ReMIX South 2012 - Twitter highlights
Unable to attend ReMix South in Atlanta (October 19-20, 2012), but find twitter streams a bit overwhelming, lacking in context, or chronologically confusing?
Your solution: a re-organized, select set of tweets for each of the sessions. Please post comments if I've missed (or completely mis-categorized) any particularly good tweets!
- Keynotes
- Opening Keynote: Bill Buxton
- Closing Keynote: Carl Smith
- User Experience Track
- Web Track
- Mobile Track
- Startup Track
- Future Tech Track
- Random memes & thoughts
Opening Keynote: Bill Buxton
Bill Buxton is a relentless advocate for innovation, design, and - especially - the appropriate consideration of human values, capacity, and culture in the conception, implementation, and use of new products and technologies. He has worked with some of the best known companies like,Xerox PARC, Apple and now is at Microsoft Research as the Principal Researcher, where his job description is to "make a difference".
- Starting my #Remix12 day 2 mantra now: "I will not bear-hug Bill Buxton. I will NOT bear-hug Bill Buxton." @pinkrocktopusSaturday 7:22 AM
- Bill Buxton just walked by me #remix12 #designtingles @JamesMatchettSaturday 8:47 AM
- Bill Buxton is giving the opening keynote this AM here @remixsouth #remix12. His call sign on twitter is @wasbuxton '¦ I'll be live tweeting. @daveixdSaturday 9:07 AM
- Title of @wasbuxton's talk is "Welcome to Social". #remix12 @remixsouth @daveixdSaturday 9:09 AM
- Bill Buxton giving the keynote speech. @remixsouth #remix12 @marekpcSaturday 9:12 AM
- Watching @wasbuxton keynote at @remixsouth #remix12 @elijahmanorSaturday 9:14 AM
- To think about the work you're doing this quarter it's critical to think about what's happening 5 years from now. #remix12 @wasbuxton @daveixdSaturday 9:14 AM
- The notion of what an "app" is is getting fuzzier and fuzzier. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:15 AM
- If you couldn't make it to #remix12 you can catch @wasbuxton's keynote stream right now at @nicdevSaturday 9:17 AM
- For me the def of an app or application is whether or not there is an aspect of the code that has to be compiled. #meaningless #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:17 AM
- If you're aware of what kind of app it is (web, mobile, desktop), it's a failure of design. -Bull Buxton #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 9:17 AM
- Anything that requires you to be online all the time excludes 80% of the country. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:18 AM
- @wasbuxton says the 1st generation iPhone is an app. So is the kindle reader (complete independent of hardware). #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:18 AM
- Convo about apps assumes it's something for specific hardware, but for ex how can you decouple iPod hard and software? #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 9:19 AM
- I dare anyone to try and decouple the hardware and the software of a 1st gen iPod. @wasbuxton #remix12 "Digital stuff is inside everything" @daveixdSaturday 9:19 AM
- The diversity of web browsers tomorrow will rival the scale of "ink browsers" today. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:20 AM
- "The social relationships amongst devices will be as complex as those amongst humans today." @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:21 AM
- 'I defy anyone who wants to argue that you can decouple an app from it's hardware. My DSLR is a camera app.' - Bill Buxton #Remix12 @jasongraphixSaturday 9:21 AM
- Oh damn! now I'm going to have to think about creating a device that are passive aggressive and OCD? #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:22 AM
- In the future the social relationships amongst devices will be as complex as those amongst humans today. -@wasbuxton #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:23 AM
- Moore's Law -'s_law #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:24 AM
- "The smaller the record store the more likely you are to buy." - Bill Buxton #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 9:24 AM
- @wasbuxton is giving "Buxton's Law/G-d's Law" slides. I'm wearing my IxD08 shirt & it was at there where I first heard use it. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:26 AM
- The point of IxD is to take the promised functionality that humans are incapable of doing and make them doable. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:27 AM
- Are we getting too powerful and too complex for people? #remix12 #22sq @FredstukSaturday 9:27 AM
- 'A large collection of simple things is still too complex.' -Bill Buxton #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 9:28 AM
- Our devices ARE getting simpler to use; however, the # of devices have increased making the combination too complex. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:30 AM
- Now @wasbuxton is quoting Louis Kahn: 'Thoughts exchanged by one and another are not the same in one room as in another.' #remix12 @inkblurtSaturday 9:30 AM
- Thought exercise from @wasbuxton: note all the paper you see in one day. Then ask: what happens when all these become digital? #remix12 @heywrenSaturday 9:31 AM
- Learned a fancy word for contextual information: sentient data. Thanks @wasbuxton #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 9:32 AM
- TECHNOLOGY!!!! *shakes fist* #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 9:34 AM
- @wasbuxton "If anyone should be getting screwed by technology it should be me." As Bill struggles w/ his PPT. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:34 AM
- I'm too slow on the draw to tweet all of @wasbuxton's quips, but follow #remix12 (also @daveixd is live-tweeting) @inkblurtSaturday 9:34 AM
- Sapient's touchscreen Coke machine brings pop into the 21st century: /via @wasbuxton #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:34 AM
- 'If anyone would be screwed by technology, it would be me.' - Bill Buxton #Remix12 (As the video in his ppt wouldn't play.) @jasongraphixSaturday 9:36 AM
- A Nintendo DS has better connectivity than what you work with b/c it is homogeneous network. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:36 AM
- The ipad shared screen scrabble seems a bit gimmicky to me. We just haven't gotten it right yet. #remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 9:37 AM
- Home automation is not dead. we haven't gotten it right yet. It can take decades to get this complicated stuff right. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:37 AM
- Within next 5 years, large wall-mounted units are going to have as much impact on the market as slates/smartphones. - @wasbuxton #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:39 AM
- Pong. #remix12 @bencallahanSaturday 9:41 AM
- Think about how people fifteen years ago would feel about internet connectivity. Now think about near field connectivity. #remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 9:41 AM
- @wasbuxton is talking about using the right form factor in concert with other right form factors. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:42 AM
- Instead of a popup ad on an app, how about a popup app in an ad? Give people use of larger screens. -Bill Buxton #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 9:43 AM
- Future of ads: public access to projecting on large screens. My functionality popping up on ads instead of other way around. Cool! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 9:44 AM
- Pop-up ad in an app? How about a (small) pop-up app in a (large screen) ad? #remix12 #keynote @_vinciSaturday 9:44 AM
- "Seemlessness of the flow of transactions" is required to reduce "transaction costs". Referencing Ronald Case (1991) @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:45 AM
- I still don't know why anyone pays money for online popup ads.I want to see popup functionality on big screen ads. - Bill Buxton #Remix12 @jasongraphixSaturday 9:45 AM
- #Remix12 to @wasbuxton 's point. It would be nice if we could access slides for these talks on our devices as they speak. @gobiglabsSaturday 9:45 AM
- We are starting to see this kind of connection between devices in point of sale systems using personal phone devices. #remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 9:46 AM
- @gobiglabs David, my former students did a prototype of that very functionality based on capabilities in the @slideshare API. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:46 AM
- "It makes no sense to talk about benefit w/o talking about cost." @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:46 AM
- Interaction designers need to speak added value and added real cost not just usability and design. #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 9:48 AM
- Full house for @wasbuxton at #remix12#design #ux #interaction #ixd @ArtifactureSaturday 9:48 AM
- There was nothing new on the first TV remote, but it simply reduced the transaction cost. #remix12 @wasbuxton @daveixdSaturday 9:48 AM
- Economics of technology: think about changing transaction cost. -Bill Buxton #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 9:49 AM
- And our expectations and the structure of our lives changes dramatically b/c of it's introduction: shorter commercials @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:49 AM
- Nearly everything we've designed for mobile has been related to foreground activity. Background is the sweet spot. - @wasbuxton #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:51 AM
- For you startup folks this question of reducing "transaction costs" issue is the key to your success as a future company. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:51 AM
- They call remote controls 'clickers' because the original Zenith remotes operated on sound, not IR. #themoreyouknow #Remix12 @jasongraphixSaturday 9:52 AM
- Totally agree with @wasbuxton. Lots of focus on foreground interactions but little on background logic to further seamlessness! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 9:54 AM
- in 1990 PARC was working on the connected system of 3 form factors: Boards, Tablets and Pads. @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:54 AM
- @wasbuxton designed the pad so the buttons can be used by the one hand. Leaving the other hand free for stylus & other activities. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:55 AM
- When things come together and go apart, it has to be seamless. @wasbuxton #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:57 AM
- #remix12 Bill Buxton, I now have things to think about. Thank for your insights. @Hadley_BrandtSaturday 9:57 AM
- Things you can build for now: 1. seamless aggregation an disaggregation. 2. Graceful Augmentation and degradation. #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 9:58 AM
- Great design brings great value through changing perception. THE END @wasbuxton #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:59 AM
- @remixsouth @wasbuxton automatic doors = kinect version .01 @MariaGridnevSaturday 10:11 AM
- Amazing keynote by @wasbuxton at #remix12 @BergySmallsSaturday 10:13 AM
- You guys. @wasbuxton was AWESOME. #remix12 captured the magic. @pinkrocktopusSaturday 10:50 AM
- So much fun watching designers meet the man who inspired their careers. Autographs! #remix12 @pinkrocktopusSaturday 11:11 AM
- the keynote by @wasbuxton this morning was worth the entire ticket price of #remix12 - kudos! @SmartyPSaturday 12:07 PM
- My mind is still buzzing after @wasbuxton 's #remix12 keynote this morning! Wish every day could start that way. @robzeltSaturday 12:53 PM
- for those that were interested in @wasbuxton's talk this morning - Qualcomm's AllJoyn project is about local device interactions #remix12 @SmartyPSaturday 12:57 PM
- Matrix: Rows: Human-Human/Human-Computer; Columns: Foreground/Background. Flows through all quadrants seamlessly = success. ... @adellefrankSaturday 7:28 PM
Closing Keynote: Carl Smith
Owner and founder of nGen Works, Carl Smith runs an unconventional distributed team that works with businesses to redefine their identities and ideals. Carl has made a name for himself in client services by creating a new framework for how we get things done, and by enabling us to realign our creative communities. When he’s not conducting riveting business experiments with his nGeneers or consulting for global trendsetters, he’s busy sculpting a new face for the world of work.
Visit Carl’s team page to learn more about his other quirks, including his love of ’70s television and fear of tarantula invasions.
