration
- Native of: Spain
- Resident of: Mantua (on 29 November 1915)
- Profession: proprietor [of his own business] (on 29 November 1915)
- Other: married (on 29 November 1915)
- Manual Sanchez: legal adult witness to original birth registration
- Native of: San Juan y Martinez (Pinar del Rio province)
- Resident of: Mantua (on 29 November 1915)
- Profession: employed (on 29 November 1915)
- Other: single (on 29 November 1915)
English translation of document [formatting and headings added]
Jurisdiction (1961)
4037 [stamped in black] 0048301 [stamped in green]
Alberto Palacio Esquijarosa, Clerk/Judicial Secretary of Mantua [stamped in purple circle]
[various postage stamps also present]
Doctor Jose Vicente Garcia Yonfonk, Municipal Judge for the Civil Registry of Mantua, M.N.
4560 [stamped in black]
Location of original (1915)
I hereby certify that on page 223 of volume fifteen (original), in the Births section of this municipal court's Civil Register, there exists a record, copied here in accordance with current legislation, which reads:
Copy of original (1915)
Gloria Maria Duarte Candida del Rosario y Ruiz. Number 115.
In the town of Mantua, Pinar del Rio, at nine in the morning on the twenty-ninth day of November 1915, before Mr. Manuel Pelaez Suarez, Municipal Judge (for this term) assisted by Eusebio Sosa y Enriquez, Secretary, appeared Mr. Antonio Duarte Alfonso, native of Alacranes, Matanzas province, whose profession is the Local Head of Communications, twenty-six years old and a resident of this town, in order to register a female in the Civil Registry of Births, and to that effect declared as a parent: that the female was born in the declarant's home, I say, on the fifth day [possibly meaning Friday], on the twenty-second of this past October, at five in the afternoon.
That she is the daughter of the declarant and of Maria de los Angeles Ruiz y Colome, a native of Mantua, occupied in the work of her sex, twenty-three years old and domiciled in the home of her husband.
That she is the paternal granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcial Duarte Fernandez (whose maiden name was de Candida Alfonso y Blanco), the first a native of Alacranes [in Pinar del Rio], the second of Caraballo in the province of La Habana, and both residents of Union de Reyes; and the maternal granddaughter of [Mr. and Mrs.] Ramon Ruiz Garcia (whose maiden name was Vitalia Colome), both natives and residents of Mantua.
And that the aforementioned female has been given the name of Gloria Maria Candida del Rosario.
Eyewitnesses were Mr. Fernando Sanchez and Mr. Manuel Sanchez, legal adults, the first a native of Spain, married, proprietor [of his own business], and the second a native of San Juan y Martinez, single, employed: and both residents of this town.
Witnesses at bottom of original (1915)
[I had trouble translating the words below here.]
Read entirely this act and invited all people who must sign it to the - read for themselves whether to believe; if appropriate, it will put the seal of this Court and sign in Honor, respondent and witnesses it all I certify Secretary.
at amended margin
- Candida-Voucher. amended
- Blanco-Worth. Seal
- Manue1 Pelaez
- Antonio Duarte
- Manue1 Sanchez
- Fernando Sanchez
- Eusebio Sosa
Legal details of certified issuance (1961)
[I] go on record and deliver to Ramon Ruiz, who is issued this certification, in Mantua, twenty-eight September 1961.
About what deleted
[illegible signature]
--In front of me.
[another illegible signature]
Having been read and checked by
[illegible signatures]
[purple Mantua stamp repeated] [end of front side of document]
Back side of document
[stamped in red]
Ministry of Justice
5 October 61
Republic of Cuba
Tax documents
P.B.C. 1218
[stamped in purple]
[half a circle: Republic ...Consulate General ...]
Republic of Cuba
Ministry of Justice
Department of Legal Affairs
Doctor Vicente Pablo Pernas Urben,
Signature Legalizer of Judicial Officers, p. a.
Hereby certify that the signature of the Judicial Officer authorizing the preceding document is apparently authentic, by the similarity that keeps with that used to using their official acts.
La Habana, [following stamped in blue], October 5, 1961
[another illegible signature]
[stamped in blue circle]
Republic of Cuba
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Cuba
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[LIC?] Silvino Sophegui Mato
Director of Chancery
I attest: That the signature of Mr.
[Handwritten] Vicente P. Pernas
who holds the position of legally confirming signatures for the M. [Ministry] of Justice, on the aforementioned date, is apparently authentic, by the similarity that keeps with that used to using their official acts.
In witness whereof, I authorize this with my signature and with the seal of the Ministry.
