Open Access, Open Source and Digital Libraries: A Current Trend in University Libraries Around the World
Abstract: Krishnamurthy maps a trend toward open models in digital libraries worldwide, including both open access publishing and open source software, and gives a brief overview, as well as references for these trends.
With this review, Krishnamurthy is an example of the open access publishing advocated. I admire the concluding argument that these open exchange models help society grow and prosper, coupled with the mention of their utility to scholars in developing nations.
These illustrate the classic librarian values of equitable access and intellectual freedom and provide an excellent argument for the global use of open models in libraries, publishing, and software.
Krishnamurthy, M. (2008). Open Access, Open Source and Digital Libraries: A Current Trend in University Libraries Around the World. Program: Electronic Library & Information Systems, 42(1), 48-55. Retrieved November 17, 2008, from Emerald Fulltext.