- The Closing Keynote with @CarlSmith will be live-streamed by & @EpicLabs beginning around 5pm. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 4:16 PM
- When you have Impostor Syndrome, you have a hard time accepting praise. - @carlsmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:18 PM
- Beware any enterprise that requires a change of clothing. - Henry David Thoreau #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:20 PM
- Sadly not catalogued in the DSM #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 5:20 PM
- #remix12 if you can't express yourself at work your going down the wrong path @gobiglabsSaturday 5:21 PM
- Find value in everything. Don't just throw things away you might be able to do something with it later. - @CarlSmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:22 PM
- Thomas Edison believed in failure. If he didn't perfect something, he was another step closer with each attempt. - @CarlSmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:23 PM
- waiting for @carlsmith to mention Donkey Dogs #Remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 5:23 PM
- Closing Keynote with carlsmith at #remix12 @ remix south @IdeaKitchnSaturday 5:23 PM
- "Thomas Edison - obviously an asshole." - @carlsmith #righton #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 5:24 PM
- A little history lesson. #Remix12 @PixelCantinaSaturday 5:27 PM
- Learn from Disney. It's not how you start. Trust yourself. Never quit. - @CarlSmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:30 PM
- @carlsmith #remix12 find value, Edison believed in the value of failure; embrace failure? Fail forward, listen, kn @robhelleSaturday 5:30 PM
- Whoa, Atari is named after the go positioning! #funfacts #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 5:32 PM
- Celebrate successes. But not too much. - @CarlSmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:33 PM
- Be yourself. Find value. Fail forward. Listen. It's not how you start. Trust yourself. Never quit. Celebrate successes. -@carlsmith #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 5:33 PM
- Reality is Broken: #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:35 PM
- In games we fail and we're okay with it. We don't give up after the first try. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:36 PM
- Last session. #remix12 @DavidMarsolekSaturday 5:41 PM
- Find a way. - @carlsmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:41 PM
- Focus on what's more important. Make everything a game. Enjoy failure. Find a way. Embrace connections. Relax. -@carlsmith #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 5:42 PM
- Politics summarized: Brains don't mean shit. #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 5:45 PM
- Connect with people you like. Find common goals. Laugh at yourself. Don't talk yourself out of an idea. -@carlsmith #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 5:49 PM
- Adapt. What worked yesterday won't work today. - #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:52 PM
- Winning! #Remix12 @PixelCantinaSaturday 5:58 PM
- "The bananas are a lie." - @carlsmith #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 5:59 PM
- Adapt. Start when you're ready. Sometimes you have to say screw it and move on. Stop losing. Choose! -@carlsmith #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 5:59 PM
- . @carlsmith killed it, again. Love your talks man, always an inspiration #Remix12 @nicdevSaturday 6:01 PM
- Watched carlsmith give a great closing keynote speech! #remix12 @ Cobb Galleria Centre @marekpcSaturday 6:37 PM
- Thanks @carlsmith for the intro to Captain Tony and his mantra. #remix12@caltemoseSunday 9:36 PM
User Experience Track
Professional Sketching Workshop (Jason Alderman)
Sketching! Fun. Cheap. Disposable. Unquestionably useful. There's no argument that sketching is a powerful tool in your design arsenal. In a profession where so much of our work is visual, it's vital to communicate our thinking visually during the design process--whether generating ideas, thinking through interactions, recording notes in meetings and talks, or telling a product's story to your team and clients. Working in such a gadget-laden technological field, sketching is also the rare practice that requires nothing more than a pen or pencil and paper.
In this very-hands-on workshop, you will...
- learn tried-and-true techniques for sketching, not only from user interface design and industrial design, but from storyboarding, animation, comics, icon design, and biology.
- apply these techniques through practical exercises and charrettes.
- sketch. A lot. (Possibly obvious from the title of the workshop.)
No matter your skill level at drawing, we'll cover tactics you can apply in your daily work.
- About to start the UX Sketching Workshop at #Remix12 (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center) @duienFriday 9:43 AM
- At the UX sketching track at #Remix12 @DubyaSobchakFriday 10:06 AM
- Learning to sketch with @jasonalderman #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 10:07 AM
- Learning to sketch @remixsouth #design #ux #wireframe #brainstorming #creative #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsFriday 10:09 AM
- Prototype rarther than wireframe #22sq #remix12 @FredstukFriday 10:12 AM
- So amazed at the crews awhile ago! Grabe, explosion of talent! #Remix12 @sarahcaparazFriday 10:14 AM
- Sketching is not drawing. We sketch to take the info out of our head's and onto paper #Remix12 @designtoadsFriday 10:15 AM
- Use a pen rather than pencil when sketching to keep from getting bogged down correcting mistakes #22sq #remix12 @FredstukFriday 10:19 AM
- Jason rocking some sketching at #Remix12 @igaenssleyFriday 10:21 AM
- Start with the worst idea, then it can only get better #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 10:24 AM
- Using ancient tools like "pens" and "notepads" to sketch ideas #Remix12 @designtoadsFriday 10:29 AM
- My first sketch at #remix12 @johnwilliams713Friday 10:29 AM
- Way better than mine ;-)"@johnwilliams713: My first sketch at #remix12" @KristenHRachelsFriday 10:31 AM
- #Remix12 sketching workshop @mstapinFriday 11:09 AM
- #remix12 My sketches for our wireless printing photo app. @designingseanFriday 11:11 AM
- Doing some sketching at #remix12 @6stringbelieverFriday 11:54 AM
- A great workshop by @justsomeguy at @remixsouth #remix12 @remixsouthFriday 11:58 AM
- @remixsouth virtual wizard using Siri to summon photos to print & Instagram from his phone #remix12 #ux @KristenHRachelsFriday 12:09 PM
- Really need to get some Coptic markers...they add so much depth to sketches. #remix12 @jduchimaFriday 12:13 PM
- #remix12 #ps #design #exercise #sketch the idea @ Grand Ballroom Meeting Room @VisualArtWerksFriday 12:13 PM
- "Hurry Printer" sketch. @juliemtaylor #Remix12 #ps @igaenssleyFriday 12:13 PM
- @igaenssley: "Hurry Printer" sketch. @juliemtaylor #Remix12 # @igaenssleyFriday 12:14 PM
- I love that we just had a group excerise to solve a solution, but they couldn't figure a solution to present them. #worthless #remix12 #pb @jfsteeleFriday 12:15 PM
- Digital wizardry #remix12 #ps @KristenHRachelsFriday 12:16 PM
- Ux sketch, photo sharing app. #remix12 #ps @brookecreefFriday 12:17 PM
- Sketches. #remix12 #ps @_vinciFriday 12:18 PM
- #remix12 #ps @marablecFriday 12:19 PM
- Roughly 130 people in the Professional Sketching workshop. #remix12 @jmcateeFriday 12:19 PM
- Suck it up and draw! #remix12 #ps #22sq (do it in pen) @FredstukFriday 12:19 PM
- #remix12 #ps maybe you should figure out logistics before you make burn an hour of our lives on wasted collaboration. #letuspresent @jfsteeleFriday 12:20 PM
- Look at this shit we made @heathhouston @DavidBilbo @werdnuh @bubbleteaisyum #goteamjerseyshore #yolo #Remix12 #ps @johnwilliams713Friday 12:22 PM
- #remix12 #ps If we can't present our collaborative ideas, there shouldn't be prizes. @jfsteeleFriday 12:22 PM
- @tbwiii use our harry potter magic. #remix12 @werdnuhFriday 12:22 PM
- #remix12 #ps if we can't pitch our collaborative ideas, what's the point? #worthlessexcersize @jfsteeleFriday 12:23 PM
- Keys to sketch noting, Listen> strategize> emphasize> improvise #remix12 #ps #22sq @FredstukFriday 12:26 PM
- #remix12 #ps advice: do group excerses after your presentation so people can present their ideas. Otherwise its just a wasted effort. @jfsteeleFriday 12:27 PM
- Use different typography in your notes for emphasis #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 12:35 PM
- What I learned from #remix12 #ps group excerise w/o presentations: ideas don't matter. Only big, well drawn images do. #wastedeffort @jfsteeleFriday 12:36 PM
- Use icons in your sketchnotes #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 12:39 PM
- Lettering #remix12 #ps @johnwilliams713Friday 12:39 PM
- #remix12 #ps @ChristyL5Friday 12:39 PM
- Sketching at a conference #remix12 #ps @JamesMatchettFriday 12:40 PM
- I am learning how unoriginal we all are at the sketching session ha ha #Remix12 @designtoadsFriday 12:40 PM
- #Remix12 UX, Sketch Noting @rjlavergneFriday 12:40 PM
- I drew a bear WHAAAT? #Remix12 #ps #fuckbears @johnwilliams713Friday 12:44 PM
- Props to my team, pretty sure we were first #remix12 #ps and props to terry for helping me on this @JamesMatchettFriday 12:46 PM
- CC/@PETA RT @johnwilliams713 I drew a bear WHAAAT? #Remix12 #ps #fuckbears @finckFriday 12:47 PM
- #remix12 #ps5 starting to feel this sketching workshop. @designingseanFriday 12:51 PM
- Angry guy smells bad. #remix12 #ps @werdnuhFriday 1:03 PM
- #Remix12 #ps4 Stick figures @rjlavergneFriday 1:14 PM
- MANY thanks to everyone who attended the @remixsouth sketching wkshop this morn! I'll get slides+links posted later & coord w #remix12 crew. @justsomeguyFriday 4:03 PM
- @PhilipMuldoonIV You're welcome.Thank you for attending... glad you found it useful! #remix12 @justsomeguyFriday 4:06 PM
- @JamesMatchett Thanks! I took photos of every poster, haven't downloaded the photos to count the sticky-note votes... #remix12 @justsomeguyFriday 4:34 PM
- Still excited from sketch workshop this morning #remix12 #ps @PlanetGrfxFriday 4:40 PM
- If Harry potter needed to print photos from his phone #remix12 #ps @JaggerStudiosFriday 5:35 PM
- @justsomeguy this was one of the best sessions I ever sat through for that many hours and was a little bummed time ran out. #Remix12 @igaenssleyFriday 9:21 PM
- My teen brain #sketchnote from the #ps workshop #remix12 @remixsouth @caltemoseSaturday 8:06 AM
- Shazaaaaam! Sketches at #remix12. @pinkrocktopusSaturday 11:05 AM
- Harry Potter love in these ux concept sketches. awesome #Remix12 @ninjamultimediaSaturday 5:07 PM
- A,E,I,O,U= Activity,Environment, Interaction,Object, User.The who, what, where, when and how of #UX #remixsouth12 #22 ... @adellefrankSaturday 7:43 PM
- Sweet. I can learn something! Before and after @justsomeguy's workshop. No more random doodles in meetings #remix12 11:57 AM
Interaction Design Master Workshop (Dave Malouf)
Whether you have the title of “Interaction Designer” or not, if you are working in software products & services you are doing interaction design. This workshop teaches design groups, consultants and developers how to use the knowledge, processes, and frameworks that make up Interaction Design in order to create better solutions for business and end-users a like. From research through to final production of software and products.
The workshop will have students exploring the nature of design as a form of exploration, but doing so against the object of human behavior. Students will learn not just tools, but also frameworks and mindsets that allow for designers to achieve better results using the design processes they read about every day.
The goal of this workshop is to give people in the design role exercises to use everyday like they were working out their creativity like they would their physical muscles. Tasks like observation, pattern recognition, narrative creation, UI design, sketching, etc. are walked through in ways that you and your team back home can practice your craft as a designer and do it in an environment (like a gym) where you all get to succeed together.
- Here's the link to my slide deck for my #remix12 workshop starting in 25min. Enjoy! @remixsouth @daveixdFriday 1:36 PM
- About to watch @davemalouf presnt at #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 2:01 PM
- About to watch @daveixda present on interaction design at #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 2:03 PM
- @daveixd talking about Interactive design @remixsouth #ux @KristenHRachelsFriday 2:06 PM
- "Technology forced us to rethink how we design" Dave Malouf #remix12 @designtoadsFriday 2:10 PM
- Interaction design is a performance/theater. #remix12 #22sq @FredstukFriday 2:28 PM
- Studying buttons, handles and chairs. #remix12 @heathhoustonFriday 3:04 PM
- "Everything in computers is a metaphor"- Dan Saffer.. But we can only stretch a metaphor so far before it breaks. #thought #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsFriday 3:21 PM
- Starting over "like when we went frm leopard to lion OSX & the scroll changd" we wer kids all over again w/ the movmnt. #geektalk #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsFriday 3:33 PM
- Breaking news: Corning Glass buys amazon. Puts out a phone that uses all glass in home as platform extension/ screen. #ifonly #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsFriday 4:14 PM
- It is a services world - intangibles, not consumed, people + products; #remix12 #daveixd @robhelleFriday 4:18 PM
- Paths tell our stories - constantly changing micro contexts; #daveixd #remix12 interaction design workshop; @robhelleFriday 4:21 PM
- Journey maps - are our new sitemaps; @daveixd #remix12 @robhelleFriday 4:23 PM
- Fidelity is Flexible #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsFriday 4:43 PM
- So is the fact that 1/2 the audience was gone by the end a good or bad sign? #Remix12 @daveixdFriday 5:31 PM
- @daveixd I would say take traffic into context... It always causes people to do crazy things.. Like leave a great session early #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsFriday 8:06 PM
- Speaker dinner for @remixsouth #remix12 (at Fig Jam Kitchen & Bar) [pic] "” @daveixdFriday 8:37 PM
- New to me via #remix12 and @daveixd - journey maps for ux process. Some visuals: @caltemoseFriday 9:16 PM
- I know it's a day late, but I want to thank everyone who attended and participated in my late Friday afternoon workshop @remixsouth #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:08 AM
The Motivational GPS (Kes Sampanthar)
Human motivation is complicated but the current research is allowing us to have a much better understanding of what ‘drives’ our behavior.