La Habana, on October 5, 1961
Registration No. 48505, Book No. 141
Having been read and checked by
[illegible signature]
responsible for legal confirmation of signatures
[imprinted seal of some kind with signature of mark handwritten over it]
[additional postage stamps]
Transcript of original Spanish document [formatting and headings added]
Jurisdiction (1961)
4037 [stamped in black] 0048301 [stamped in green]
Alberto Palacio Esquijarosa Mantua Secretario Judicial [stamped in purple circle]
[various postage stamps also present]
Doctor Jose Vicente Garcia Yonfonk, Juez Municipal Encargado del Registro Civil de Mantua, M.N.
4560 [stamped in black]
Location of original (1915)
CERTIFICO: que al folio 223 del Tomo Quince, original, del la Seccion de Nacimientos del Registro Civil de este Juzgado Municipal a mi cargo, consta un acta que copiada de acuerdo con la legislacion vigente dice asi:
Copy of original
En el pueblo de Mantua, provincia de Pinar del Rio, a las nueve de la manana del día veinte y nueve de Noviembre de mil novecientos quince, ante el Sr. Manuel Pelaez Suarez, Juez Municipal del Termino asistido de Eusebio Sosa y Enriquez, Secretario, comparecio el Sr. Antonio Duarte Alfonso natural de Alacranes, provincia de Matanzas, de profesion Jefe Local de — Comunicaciones, de veinte y seis años de edad y vecino de este pueblo, con objeto de que se le inscriba en el Registro Civil el nacimiento de una hembra y al efecto como padre de la misma declaro: que dicha hembra nacio en casa del declarante el dia cinco, digo, el dia veinte y dos de Octubre ultimo, a las cinco de la tarde.
Que es hija del declarante y de Maria de los Angeles Ruiz y Colome, natural de Mantua, ocupada en los lavores de su sexo, de veinte y tres años de edad y domiciliada en el de su marido.
Que es nieta por linea paterna de los señores Marcial Duarte Fernandez y de Candida Alfonso y Blanco, naturales de Alacranes, el primero y la segunda de Caraballo, provincia de la Habana y ambos vecinos de Union de Reyes y por linea materna de [los señores] Ramon Ruiz Garcia y Vitalia Colome, naturales de Mantua y vecinos del mismo.
Y que a la expresada hembra se le han puesto los nombres de GLORIA MARIA CANDIDA DEL ROSARIO.
Fueron testigos presenciales los señores Fernando Sanchez y Manuel Sanchez, mayores de edad, naturales el primero de España, casado, propietario y el segundo de San Juan y Martinez, soltero, empleado y ambos vecinos de este pueblo.
Witnesses at bottom of original (1915)
Leida integramente esta acta e invitadas todas las personas que deben suscribirla a que la - leyeran por si mismas si a si lo creyeren conveniente, se le pone el sello de este Juzgado y la firman el Sr. Juez, declarante y testigos que de todo ello como Secretario certifico.
al margen enmendado
- Candida-vale. enmendado
- Blanco-vale. Sello.
- Manue1 Pelaez
- Antonio Duarte
- Manue1 Sanchez
- Fernando Sanchez
- Eusebio Sosa
Legal details of certified issuance (1961)
I para que asi conste y entregar a Ramon Ruiz, se le expide la presente certificacion, en Mantua, a veinte y ocho de Septiembre de mil novecientos sesenta y uno.
Sobre lo borrado
[illegible signature]
--Ante mi.
[another illegible signature]
Confrontada por
[illegible signatures]
[purple Mantua stamp repeated] [end of front side of document]
Back side of document
[stamped in red]
Ministerio de Justicia
5 Oct 61
Republica de Cuba
Impuesto sobre documentos
P.B.C. 1218
[stamped in purple]
[half a circle: Republica...Consulado General...]
Republica de Cuba
Ministerio de Justicia
Departmento de Asuntos Legales
Doctor Vicente Pablo Pernas Urben,
Encargado del Registro de Legalizaciones de Firmas de Funcionarios Judiciales, p. a.
CERTIFICO: Que la firma del Funcionario Judicial que autoriza el precedente documento es al parecer autentica, por la semejanza que guarda con la que acostumbra a usar en sus actos oficiales.
La Habana, [following stamped in blue], October 5, 1961
[another illegible signature]
[stamped in blue circle]
Republica de Cuba
Ministerio de Justicia
Republica de Cuba
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
[LIC?] Silvino Sophegui Mato
Director de Cancilleria
Doy Fe: Que la firma del Sr.
[Handwritten] Vicente P. Pernas
que ocupaba el cargo de [Handwritten] Encargado de Legalizaciones de firmos del M. de Justicia [purple stamp] es la fecha antes expresada, es al parecer autentica, por la semejanza que guarda con la que acostumbra a usar en sus actos oficiales.
En fe de lo cual autorizo la presente con mi firma y con el sello de este Ministerio.
La Habana, on October 5, 1961
Registrado el No. 48505, Libro No. 141
Confrontado por
[illegible signature]
encargado de las legalizaciones de firmas
[imprinted seal of some kind with signature of mark handwritten over it]
[additional postage stamps]