Drawing from disparate scientific disciplines -- neuroscience, paleoanthropology, development psychology, behavioral economics, sociology -- Kes Sampanthar, expert designer, strategist and innovator has synthesized the latest research and developed a framework that upgrades our natural motivation system from a rudimentary compass to a hi-tech GPS. In this fast-paced talk he explains the research and how it can be applied to design the next generation of humane technology.
- Judging from the lack of tables in the UX talk room, I needn't have brought my behemoth laptop. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 8:13 AM
- Ready for the Motivational GPS talk from Kes Sampanthar #Remix12 @DubyaSobchakSaturday 10:09 AM
- Wow. @KesSampanthar doing an awesome job talking about motivation and understanding the brain. Amazing talk so far. #Remix12 @FwdAnimationSaturday 10:20 AM
- Way in the back of the room for Motivational GPS (so I could gank a power outlet). #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 10:23 AM
- Anticipating future - will something happen, create maps around expectation, nature vs nuture - The Motivational GPS; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 10:24 AM
- Mastery - boot strapping the brain, program the goal, train brain, repeat until mastery, leads to learned skills; #remix12 - motivate GPS @robhelleSaturday 10:26 AM
- Known | Unknown - curiosity, exploration, Competitive motivations - social, Cooperative motivations - social #remix12 The Motivational GPS @robhelleSaturday 10:33 AM
- Loving this session by @kessampanthar right at the intersection of psychology & design. Keep thinking "damn, I want to do that!" #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 10:40 AM
- Motivation compass, engage, give feedback to brain - technology, design guide, direction towards an experience - Motivational GPS #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 10:41 AM
- Trust level can affect end user experience, create engaged audience - what is motivational mix? - solve right problem of customer; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 10:47 AM
- Chose the wrong talk. Everything in this talk could be learned from reading the "power of habit" and "4 steps to epiphany" #ReMixSouth @jen_bonnettSaturday 10:55 AM
- Customer journey maps , put it all into a screen, mapping + rewards, what draws one into a game - competion, or exploration? #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 10:55 AM
- The first talk I attended was interesting, but I think it would have been better to read a book. It was kind of like an outline. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 11:03 AM
- Then again, maybe I just don't know enough about the field to connect the dots. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 11:04 AM
- The brain loves unanswered questions. Curiosity peaks, engagement grows. How can you incorporate this in your marketing m ... @adellefrankSaturday 7:59 PM
Digital Fluency and User Experience (J Cornelius)
People have explored the globe since the beginning of history, and have encountered new languages and methods of communication. The Web has done great things to bring us together across languages and cultures, but that doesn't mean we all understand things the same way, even if we are speaking the same language. This new digital landscape still has much to be explored.
In this talk we'll look at the idea of digital fluency and how different levels of understanding can impact experience in ways we might not have considered before. We'll look at some of the psychology behind how fluency influences judgement and perception of digital experiences, and how we can approach experience design to build meaningful connections with the people who use our creations.
- Thanks for all the great comments on my @remixsouth talk today. You can get the slides here: #remix12 @jcSaturday 2:52 PM
- For your viewing pleasure, video of my talk on Digital Fluency and User Experience from @RemixSouth: #remix12 12:08 PM
- About to see @jc wax on digital fluency. #Remix12 @ajsilvestriSaturday 11:12 AM
- About to see @jc talk at @remixsouth - can't wait! #remix12 @marekpcSaturday 11:17 AM
- #Remix12 @jc slides are always great. Nice, clean typography. @gobiglabsSaturday 11:26 AM
- Jedi mind tricks with @jc in the UX track @ #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 11:28 AM
- Please use spellcheck. - @jc @remixsouth #remix12 @marekpcSaturday 11:28 AM
- As seen at #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 11:28 AM
- Text speak makes my soul cry. Oh, vowels! Oh, grammar! I love you. #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 11:29 AM
- @JC crushing it #Remix12 "My English is pretty good too" @thrillgoreSaturday 11:31 AM
- First positive thing at #Remix12 - @jc's digital fluency in #ux talk. @thewolfeSaturday 11:31 AM
- Receiving some truth from @jc #Remix12 @juliemtaylorSaturday 11:31 AM
- I really like @jc's talk but I'm wondering where the application is going to be. BTW, I got 1 thing. Spell check is overrated. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 11:32 AM
- I'm going to be "that guy" at #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 11:35 AM
- Smart talk from @jc framing some common UX ideas within "Digital Fluency" #remix12 @inkblurtSaturday 11:37 AM
- @jc is explaining why "Don't make me think" is an axiom we can't forget or ignore. It matters today as much s 10 years ago. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 11:39 AM
- Both @jc and @bencallahan have referenced Noel Burch's four stages of competence in their #Remix12 talks. Great minds"¦ @jasongraphixSaturday 11:39 AM
- Four stages of competence 1. Unaware 2. Aware you don't know 3. Working at it and 4. Second nature. mastery is belt levels? ;) @jc #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 11:40 AM
- "It's not collaboration unless you can mess with each other's junk." #remix12 @joshcothranSaturday 11:43 AM
- Color, pronunciation, can throw off our perception of truth #Remix12 #MoarInstagram @thrillgoreSaturday 11:48 AM
- "High on emotion" thanks @JC for the #bandname #remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 11:50 AM
- @jc flashed a mathematic algorithm for aesthetics. Love That! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 11:51 AM
- "Spatial blindness to awareness": "I am" to "I am here" to "Where are we?" #remix12 @_vinciSaturday 11:51 AM
- @digitalcandy yea, b/c it's really important that we turn aesthetics into a soulless predictable formula. #ugh #rem @daveixdSaturday 11:53 AM
- It feels like you can be stuck in this circle and never remember how you started #remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 11:54 AM
- But I do think that @jc is using aesthetics in a cognitive way when aesthetics is actually a philosophical discipline. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 11:54 AM
- @digitalcandy yes, agreed, except when it is used to supplants it's own beauty over that the beauty which it describes. / @jc #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 11:56 AM
- Digital Fluency & User Experience w/ @jc #remix12 @bubbleteaisyumSaturday 11:57 AM
- Love the @antonpeck drawings that are in @jc talk. Awesome use of illustrations! #remix12 @marekpcSaturday 11:58 AM
- "The best way to interact in the world"¦is in the world." #remix12 @_vinciSaturday 11:59 AM
- I know this page! Just sad @glengordon can't hear me sass him about it #remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 11:59 AM
- @digitalcandy we are all responsible for inference and saying I did not "imply" X is no excuse (the point of the talk actually) @jc #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 12:01 PM
- got the shout out in @jc pres! @stephenanderson #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 12:02 PM
- Checking out @jc @ #remix12 @cdharrisonSaturday 12:03 PM
- Via @jc's great #remix12 talk. #thiscoffeetasteslikesoup @boopboopbdoopSaturday 12:04 PM
- To the person who asked about a good book on visual language, this might be helpful / @jc #remix12 @inkblurtSaturday 12:05 PM
- Excellent talk by J.Cornelius on shifting your perspective. #remix12 #digitalfluency @thaliajkempSaturday 12:06 PM
- @daveixd @jc without math, no one at this conference would have a job! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 12:08 PM
- Did you see my talk today at @remixsouth? I'd appreciate your feedback. #remix12 @jcSaturday 5:41 PM
- Achievement unlocked. @remixsouth talk done, complete with @antonpeck's illustrations. Here's a sneak peak. @adellefrankSaturday 7:06 PM
- audio from @inkblurt's guest lecture in @umsi #si658 yesterday: @adellefrankSaturday 8:02 PM
- @inkblurt @jc Colin Ware's book is good but get the newest version, v3. Also rec @albertocairo" @adellefrankSaturday 8:04 PM
- @inkblurt @jc Frankel & DePace's Visual Strategies is also good... only a little ways in; great case studies. http: ... @adellefrankSaturday 8:05 PM
- @jc we're getting a 404 error. >> Thanks for all the great comments on my @remixsouth talk today. You can get the slides here"¦ #remix12 @MrcusAureliusSunday 3:31 PM
Prototyping and Scenarios for a Touch First World (Sara Summers)
Some of the user experience and testing techniques, tools and software we use have a legacy problem. Much of it is very button-centric. And great apps need investigation, exploration and user scenarios that showcase context and communicate feeling… So how do we evolve our research and user testing skills for a touch first world?
Join me and we’ll discover some of the quick and clever tricks to mimic gestures and touch interactions with scenario focused illustrations, narrations and sketches. You’ll have clients and customers eating out of your hand. Scouts honor!
- Prototyping and Scenarios for a Touch First World with Sara Summers - Remix South 2012, Atlanta Georgia; @robhelleSaturday 1:29 PM
- A little experiment - 30 seconds; people tend to go with first solution; @ssummers #remix12 people, process, us is why we prototype; @robhelleSaturday 1:36 PM
- Sara Summers talking prototyping and scenarios at #remix12 #design #ux @ArtifactureSaturday 1:43 PM
- switched rooms to @ssummers and already happy. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 1:46 PM
- Do not try to create and analyze at the same time. #remix12 #22sq @FredstukSaturday 1:46 PM
- Do not try to create and analyze at the same time. #Remix12 @designtoadsSaturday 1:47 PM
- "Do not try to create and analyze at the same time." - via @ssummers #remix12 @HungryBizSaturday 1:48 PM
- create, analyze @ different times; process quality, details matter transitions, interactions during (not after) projects; @ssummers #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 1:50 PM
- get points for showing your failures @ssummers #Remix12 @daveixdSaturday 1:50 PM
- "As a designer, I am supposed to *create understanding.* THAT is my job." - @ssummers #Remix12 #UX @HeatherDiane17Saturday 1:52 PM
- "Innovation has always been in the hands of those who are hands-on." - @MrAlanCooper @ssummers #Remix12 @daveixdSaturday 1:54 PM
- Hands on, use context, for | with everyone - @ssummers #remix12 prototype for touch; @robhelleSaturday 1:55 PM
- prototyping tools: scissors, markers, stickynotes, paper @ssummers #Remix12 @daveixdSaturday 1:56 PM
- stickies rock. @ssummers #Remix12 @daveixdSaturday 2:02 PM
- shout out to @wasbuxton's Sketching User Experience Workbook. @ssummers #Remix12 @daveixdSaturday 2:04 PM
- @ssummers is taking "Lean Startup" to task for just putting a new name on an old thing causing confusion more than helping. #remix12 @daveixdSaturday 2:06 PM
- @ssummers @remixsouth great ux talk at #Remix12 @jamesledfordSaturday 2:11 PM
- "@HeatherDiane17: "As a designer, I am supposed to *create understanding.* THAT is my job." - @ssummers #Remix12 #UX" @dlmultimediaSaturday 2:13 PM
- shout out to @wasbuxton's Sketching User Experience Workbook. @ssummers #Remix12 @maastrix_uxSaturday 2:24 PM
- @ssummers make stuff so you can make and then analyze; and co-create with others. #remix13 @adellefrankSaturday 7:33 PM
Conceptual Design (Giovanni DiFeterici)
Giovanni will discuss how you can approach conceptual or idea driven design projects and produce work that will be legendary.
- "Design with emotion. How do get people to care? There's a lot of good work out there that no one gives a shit about." UX #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 2:55 PM
- 3 minutes into his #remix12 talk & I'm already in love with @giodif. Boobs & Francis Bacon & great hair? Yep. I'm paying attention. @boopboopbdoopSaturday 3:00 PM
- A sharktopus. We will need a rocket propelled chainsaw to kill it. #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 3:05 PM
- Mobile is a product, web and mobile design is separate; product design can not be dogmatic; start simple, add complexity later; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 3:06 PM
- Most of the talks I've been to today I've heard "we all do shit we wouldn't put in our portfolio" #remix12 @JamesMatchettSaturday 3:29 PM
- #remix12 "you have to be willing to fall on your face all the time... all the time" - Giovanni @giodif @gobiglabsSaturday 3:31 PM
- @giodif thanks for the tarot cards !#remix12 @Tumshie40Saturday 3:33 PM
- Really enjoyed the conceptual #design talk by @giodif at #remix12 @ArtifactureSaturday 3:35 PM
- @giodif has some legit style. #remix12 @david_moellerSaturday 3:39 PM
- Conceptual Design with Giovanni Difeterici - Remix South 2012, Atlanta, Georgia; each design decision has an objective #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 3:45 PM
- #remixsouth not sure what I got out of Conceptual Design. Presenter had some cool graphics. No clear direction how to create it. Sorry. @apolloc1214Saturday 3:48 PM
- @giodif /conceptual design/ = emotional truth&engagement,world building,message over content,follow central idea,show don't tell @adellefrankSaturday 4:00 PM
- Just left Remix South and ended with a great speaker @giodif. Overall great weekend! #Remix12 @RapptorStudiosSaturday 4:26 PM
- Gotta love these tarot cards @giodof @remixsouth #remix12 @Tumshie40Monday 11:18 AM
The New Reading: Sequential Art and Typography in UI Design (Mick Winters)
We are voracious creators and consumers of content. We devour zettabytes of data across a prolific expanse of interfaces. With every new device placed in our eager hands, we must reeducate ourselves to access what we desire—knowledge, entertainment, pleasure, expression. Let's examine how the traditional use of typography and sequential art techniques influence contemporary UI design to shape the way we read today.
- In reverse chron, #remix12 #sketchnotes from @mickwinters #newreading and @CarlSmith closing keynote. #hashtagoverload @justsomeguySaturday 7:06 PM
- CLOSE IT DOWN LIKE A BOSS! "@mickwinters: #remix12 UX closer!" @remixsouthSaturday 12:58 PM
- @mickwinters If you don't drop the mike and walk away, Jay-Z style, then I don't think we can call #Remix12 officially closed. @pinkrocktopusSaturday 1:02 PM
- Final session: "The New Reading: Sequential Art and Typography in UI Design." Not taking notes; don't want to get my laptop out. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 3:58 PM
- The guy that gave me my first internship as a programmer, @mickwinters #newreading #Remix12 @rjlavergneSaturday 4:05 PM
- Seeing the Golden Ratio in action at #Remix12 with @jfsteele. It's kinda magic. @missteboSaturday 4:08 PM
- Kindle Fire HD, Nook HD and Google Nexus 7 all use 10:16 (Golden Ratio). #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 4:12 PM
- Microsoft Surface is 9:16. iPad 3: 3:4. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 4:13 PM
- The New Reading: Sequential Art and Typography in UI Design with Mick Winters; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 4:13 PM
- 10:16, the dimensions of many mobile devices, is essentially 1:1.618"”this is the golden ratio. (iPad is 3:4) #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:13 PM
- Sentences I never thought I'd say- "all this math is making me so happy." I was wrong. #newreading #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 4:14 PM
- Michael S. Hart founded Project Gutenberg in 1971, invented the ebook #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 4:15 PM
- A set of leaves bound together = book; a specialist work of writing = monograph; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 4:15 PM
- Hart freed text from format, essentially creating flowing text. #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:16 PM
- OH "I don't mean to bad mouth developers, but... They're probably just going to do the easiest thing." #remix12 @robzeltSaturday 4:19 PM
- Ideal line length for readability is 40-70 characters including spaces. Now windows can be resized"¦ #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:19 PM
- Page numbers are irrelevant in a flowing text format. #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:21 PM
- Great question from the #newreading #remix12- what is the point of a page number in a flowing text world? @boopboopbdoopSaturday 4:21 PM
- The kerning on the Iowan font hurts my brain. #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:25 PM
- Apple removed 'Baskerville' as a font without paying me; now I'm unleashing my lawyers on Amazon cc: @mickwinters #newreading #Remix12 @whoisvinceSaturday 4:26 PM
- @mickwinters doing the last #UX talk at #remix12 I think I talked to half of Atlanta's @ArtifactureSaturday 4:27 PM
- ebooks make reading a nonlinear experience. #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:29 PM
- @mickwinters #remix12 eBooks make reading non-linear; hyperlinks can take a reader out of eBook, and into two sc @robhelleSaturday 4:31 PM
- Wh00t, Comixology gets some love. #remix12 #newreading @cosleiaSaturday 4:33 PM
- Yes. Makes it yours. "@boopboopbdoop: Highlighting physically destroys a book but for me"¦ a highlighted book is a devoured book." #Remix12 @HeatherDiane17Saturday 4:35 PM
- @mickwinters #remix12 make reading appropriate for a digital device; digital pop up book - interactive; embed @robhelleSaturday 4:39 PM
- @mickwinters being awesome at @remixsouth #newreading @MariaGridnevSaturday 4:39 PM
- The Silent History - content you can only unlock by going to a physical location, intro videos, etc. all surround written work. Wow #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 4:41 PM
- Very glad I could catch @mickwinters present #newreading at #remix12. The Golden Ratio, flowing text, and new ways to tell stories. @scottyhendoSaturday 4:43 PM
- Questioner asks why authors don't do multiple endings"”how about multiple MIDDLES that all lead to the same conclusion? #newreading #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 4:45 PM
- @mickwinters just condensed a semester's worth of typography and layout into an hour #newreading #remi @jordanjungSaturday 4:56 PM
- Aaaaah golden ratio and Fibonacci spirals "in nature"!!! #noooooo @adellefrankSaturday 7:20 PM
Web Track
Modern Web Development w/ LESS, Javascript, and HTML5 (Shawn Wildermuth)
In this workshop, Shawn Wildermuth will walk you through creating a new web page from scratch using the latest tools in web development. This workshop will show you the basics of building better Javascript client code, using jQuery (and jQuery plugins), LESS to build better CSS and communicate with the server to display and update data.
- here are notes from @ShawnWildermuth's session since @adellefrank asked #remix12 @rustytantonFriday 12:44 PM
- Slides & demo code from @ShawnWildermuth session for #remix12 can be found at @adellefrankFriday 1:28 PM
- scrolling marquis were just mentioned in my session #Remix12 #thisguyisawesome @itlstudiosFriday 10:07 AM
- Lots of "chatter" and "cool kid" web tools can be overwhelming. Just pick one and do it. -Shawn Wilderman #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 10:07 AM
- Sitting in Modern Web Development w/ LESS, javaScript and HTML5 at #Remix12.. Two Day Conference, I'm ready! @nesalotFriday 10:13 AM
- Modern Web Development w/ Less, JavaScript and HTML5 - Remix South, Atlanta, Georgia; #remix12 #remixsouth - go with comfortable tool; @robhelleFriday 10:08 AM
- #Remix12 hey web developers, a basi coding hint... comment comment comment! @itlstudiosFriday 10:09 AM
- "JavaScript: You don't have to learn it...but you should" -Shawn Wilderman #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 10:14 AM
- Development fairytale: JS can't create classes, it must not be OOP. #agreed #Remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 10:16 AM
- I love friendly coding nerds who explain and share openly in plain speak. Shawn Wildermuth is my hero! #Remix12 @digitalcandyFriday 10:27 AM
- For equality without coalescing === #remix12! @kostya770Friday 10:30 AM
- #Remix12 - @ShawnWildermuth is using Web Matrix in his class. The interface seems nice, will have to check it out. @CyberMusketeerFriday 10:34 AM
- #remix12 additional ideas for front end development: :-) @gobiglabsFriday 10:34 AM
- #remix12 anyone else notice he forgot " = imageurl" in the psudo-class? @gobiglabsFriday 10:40 AM
- Apologies; I've been saying Wilderman and it's Wildermuth! #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 10:41 AM
- #remix12 apparently someone else noticed too, lol @gobiglabsFriday 10:42 AM
- Trying not to zone out as things progress beyond my depth :> #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 10:43 AM
- #remix12 at JavaScript introduction talking about dependency injection in JavaScript. Some people are lost. @kostya770Friday 10:53 AM
- Loving the explanation of require.js and how it modularizes JavaScript for speed and logical object oriented structure. #Remix12 @digitalcandyFriday 10:58 AM
- doing a useable objective, like creating form validation, would be better in this enviro. #Remix12 #IMHO @itlstudiosFriday 11:03 AM
- #remix12 jQuery.. whoop hook @Hadley_BrandtFriday 11:03 AM
- looove me some jQuery.. $("#remix12").removeClass("WiFi"); #Remix12 @nesalotFriday 11:08 AM
- I don't feel so lost now that we're to jQuery. #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 11:09 AM
- Require.js may become my new best friend #remix12 @thrillgoreFriday 11:11 AM
- view source is your friend #Remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 11:21 AM
- js part was OK, jquery MUCH more usable #Remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 11:25 AM
- Looking around the room... $(".SleepyHeads").each(function() { $(this).addClass("wakeUp"); }) #Remix12 @nesalotFriday 11:30 AM
- Full house for @ShawnWildermuth and his modern web wizardry! #remix12 @robzeltFriday 11:33 AM
- taking notes for work in "Modern Web Development: HTML5, Javascript, LESS and jQuery" with @shawnwildermuth #Remix12 @rustytantonFriday 11:45 AM
- @rustytanton will you be posting your notes on @ShawnWildermuth 's @adellefrankFriday 11:50 AM
- @adellefrank @ShawnWildermuth sure, I'll post later. Hopefully theyll make sense to people other than me! @rustytantonFriday 11:55 AM
- Huge chunky rings on the reg #remix12 @JustinBannister @itlstudiosFriday 12:02 PM
- feel bad for our presenter, curse you Murphy's Law #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 12:12 PM
- Is really telling us about how to use #firebug???? #remix12 @keshdingFriday 12:17 PM
- Thankfully, I don't really need to take notes on debugging in the browser, since that's how I roll. #deadlaptop #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 12:21 PM
- Props to @shawnwildermuth for live-coding his examples #Remix12 @tbwiiiFriday 12:23 PM
- Taking notes on the mobile portion in the Notes app on my iPhone. #remix12 #deadlaptop @cosleiaFriday 12:30 PM
- @tbwiii @ShawnWildermuth agreed! This whole process is pretty much my life AND he is instructing while doing it. @itlstudiosFriday 12:35 PM
- I enjoyed my first workshop at #remix12 I've got a much better sense of the work out front end engineers are doing. @theonetruebobFriday 1:16 PM
- @rustytanton thx for notes on @ShawnWildermuth session at #r @adellefrankFriday 1:23 PM
- Beware of the cool kids syndrome. You don't have to learn every new technology/framework. Concentrate on producing work. # ... @adellefrankSaturday 7:51 PM
Hands-On Responsive Web Design (Ben Callahan)
The number of mobile devices entering the market is staggering. Combine this with the fact that desktop resolutions are getting tremendously large and many other web-enabled products will be flooding the market soon and you have a perfect storm for web designers and developers.
One approach to addressing "resolution fragmentation" is responsive web design. This technique allows you to build a single website that responds to the width and height (and many other characteristics) of the browser.
This will be a hands-on workshop where attendees will be asked to participate in key steps in the process of creating a responsive site. Attendees will leave with the confidence they need to apply these techniques on their own projects.
We'll cover:
- taking responsive beyond the front-end developer role
- how to manage the design and development process in mobile first responsive web design
- fluid grids
- flexible media
- device-independent CSS3 media queries
- effective testing
- helpful JavaScript libraries
- overview of significant challenges facing responsive web design (images, ads, complex navigation, tables, etc.)
What can you take away from this workshop?
- A working knowledge of the three core techniques used in responsive web design.
- An understanding of the impact responsive web design has on the web design and development process.
- An understanding of when responsive web design is the right decision.
- An appreciation for the "Responsive Mindset" as opposed to just these techniques.
Note: Attendees should have an intermediate understanding of HTML and CSS and be willing to work with those around them to solve responsive web design challenges. Please bring a laptop, a power cord, and an opinion!
- Hey #remix12, here are the slides to my 3-hour responsive web design workshop'”cheers! @bencallahanSunday 10:16 AM
- From a debate that started last night - web people, what would you rather be called? #Remix12 // cc @ssummers @robtarrFriday 1:46 PM
- About to dig into responsive design with @seabre at #Remix12! @missteboFriday 1:48 PM
- I'd vote for "badass." RT @robtarr: [...] web people, what would you rather be called? #Remix12 // cc @ssummers @csteinertFriday 1:51 PM
- workshops > lectures... in @bencallahan's "Hands-On Responsive Web Design" #remix12 @rustytantonFriday 2:03 PM
- The web is NOT fixed width. @bencallahan #Remix12 @digitalcandyFriday 2:06 PM
- In the responsive web design workshop with Ben Callahan. Feeling pretty good. Met some nice people at lunch :) #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 2:07 PM
- Hands on Responsive Web Design.... One of my favorite topics. Excited about this 3 hour workshop. #remix12 @nesalotFriday 2:08 PM
- Here is the link to the Nerd vs. Geek form. @robtarrFriday 2:18 PM
- very impressed with the organization of the Responsive Session. Lots of visuals and application. #remix12 #definitelyageek @itlstudiosFriday 2:28 PM
- semantics are important for team environments and training within that environment #remix12 #responsivedesign @itlstudiosFriday 2:31 PM
- Glad to hear someone saying that semantic markup still matters in responsive design. #Remix12 @missteboFriday 2:33 PM
- semantic grid system, I'm in. #remix12 #pimp @itlstudiosFriday 2:33 PM
- @tbwiii: @bencallahan "I wish you were bacon" -celery poem #Remix12 @tbwiiiFriday 2:36 PM
- Finished programming assignment early #Remix12 @richardroyalFriday 2:39 PM
- So glad I came to the responsive design workshop"¦it is totally understandable and fun! #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 2:41 PM
- previously, there was no bacon at #remix12 Now there is bacon #remix12responivesessions @itlstudiosFriday 2:42 PM
- Building small res to large res is logical"”add stuff as you go rather than taking away. -Ben Callahan #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 3:04 PM
- I thought the "em" measure was based on the default browser font size and used mostly for font sizes. any other thoughts? #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 3:06 PM
- All this talk about #bacon is making me hungry! #Remix12 @mgillilandFriday 3:13 PM
- @bencallahan bacon > celery :) #remix12 @bubbleteaisyumFriday 3:15 PM
- Modernizr shout-out at #Remix12 from Ben Callahan! @KuraFire @cosleiaFriday 3:18 PM
- @bencallahan A celery poem for your consideration: #Remix12 @warrenmFriday 3:24 PM
- Rewarded for asking a question during #Remix12 responsive design workshop. @missteboFriday 3:30 PM
- #remix12 em widths are awesome! @designingseanFriday 3:34 PM
- Outstanding talk so far from @bencallahan at #Remix12 @tbwiiiFriday 3:34 PM
- @bencallahan thanks for the clear description of em vs px. #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 3:37 PM
- pretty sure this session will be the highlight of this conf. #remix12 @bencallahan @itlstudiosFriday 3:39 PM
- cool kids are in web listening to @bencallahan! w/ @werdnuh & @tbwiii #Remix12 @bubbleteaisyumFriday 3:42 PM
- Style Prototypes: GENIUS. #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 3:50 PM
- If you design for the web you have to start doing some development. @bencallahan #Remix12 @thamFriday 3:53 PM
- @bencallahan I have a man crush on you #Remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 3:53 PM
- Just heard of Adobe Reflow - was wondering when they would have some responsive tools announced - #remix12 @SmartyPFriday 4:08 PM
- Responsive Web Design workshop with Ben Callahan #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 4:10 PM
- "If you're gonna build a microwave, you'd better make it really easy to warm shit up." #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 4:11 PM
- #remix12 box-sizing:border-box I love you. @designingseanFriday 4:23 PM
- box sizing... I could go home right now. greatest tip ever #remix12 @itlstudios: @bencallahan @itlstudiosFriday 4:26 PM
- LOVE Ben Callahan's live-editing of to make it responsive XD #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 4:26 PM
- Going through responsive web design patterns. #Remix12 @seabreFriday 4:29 PM
- Niiiice. 4 minutes in Web Inspector, and @bencallahan made responsive. Bravo...great demo! #remix12 @justsomeguyFriday 4:30 PM
- Responsive Web Design is so simple and makes all the difference. #Remix12 @MRHwickFriday 4:34 PM
- "Resizing the browser is the new resizing the font-size." "”@bencallahan #remix12 @_vinciFriday 4:35 PM
- fun lessons learned in web: 1) Minute Plus! 2) the magical place called the Verizon store for device testing #Remix12 @bencallahan @bubbleteaisyumFriday 4:37 PM
- @bencallahan: What's next in RWD - shifting our perception away from pixel perfection. #Remix12 @thamFriday 4:55 PM
- Great, great workshop on Responsive Design from @bencallahan at #Remix12 ! Lots of takeaways plus beer & #bacon. @mgillilandFriday 4:55 PM
- Enjoyed @bencallahan's responsive workshop at #remix12. Engaging mix of hands on exercises & fresh examples. Can't wait for Remix day 2. @jasongraphixFriday 4:57 PM
- @bencallahan thank you, thank you for the BEST responsive design presentation ever!!! #remix12 @natasheebearFriday 4:59 PM
- @bencallahan Moving the RWD industry forward - Apprenticeships have been incredibly successful for us. #Remix12 @thamFriday 5:00 PM
- @bencallahan Absolutely awesome seminar on Responsive Web Design #remix12 @Bishops_moveFriday 5:03 PM
- Much thanks for all the feedback from attendees of my #rwd workshop at #remix12"”you all rock! @bencallahanFriday 5:39 PM
- Really enjoyed RWD presentation by @bencallahan at #Remix12. You rock, Ben! - rating: 5/5 @hanspcFriday 6:23 PM
- Great workshop @ #Remix12 on Responsive Web Design. @bencallahan dropped 3hrs of knowledge, then ended by saying we barely know anything yet @pamelafoxFriday 6:34 PM
- @bencallahan Excellent talk today. I learned a lot and I'm looking forward to working some of it into our process. #remix12 @7LayersDesignFriday 6:35 PM
- #remix12 ode to celery @bencallahan @gobiglabsFriday 7:22 PM
- @bencallahan Great presentation, content, delivery, and resource links = great session #remix12 @ophedianFriday 9:45 PM
- "If you're gonna build a microwave, it better be good at heating shit up" @bencallahan on content accessibility on web #Remix12 #justsayin @bubbleteaisyumSaturday 6:13 PM
HTML5 on the Frontline (Wesley Hales)
Is HTML5 ready for production code? Of course it is. This is a look into all the different HTML5 technologies that can be used in your code, today. We'll review a collection of tips, tricks, and best practices for HTML5 and W3C APIs such as Web Storage, Web Sockets, Web Workers, Geolocation, and Device Orientation. We’ll examine how these APIs contrast between desktop and mobile environments, then we’ll go into a deep dive on real world implementations for each one.
- Link to online slides for presentation.
- Headed to #remix12 to give a talk on using HTML5 in production. 10am playas, be there! @wesleyhalesSaturday 8:19 AM
- bout to tear up some HTML5 bet practices with @wesleyhales #remix12 ... not sure I'm awake tho @itlstudiosSaturday 10:00 AM
- Someone mentioned that we should be able to use devices to interact with the presentations. Someone wrote a tool for that. @Onslyde #remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 10:17 AM
- how to test if a site is HTML5? if it doesn't work in IE, it's HTML5 @wesleyhales #remix12 #IEmustDIE @itlstudiosSaturday 10:19 AM
- GOONIES @wesleyhales #remix12 #CHUUUUUUNNNNNK @itlstudiosSaturday 10:20 AM
- For WebDev - front end and back end, "It's OUR Time!" (Goonies reference) #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 10:21 AM
- Watching @wesleyhales talk about #HTML5 on the Frontline at #Remix12 @elijahmanorSaturday 10:22 AM
- In HTML5 on the Frontline. He's presenting his online prez. check it out! great info and stats! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 10:26 AM
- Digging @wesleyhales's onslyde side-project #Remix12 @tbwiiiSaturday 10:27 AM
- Android is the IE6 of mobile. #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 10:29 AM
- "Android is the IE6 of the mobile era" - Wesley Hales #remix12 @7LayersDesignSaturday 10:29 AM
- Yes! Been saying it for years! Mobile architecture: "think in terms of OFFLINE FIRST". Sucks losing everything cuz spotty wifi. #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 10:32 AM
- HTML 5 API's - Geolocation, Web Socket, Web Storage, Device Orientation and Web Workers. - @wesleyhales #Remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 10:34 AM
- Understaning responsive design, progressive enhancement is required to get a job. - @wesleyhales #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 10:35 AM
- "@NathanielDeal: Understaning responsive design, progressive enhancement is required to get a job. - @wesleyhales #remix12" - truth @gobiglabsSaturday 10:37 AM
- cognitive dissonance in #remix12 presentations #HTML5 prez: do mobile web VS. #iOS prez: do platform-specific/native design #mobile #rwd @adellefrankSaturday 10:41 AM
- Great info from @wesleyhales on HTML5 at #remix12 @designtoadsSaturday 10:41 AM
- Android's browser supports a connection API usable to determine connection quality locally. That's pretty cool #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 10:42 AM
- slidfast.js"”check it out. #remix12 @_vinciSaturday 10:43 AM
- Wow. WebStorage was a mess when we had the SQLite fiasco, and it still is. #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 10:45 AM
- Great use for Mobile Accelerometer - Tilt to Flip pages on your phone via #verycool @wesleyhales #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 10:48 AM
- #Remix12 more info on html5 storage @gobiglabsSaturday 10:48 AM
- Get the examples of HTML5 in action by @wesleyhales #remix12 @designtoadsSaturday 10:52 AM
- Use Web Workers to speed up your HTML App - More info at -> #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 10:53 AM
- @wesleyhales how do you like presenting with no wifi? You are doing great in spite of the internet sabotage #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 10:54 AM
- HTML5 on the Frontline - Web Storage, Web Sockets, Web Workers, Geolocation, and Device Orientation. Oh My! :) #Remix12 @nesalotSaturday 10:55 AM
- Battery Status API via W3C - @wesleyhales #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 10:56 AM
- #Remix12 Use the battery status api in html5 to check if you're draining a uses battery. Cool! @gobiglabsSaturday 10:57 AM
- The Local Storage HTML5 API is NOT Secure, what so ever! - @wesleyhales #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 10:58 AM
- Native vs web apps.. This is always the great debate. all depends on the clients needs, user needs & function that the product does #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsSaturday 11:21 AM
- Funny visual from #HTML5 prez at #remix12 : bugs/apple vs. daffy/android @adellefrankSaturday 6:33 PM
Giving Users Context via CSS3 (Adam Trimble)
CSS3 cranks up the power for front end developers around the globe. It invigorates the native web with a rich new set of interactions and animations, but with such a wide array of presentation choices we run the risk of focusing the user's attention away from what's really important: the content.
How can we stop transitions and keyframe animations from become the 'blink' tag of today? Interactions that are enhanced with CSS3 can give users contextual information that's incredibly helpful to the flow of an application, but superfluous animations and effects can be equally distracting. In this talk we'll focus on understanding the difference between the two and go over some examples found in the wild.
- Next session is "Giving Users Context via CSS3" with @adamtrimble #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 11:06 AM
- Just checking in at #remix12. Up next is a presentation by Adam Trimble on CSS3. Thanks for the tickets @Kelner @mrfrostiSaturday 11:12 AM
- Front-End Developers deeply need an understanding for design via @adamtrimble #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 11:31 AM
- Front-End Devs are responsible for teaching creatives new technologies like Responsive Design @adamtrimble #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 11:36 AM
- We should no longer accept the same screen demands. Instead we need to educate the client. @adamtrimble #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 11:40 AM
- DAE Hate IE rite? #Remix12 @tbwiiiSaturday 11:49 AM
- I hate IE because it stands opposed to science. Carl sagan FTW! #remix12 @werdnuhSaturday 11:50 AM
- The time has come for the Front-End Dev to know Photoshop and the Creatives to know HTML & CSS. @adamtrimble #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 11:54 AM
- Devs need to be in creative mtgs. The more context they have, the more accurate their interpretation of the designs will be. #remix12 @crystalgardnerSaturday 11:55 AM
Responsive JavaScript...It's not Your Mama's JavaScript (Rob Tarr)
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is all the rage. As the industry explores the patterns and design challenges of RWD, we need to examine the ways in which we write the JavaScript that powers the interactions that makes these websites so awesome. RWD has also presented some design challenges that CSS alone isn't ready for. We'll take a look at some of the leading JavaScript solutions to solve some of these problems as well.
Things we'll talk about:
- How can I use media queries to control my JavaScript?
- How can I deliver the right assets based on media queries?
- What JavaScript libraries exist that will help me build responsive websites?
- What tools exist that will help me build responsive websites?
- What are some challenges that still need to be tackled to push RWD forward?
- I posted my slides and a list of links from my presentation at #remix12 @robtarrSaturday 4:49 PM
- Looking forward to @robtarr's talk "Responsive JS ... it's not your mama's JavaScript" at #Remix12 @tbwiiiSaturday 1:18 PM
- Fun stuff!!! #remix12 @DavidMarsolekSaturday 1:23 PM
- #remix12 #applife @digitalsleepSaturday 1:27 PM
- Go get'm @robtarr @ssummers @pamelafox! #Remix12 @bencallahanSaturday 1:31 PM
- Nerd vs. Geek: Which do you prefer to be called? /v @robtarr #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:32 PM
- Fluid Grids + Flexible Media + Media Queries + JavaScript = Awesome. - @robtarr #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:34 PM
- fluid grids, flexible media, media queries, javascript = awesome @robtarr #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 1:34 PM
- Progressive Javascript - Treating content itself as an enhancement @robtarr #remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 1:35 PM
- AJAX Include Patterns: #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:38 PM
- Quickconcat - #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:39 PM
- Conditional Loading for Responsive Designs - #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:39 PM
- A better way to load CSS files? #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:42 PM
- A better way to load CSS files - @robtarr #Remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 1:43 PM
- eCSSential | Test templates: #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:46 PM
- HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills: #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:47 PM
- Responsive Javascript Polyfills - @bentarr @remix12 @NathanielDealSaturday 1:48 PM
- Respond.js - A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more) #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:48 PM
- MatchMedia.js - matchMedia polyfill for testing media queries in JS #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:49 PM
- Picturefill - A Responsive Images approach that you can use today! #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:49 PM
- Compatibility table for support of CSS position:fixed in desktop and mobile browsers. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:51 PM
- No Responsive Design presentation isn't complete without a mention of @filamentgroup's work and a reference to The Boston Globe. #remix12 @bmenozaSaturday 1:52 PM
- Fixed-Fixed. CSS position:fixed qualifier. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:53 PM
- A bunch of @scottjehl github projects were mentioned in @robtarr #Remix12 responsive talk. Great talk & great repos Scott ;) @elijahmanorSaturday 1:54 PM
- Device Bugs: a collection of quirks and issues that occur on browser platforms. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:54 PM
- @remixsouth @robtarr geek geek geek! & proud of it @Tumshie40Saturday 1:54 PM
- A fix for the iOS orientationchange zoom bug. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:54 PM
- #remix12 One reason I love the openness of the web is: if we find a bug we don't wait for a fix... we come together and fix it ourselves. @gobiglabsSaturday 1:54 PM
- MediaCheck - Control JS with mediaqueries #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:56 PM
- FitText - A jQuery plugin for inflating web type. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:58 PM
- great tool thx @robtarr #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 1:59 PM
- kern.js - bookmarklet for designers that finally puts you back in control of your website's typography. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:00 PM
- Hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:01 PM
- Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user's browser. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:02 PM
- @robtarr rounds up an amazing arsenal of powerful js tools for responsive web design. #Remix12 @ninjamultimediaSaturday 2:03 PM
- Touch.js - A simple light-weight JavaScript library for dealing with touch events #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:03 PM
- Blueberry - jQuery image slider written specifically for responsive web design. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:04 PM
- FlexSlider 2. #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:04 PM
- Swipe is a lightweight mobile slider "¦ #ResponsiveJS #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:05 PM
- "I'm not sure how practical it is, but it's awesome." via @robtarr #Remix12 @jonathannesbittSaturday 2:05 PM
- this is a great responsive slider. layers load separately creating some pretty awesome effects #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 2:08 PM
- Great responsive js resources/inspiration being provided by @robtarr in Web track. #remix12 #woot @bubbleteaisyumSaturday 2:09 PM
- @robtarr If you like FlexSlider, you may want to check out Great responsive slider plugin. #Remix12 @cdharrisonSaturday 2:12 PM
- Mr. robtarr talking #rwd #js to a full room at #remix12 @bencallahanSaturday 2:15 PM
- #remix12 Fine line between clever and hackish. Tracking current media query @richardroyalSaturday 2:21 PM
- if people have js turned off, they should be fired from the internet #remix12 @robtarr @itlstudiosSaturday 2:23 PM
- Nice! RT @bencallahan: Mr. robtarr talking #rwd #js to a full room at #remix12 @onceamonthmomSaturday 3:12 PM
- Response JS - mobile-first progressive enhancement in HTML5 @adellefrankSaturday 7:08 PM
- CSS Downloads by Media Query: @adellefrankSaturday 7:08 PM
- Great set of links from @robtarr on Responsive JavaScript from his #remix12 talk today - @pamelafoxSaturday 7:19 PM
Exterminating Common jQuery Bugs (Elijah Manor)
jQuery is so easy to use and thankfully abstracts many of the cross-browser concerns we used to labor over years ago. However, as with any library there are a common set of bugs that tend to crop up the more you use it.
This session aims to help equip developers with the appropriate knowledge and tools to exterminate many common bugs seen in jQuery code. For each topic that is covered we will start with a piece of code that has a jQuery bug, then identify what the bug is, explain why it is happening, and then proceed to explore various techniques to exterminate the bug.
Some bugs have a simple fix, whereas other bugs have numerous ways you could look at solving the problem. These solutions can range from simple to advanced concepts. By exterminating bugs in multiple ways it will help expose some of the newer and more advanced features of jQuery that aren't as widely known.
Some of the bugs that we will address involve dealing with synchronous and asynchronous code, uncovering some possibly confusing aspects of the $.each method, explaining why and how you might have killed event delegation, explaining the difference between commonly confused jQuery methods, uncovering why some animations have a mind of their own, and much more.
As you might have noticed some of the examples listed above aren't necessarily jQuery specific, but since the library is JavaScript there are many core concepts of JavaScript that are necessary to understand when using jQuery.
- Notes from @elijahmanor's solid #remix12 talk on jQuery debugging: @justsomeguySaturday 7:08 PM
- @elijahmanor hey you work with my friend @jonathansampson! Looking forward to the jQuery talk #Remix12 @tbwiiiSaturday 11:13 AM
- @tbwiii @jonathansampson ohh sweet! yeah, I speak at 2:45pm today. make sure to come up before or after the talk #Remix12 @elijahmanorSaturday 11:14 AM
- Show bug in action, show code, let the audience try to find the bug, explain the bug. Great format at @elijahmanor's presentation #Remix12 @nicdevSaturday 2:57 PM
- very useful jquery debugging seesion with @elijahmanor #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 3:08 PM
- jQuery UI easing effects (or "things you're not going to write on your own") #remix12 (via @jqueryui) @bmenozaSaturday 3:18 PM
- function() { $(this).data('nomouse',false);}); this fn can be used to ignore mouse movements until an animation is finished #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 3:25 PM
- Immediate new habit: camelCase data attributes. Interesting change in jQuery 1.6 to conform with w3c html5 data attributes #Remix12 @nicdevSaturday 3:29 PM
- Elijah "spider-manor" Manor is killing it on stage right now. #Remix12 #jquery @elijahmanor @jonathannesbittSaturday 3:41 PM
- "hey there's a new method, there are 3 others and I didnt know those very well" @elijahmanor #remix12 #jquerylove @itlstudiosSaturday 3:46 PM
- @elijahmanor.fix = function( bug ) { return squashed( bug );};$(".bugs").each(function() { @elijahmanor.fix( this );});// #remix12@bencallahanSaturday 3:47 PM
- on() > delegate(). live() is just deprecated. Time to start using on() #Remix12 #jquery @nicdevSaturday 3:49 PM
- Great info on common jQuery bugs and pitfalls from @elijahmanor. I forgot how cool is to attend dev talks every once in a while #Remix12 @nicdevSaturday 3:51 PM
- Glad you were able to come @elijahmanor . Enjoyed your talk. #remix12 @DavidMarsolekSaturday 4:06 PM
- Reviewing #jquery easing algorithms with @elijahmanor to "make the animation madness stop" :) #remix12 @bubbleteaisyumSaturday 4:43 PM
- @itlstudios lol, yeah that is a confusing topic. here is the article I mentioned @adellefrankSaturday 8:14 PM
- @elijahmanor #Remix12 Really enjoyed the talk on Sat. The jQuery bug fiddle will be great for hiring. Hope the knee's feeling better. @7LayersDesignSunday 2:50 PM
- @elijahmanor thanks for coming despite the busted knee and talking the time to interact! #Remix12 @tbwiiiSunday 2:59 PM
Building Animations With CSS3 (Josh Netherton)
We're going to get our hands dirty and delve into the technical side of creating transitions and keyframe animations with CSS3. We'll start by going over transforms (both 2D and 3D) and transitions and then talk about how to combine these to create compelling animations using keyframes. We'll dissect some basic animations to see how they've been put together, then step through the creation of a more complex animation, from planning and storyboarding to creating the code to finished product.
Along the way, I'll share tips, tricks and resources and show how some basic animation principles can keep everything looking more smooth and realistic.
- Here are the slides from my CSS3 animation talk yesterday. Big thanks to everyone that came out. #Remix12@joshnethertonSunday 8:57 PM
- #Remix12: totally recommend @joshnetherton workshop for 4-5pm. Saw him at Oglivy - solid presentation. @bubbleteaisyumSaturday 12:08 PM
- Oh man I love this talk on css3 animation ... Sorta blowing my mind. I had no idea this was possible, oops. #remix12 @marcymarcySaturday 4:26 PM
- Omg! @joshnetherton is "dropping" some CSS3 animation knowledge #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 4:32 PM
- A #remix12 speaker is showing how to use CSS3 animations w/ background-position"¦ beware the weeping angels! #DoctorWho @pamelafoxSaturday 4:39 PM
- It's great that @joshnetherton is showing the creative process. Knowing the css3 syntax alone is not enough to get awesome results #Remix12 @nicdevSaturday 4:43 PM
- Finally, a CSS3 animation I can relate to - A spinning and fading 3d Tardis! #remix12 @pamelafoxSaturday 4:46 PM
- Learned a lot from @joshnetherton about CSS Animations. Will be putting to use next week. #remix12 @Store404Saturday 4:48 PM
Mobile Track
Appcelerator Titanium Workshop (Pratik Patel)
Bring your laptop! Use your JavaScript skills to build native iOS and Android apps! Learn from an Appcelerator Titan!
This is a full day workshop specifically designed to get you up and running with Titanium and build feature-rich applications! We'll install the latest Titanium Developer and iOS SDK - then create a project in Titanium Developer and run it in the simulator to verify your setup. Basic JavaScript experience is necessary for this session; please complete a basic JavaScript course or book before attending.
Titanium is an open-source development tool for producing cross-platform mobile applications by Appcelerator. Using Titanium, you develop your mobile application using Javascript coded against the Titanium API's. Titanium Studio, an IDE for your mobile apps, invokes their compiler and builder to take your Javascript and build a native application for iOS and Android.
This is a full day workshop intended to teach you the basics of Titanium. We'll work on several exercises as you build up a complete, feature-rich, mobile application that you can deploy on either Android or iOS.
Topics we'll cover in this workshop:
- Titanium quickstart
- Titanium architecture and build process
- Titanium API's
- UI elements: Lists, Labels, Windows, Views, Buttons, etc
- Navigation
- Tabs
- Databases
- Network operations
- How to manage app upgrades
- Connecting to social media sites
- Debugging Titanium Applications
- Best Practices
- Turbo charging with Coffeescript
- Building maintainable code with platform specific plugins
- being able to tether on my phone is such a lifesaver at conferences.. in the all-day track on appcelerator titanium at #remix12 @SmartyPFriday 10:34 AM
- don't tell the Appcelerator guys, but I'm busy setting up Xamarin's Mono during some downtime ;) #remix12 @SmartyPFriday 10:51 AM
- Titanium workshop. 50 minutes in and still waiting for him to start. #installover4g #remix12 @mark0978Friday 10:51 AM
- @prpatel Are we going to start soon or do i need to pick a different track #remix12 @mark0978Friday 10:58 AM
- OH: "Are you running linux? Oh, boy" ~instructor helping an attendee at #remix12 Titanium workshop. @GhettoCodeFriday 11:45 AM
- When I click my button, the phone vibrates #Remix12 @richardroyalFriday 11:53 AM
- When I click my button, it vibrates and takes a photo #Remix12 @richardroyalFriday 12:14 PM
- going to continue on the titanium track. The room was given the chance to vote for an early start time. we voted yes. #nerds #Remix12 @ninjamultimediaFriday 1:07 PM
Brand Translation for iOS/Android (Stephen Martin)
Apple, Google, and your company all have design guidelines. Learn how to pull them together and design an app that will feel like home to your users. Gain key insights on how to translate your design palette, assets, and interactions across platforms.
- Sketch notes from @stephenmartin talk on brand translation @remixsouth #remix12 @JamesMatchettSaturday 12:52 PM
- I'll be live-tweeting from @stephenmartin's talk at #Remix12: Brand Translation for iOS and Android. [Track: Mobile] @cdharrisonSaturday 10:07 AM
- How do I make this app feel like OUR app? Will our users expectations be met? - @stephenmartin #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:14 AM
- The backstory: When I started designing for mobile, I didn't know where to begin. - @stephenmartin #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:15 AM
- Android Design Docs: #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:15 AM
- Apple Mobile Human Interface Guidelines: #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:16 AM
- "The user only ever sees one experience." - Matias Duarte, Director of User Experience for Android #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:17 AM
- #Remix12 day 2 talking brand translation for #ios #android #mobile w/ @mailchimp's #ux #mobile designer @stephenmartin #tech #atlanta @KristenHRachelsSaturday 10:18 AM
- "The user sees only one experience" #remix12 #mobile @manVSpanSaturday 10:18 AM
- Mistakes: Forcing iOS into Android. Not spending enough time with a specific platform or device. Not a platform-agnostic designer"¦ #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:18 AM
- Mistakes (cont'd)"...and web designing a native app. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:19 AM
- ESPN Replaces Its Old, Crappy ESPN Radio App With Brand New, ICS-Ready Hotness - #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:20 AM
- Iterative User Interface Design - "Over course of iterations, usability should get better." @stephenmartin #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:22 AM
- Have to get the grids & dps on the same term in your head or you will go crazy designing for both #ios & #android #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsSaturday 10:24 AM
- "@remixsouth: "The user only ever sees one experience." - Matias Duarte, Director of User Experience for Android #Remix12" @dlmultimediaSaturday 10:26 AM
- Here's @stephenmartin breaking it down on Mobile Design. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:27 AM
- Mailchimp UI Pattern Library - #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:29 AM
- It's refreshing to hear a truly agnostic comparison of native iOS/Android patterns & how they affect branding from @stephenmartin. #Remix12 @jasongraphixSaturday 10:29 AM
- Mailchimp Mobile App for iPhone and Android (v2) - #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:30 AM
- Following the rules: Familiar to users, OS upgrades bring free stuff, changes w/little design work, and gives time to get features right. @remixsouthSaturday 10:31 AM
- When iPhone 5 came out, because MailChimp used system controls, their app already scaled to to fit. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:32 AM
- There should be a prize for anyone who knows all the hip hop references in @stephenmartin's #Remix12 slides. -C.R.E.A.M. by Wu Tang @jasongraphixSaturday 10:34 AM
- Mandrill Mobile: (MailChimps transactional mail service.) #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:34 AM
- What company is doing it right with mobile? Nike. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:40 AM
- @nike.. Never fails that everyone goes back to their tech builds as the best builds.. Seamless design & user interface. @KristenHRachelsSaturday 10:40 AM
- "Here's a company that's doing or right - Nike." @stephenmartin #Remix12 Beautiful & different on iOS/Android because they embrace patterns. @jasongraphixSaturday 10:43 AM
- Workflow Ideas: Objective-C Macros (#define RGB(r, g, b) [UIColor colorWithRed"¦ @stephenmartin #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:44 AM
- In Android, set base colors in an XML doc. Set values once, reuse throughout app. @stephenmartin #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:46 AM
Designing Immersive Mobile Experiences (Wren Lanier)
Go beyond grids, icons, and interface guidelines and explore ways you can create more powerful and engaging user experiences for mobile apps. Learn what it takes to create the addictive quality of seamlessness between your app and your users. This session will include tips on designing with gestures, prototyping, and strategies for selling your designs to clients and stakeholders.
- Sketch notes from @heywren designing immersive mobile experiences part 1 @remixsouth #remix12 @JamesMatchettSaturday 12:53 PM
- Sketch notes from @heywren designing immersive mobile experiences part 2 @remixsouth #remix12 @JamesMatchettSaturday 12:54 PM
- About to start my presentation @RemixSouth. Super psyched! #remix12 @heywrenSaturday 11:11 AM
- About to listen to @heywren at #ReMix12 @jduchimaSaturday 11:12 AM
- Psyched about @heywren presentation! #remix12 @keshdingSaturday 11:17 AM
- Designing Immersive Mobile Experiences by @heywren #Remix12 #mobile @KristenHRachelsSaturday 11:17 AM
- Designing Immersive Mobile Experiences - Designing with gestures, prototyping, and strategies for selling your designs to clients. #Remix12 @nesalotSaturday 11:26 AM
- Create an experience with a native app - seamlessness erases line of physical, virtual world; design for touch, gestures next #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 11:27 AM
- #iphone is a lean forward device, while the #iPad is a lean back device. Consider this when designing for user experience. #mobile #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsSaturday 11:33 AM
- Craft amazing features - what, where, how - understand needs of consumers;mobile design for phone, tablet lean forward, lean back; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 11:34 AM
- designier immersive mobile experiences best session so far #Remix12 @digitalsleepSaturday 11:38 AM
- "It's rare that a first-time user feels completely comfortable in your app. Familiarity builds immersion." - @heywren #Remix12 @warrenmSaturday 11:42 AM
- Quick wins build confidence in users - more features != more app usage; responsiveness leads to longer, immersive interactions; #remix12 @robhelleSaturday 11:43 AM
- "MVPs are okay. Launch small and keep iterating." Build on user desires instead of adding features that won't be used. - @heywren #remix12 @bmenozaSaturday 11:49 AM
- .@heywren dropping the mobile knowledge #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 11:50 AM
- Design for Magic - @heywren; navigation, avenues for exploration; #remix12 - delight points, one door + one exit; rigid paths; @robhelleSaturday 11:50 AM
- The UX circle (of life). #Remix12 @ Remix South 2012 @moxieloxSaturday 11:54 AM
- Transitions + animation - layer screens, can logically describe relationship between content; @heywren #remix12 animation can mimic physics; @robhelleSaturday 11:54 AM
- "Animation should always mimic real world ideas of physics - Wren Lanier" #Remix12 #Mobile @nesalotSaturday 11:54 AM
- Really wonderful talk from @heywren @remixsouth #remixsouth12 @jamesledfordSaturday 11:55 AM
- Good ergonomics - minimize distractions of outside world, elements of surprise, delight; fierce reduction of features; #remix12 @heywren @robhelleSaturday 11:59 AM
- @heywren @remixsouth Wren did awesome! - need to check out super-realism ASAP...thanks so much Wren! @johnmford2Saturday 12:05 PM
- Reward users for each touch, super realism extends interactions from real world, allow users to build mental maps of apps; #remix12 @heywren @robhelleSaturday 12:05 PM
- great mobile talk by @heywren at #remix12. kudos! @SmartyPSaturday 12:08 PM
- Wren Lanier talking on Mobile Experience. Very good speaker! Kept everyone very engaged. #Remix12 #Mobile @nesalotSaturday 12:08 PM
- Awesome presentation from @heywren on designing immersive #mobile experiences. Lots of great take home thoughts & tips #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsSaturday 12:10 PM
- @heywren @remixsouth Wren did awesome! - need to check out super-realism ASAP...thanks so much Wren! @adellefrankSaturday 7:54 PM
When Mobile Browsers Attack! (Pamela Fox)
As web developers, we love the idea of mobile web development because we can re-use our existing knowledge and tools. But, as we soon find out, the mobile web is very different from the web. You can spend hours debugging things you never even gave a passing thought to on desktop and you may just find yourself sticking pins into an Android voodoo doll when you finally figure it out. In this session, I’ll cover all the pain points I ran into while developing for the mobile web and the tools I used for recovering from them, so that you can spend more of your time *enjoying* mobile web development.
- @pamelafox fabulously fun & info-full talk! #remix12 slides at @adellefrankSaturday 2:36 PM
- About to watch @pamelafox give her talk on mobile browsers, looking forward to it! #remix12 @marekpcSaturday 1:30 PM
- I chose the 1:30 presentation on mobile browsers after Pamela Fox's awesome presentation at @ATLJavaScript. Hopefully just as great #remix12 @mrfrostiSaturday 1:35 PM
- I picked which track to attend based on the speaker. I really wanted to learn about Responsive JS but had to see @pamelafox #remix12 @nicdevSaturday 1:36 PM
- Learning how to debug mobile browsers with @pamelafox #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 1:47 PM
- Great talk by @pamelafox on mobile web debugging #Remix12 @whoisvinceSaturday 2:27 PM
- .@pamelafox thanks for a great talk. Really useful advice #Remix12 @nicdevSaturday 2:33 PM
- Learned so much about iOS/Android development from @pamelafox. All these developers are inspiring me to higher levels of fluency. #remix12 @moxieloxSaturday 2:52 PM
- My slides from "When Mobile Browsers Attack!" - full of mobile Webkit bugs, workarounds, and links: #Remix12 @pamelafoxSaturday 4:06 PM
- @moxielox @nicdev @whoisvince @adellefrank Thanks, glad you liked it! @pamelafoxSaturday 4:06 PM
- #FirefoxOS in the "Much Better Browsers" slide :) "@pamelafox: My slides from "When Mobile Browsers Attack!" #Remix12" @pastoretSaturday 6:30 PM
Creating a Mobile Game Plan to Working with Large Brands (Matt Walker)
In this talk Matt will talk about the challenge of working with large scale brands like ESPN (and some of Matt's other clients).
Matt's had over 16 years of experience with large brand, Matt's encountered potential issues you need overcome and consider when putting them into the mobile space from a content and execution perspective.
Matt will also go into the challenges responsive design and other popular design trends could pose for large scale companies and I will use my new FFL iPad app as an example of how to solve those problems.
- On to @WalkDesign, who does UX and apps for @ESPN. Talking about mobile strategy for big brands. #remix12 @moxieloxSaturday 2:53 PM
- .@walkdesign dissecting iPad app design #remix12 #mobile @manVSpanSaturday 2:57 PM
- "Interactive products make you question everything" ~ @walkdesign #remix12 #mobile @manVSpanSaturday 3:05 PM
- @walkdesign #remix12 brand mobile concerns - sub brands, scalability, ads - custom, fonts, style guide constrain @robhelleSaturday 3:13 PM
- @walkdesign #remix12 device - ios, iPad, mobile, web, responsive - true or theoretical, color - brand color vs UI @robhelleSaturday 3:22 PM
- With out knowing the metrics, you can only have opinions about websites and why they did it. ~@walkdesign #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 3:47 PM
- An android user such as myself sitting in on an iOS talk. Not sure if being ironic or being a bad ass #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 4:06 PM
- . RT @moxielox: On to @WalkDesign, who does UX and apps for @ESPN. Talking about mobile strategy for big brands. #remix12 @walkdesignSaturday 4:10 PM
- . RT @manVSpan: .@walkdesign dissecting iPad app design #remix12 #mobile @walkdesignSaturday 4:10 PM
- . RT @manVSpan: "Interactive products make you question everything" ~ @walkdesign #remix12 #mobile @walkdesignSaturday 4:11 PM
- . RT @robhelle: @walkdesign #remix12 brand mobile concerns - sub brands, scalability, ads - custom, fonts, style guide constraints, UX @walkdesignSaturday 4:11 PM
- . RT @manVSpan: With out knowing the metrics, you can only have opinions about websites and why they did it. ~@walkdesign #remix12 @walkdesignSaturday 4:12 PM
The Intersection of Design and Development for iOS (Warren Moore)
iOS never stops evolving, so it's important for designers and developers to stay up-to-date on platform features that allow them to deliver better experiences with less work and fewer lines of code.
In this session, we'll discuss specific ways in which designers and developers can work together to achieve pixel-perfect user interfaces. This talk will have something for everyone, from designers who are approaching native app design for the first time to hardcore iOS developers who want to stay on top of new features in iOS 5 and 6.
- Forgot I had one more set of sketch notes from @warrenm talk from #remix12 @remixsouth 2:18 PM
- If you can make it to my talk today at 4 PM, I highly recommend it. #Remix12 @warrenmSaturday 10:36 AM
- Android is not the only platform with fragmentation. @warrenm diving into iOS fragmentation. #remix12 #mobile @manVSpanSaturday 4:16 PM
- Happy to see @warrenm enforcing photoshop etiquette in mobile track #Remix12 @bubbleteaisyumSaturday 4:53 PM
Startup Track
Startup Essentials: Most Startups Fail (David Moeller)
You've got a great idea and close to a working prototype. But you've never started a product-based or software-as-a-service business and are unsure about what's next. Who you need to bring alongside you to monetize your product and succeed. Should you do it all yourself? Work with friends? Try to hire someone to help? Raise capital or bootstrap? Target a limited segment or cast a wide net?
Or perhaps you already have a product that you are monetizing. What are the revenue and cost drivers that you can dig into to increase the profitability of your venture?
What about the exit scenarios? Where should you be focusing right now to position yourself for acquisition or asset sale success?
What we'll cover:
- HR-Team building principles: diversity, parity, openness
- Finance-Initial financing: bootstrapping, equity, and convertible debt. Financing pitfalls: options, restricted stock units
- Marketing-Startup marketing: Early adopters, generating buzz, living the dream
- Exit-Company valuation: Discounted cash flows, trading multiples, transaction multiples
What can you take away from this workshop?
- An understanding of the core reasons startups fail
- An understanding of the breadth of functional responsibility required in starting a company
- Tactics for launching your startup
- Tactics for building the right team
- Self Awareness + Situational Awareness = Self Regulation. Play to your strengths, compensate for your weaknesses, don't be lazy. #remix12 @heywrenFriday 10:16 AM
- Great question for entrepreneurs just starting out- are you looking for success or control? ~@david_moeller #remix12 @HungryBizFriday 10:28 AM
- "There's some interesting things that happen when you burn the boats" ~ @david_moeller #startups #remix12 #noturningback @heywrenFriday 10:31 AM
- "There's a difference between a prototype and a scalable product...but investors don't have to know that." #startups #remix12 @heywrenFriday 10:36 AM
- "The underlying cause (of startup death) is usually that they've become demoralized." - Paul Graham #remix12 @HungryBizFriday 10:40 AM
Eat the Food at Kleiner Perkins (Marc Gorlin)
Things VC’s will never tell you about raising money.
- @KabbageMarc is cracking up the Startup track crowd. Loved the slides from their first fundraising deck #remix12 @david_moellerFriday 11:08 AM
- "Make sure your partner is marriage material." - @marcgorlin #remix12 (I'm lucky that @CoachJennie is, right @meredyth25?) @HungryBizFriday 11:10 AM
- "You need a business plan, but don't expect anyone to read it, including your friends and family" ~ @kabbagemarc #startups #remix12 @heywrenFriday 11:21 AM
- "Raising money is a numbers game. Get out of town. Go to NY. Go to San Francisco." ~ @kabbagemarc #startups #remix12 @heywrenFriday 11:23 AM
- Some great "small" tips from @kabbagemarc about they raised capital for @kabbage at @remixsouth #remix12 #startups @IdeaKitchnFriday 11:24 AM
- "The most expensive thing in the world is a cheap lawyer." #startups #remix12 @heywrenFriday 11:25 AM
- Anyone launching a startup should experience @KabbageMarc 's "Eat the Food" presentation #priceless #remix12 #startups @david_moellerFriday 11:28 AM
- "Time kills deals. Push for unreasonable timeframes." #startups #Remix12 @heywrenFriday 11:29 AM
- "Bring a goat to the dog & pony show. Don't be afraid to be yourself." ~ @kabbagemarc #remix12 @boopboopbdoopFriday 11:29 AM
- The little things will not kill the deal. Eat the food at Kleiner Perkins. @KabbageMarc #remix12 @david_moellerFriday 11:31 AM
- @kabbagemarc #remix12 Eat the Food at Kleiner Perkins @david_moellerFriday 11:41 AM
- @KabbageMarc Take it personally! Take the no's, the bullshit, as a challenge to exceed and prove the prdel's wrong. #remix12 @Bishops_moveFriday 11:42 AM
Taking the Leap: 6 Steps to Reduce the Risk (Jen Bonnett)
Do you have a startup idea? Thinking of taking the leap? Serial Entrepreneur, StartupChick & Catalyst at ATDC, Jennifer Bonnett, shares tips for reducing the risks of entrepreneurship.
Already made the leap? It's not too late to take some steps to ensure that you have not taken unwarranted risk....
- @remixsouth Get Specific (What's your FU number?) - Great line! #remix12 #startups @Bishops_moveFriday 12:19 PM
- listening to @jen_bonnett dish out great advice about startups. #Remix12 @mosesngoneFriday 12:22 PM
- @matchist @startupstella hearing @jen_bonnett answer a question here at #remix12@marcymarcyFriday 12:36 PM
So You Think You Can Pitch? (Sanjay Parekh)
Most pitches suck.
We're going to explore some of the reasons why and how you make your pitch suck less.
- if you want a @startupriot sticker, find me at #remix12 and ask me for one. @sanjayFriday 11:38 AM
- Who stole my cookie??? #Remix12 @igaenssleyFriday 1:54 PM
- @sanjay great presentation about making the perfect pitch #remix12 @martinrojasFriday 2:28 PM
- @sanjay great talk at #remix12 Came in w/ the #gangnamstyle elevator pic and wasn't sure what to t @jfsteeleFriday 2:55 PM
- @martinrojas thanks for the kind words and for being at #remix12. @sanjayFriday 3:36 PM
So You Think You Have a Good Idea, Now What? From Innovation to the Marketplace. (Scott Williford)
This session will cover the stages of innovation and how every step must be a response to the marketplace. Good ideas don’t always make good businesses. Understanding the how to take products and services to the marketplace is critical to your success.
According to Wikipedia: “There are two parallel paths involved in the new product development process: one involves the idea generation, product design and detail engineering; the other involves market research and marketing analysis.” Scott Williford will share how straddling both paths are key to a successful launch of a new product or company. Topics covered will include: Getting started, Creating Minimal Viable Products, Pricing Models, Responding to the market place, and having a long term product plan.
- #puppyraptor #remix12 that is all @ewHurtadoFriday 2:54 PM
- "Revenue is going to make it a lot easier to raise investment ... But even then, the cheapest money is still a sale" #remix12 @marcymarcyFriday 3:15 PM
- "Recurring/passive income = SWISS dollars... 'Sales while I sleep soundly'" #remix12 @marcymarcyFriday 3:19 PM
- Pricing shouldn't be one size fits all. Hunt the elephant but kill the rabbits along the way #Remix12 #startups @crystalgardnerFriday 3:37 PM
BizCraft Live Recording (Gene Crawford & Carl Smith)
This is BizCraft, the podcast about the business side of web design, recorded live almost every two weeks. Your hosts are Carl Smith ( @carlsmith) of nGen Works and Gene Crawford ( @genecrawford) of UnmatchedStyle.
- Live at #bizcraft via #remix12 Let's go! @NathanielDealFriday 4:08 PM
- #bizcraft @carlsmith and @genecrawford at #remix12 @NathanielDealFriday 4:11 PM
- BizCraft live at #Remix12 with @carlsmith & @genecrawford! @remixsouthFriday 4:14 PM
- Loving the open discussion feel with #Bizcraft Live at #Remix12. Great stuff! @FwdAnimationFriday 4:40 PM
- @NathanielDeal well thank you sir! Wish I could have snuck into @genecrawford @carlsmith@bencallahanFriday 5:37 PM
Future Tech Track
Evolution, Revolution, Disruption: Our Changing Ecosystem of Innovation (Josh Blake)
Everyone wants to innovate. Everyone claims to be innovative. After all, innovate or die.
Wait, what does innovation really mean? How is innovation affected by culture and environment? How do we measure innovation and can everybody really be an innovator?
This session will address all of these questions by comparing three examples of modern innovation - the blog, the iPad, and the Kinect - as examples of the three degrees of innovation: evolution, revolution, and disruption.
We will also discuss how the sources of innovation are changing. Thought leadership and innovation in the software industry used to limited to only a few, very well-funded organizations. Today, the world is changing such that true innovation requires a rich and diverse ecosystem that includes researchers, commercial entities, and individual enthusiasts. This session will help you recognize your full potential within this ecosystem and how to maximize your innovative output.
- Joshua Blake talking about Kinect. I made the right choice #remix12 @benjtinsleySaturday 10:16 AM
- I love that we are talking about Johannes Gutenberg right now. #remix12 innovation, yo @marcymarcySaturday 10:23 AM
- I'm happy Joshua Blake just read a book on Gutenburg but the letter press ain't future tech #remix12 @benjtinsleySaturday 10:26 AM
- We wanted flying cars. We got 140 characters. - Peter Thiel #remix12 @thamSaturday 10:26 AM
- innovation, hackers, startups, venture capitalists and future tech circa 1398 by @joshblake #Remix12 @mosesngoneSaturday 10:28 AM
- Come on Joshua Blake, show us why you have 2 Kinects on stage instead of this long Gutenburg lecture #remix12 @benjtinsleySaturday 10:31 AM
- After 40 minutes of historical analysis, @joshblake is finally giving us the moneyshot (in 3d)! Sweet. #remix12 @jamesashleySaturday 10:55 AM
- Wow! @JoshBlake demoed his own talk in 3D using two Kinects. He used to post edit real time! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 10:57 AM
- .@digitalcandy Hi, thanks for coming to my talk! The URL for PointStreamer is :) // cc @adellefrank @cgspicer @joshblakeSaturday 11:32 AM
Real World Pixels (David Kung)
Oblong Industries designed the gestural systems depicted in Minority Report and we've spent the last ten years making those systems real. These systems are premised upon multiple users engaged across multiple devices spanning multiple spaces. Learn how design must evolve beyond graphical and even natural interfaces to experiences that are fundamentally spatial, and consequently, more social.
- #sketchnotes: superinspiring(!) talk by David Kung (of @oblong_news) at #remix12 ...can't wait for Sandbox! @justsomeguySaturday 7:54 PM
- BYOD - bring your own devices #remix12 @thamSaturday 11:27 AM
- David Kung: Pixel abundance is changing the world. #remix12 @thamSaturday 11:33 AM
- "Pixel abundance can lower the transaction cost of collaboration/meetings." #remix12 @_vinciSaturday 11:37 AM
- "Everyone you make a PowerPoint, Edward Tufte kills a cat." - future track #remix12 @jamesashleySaturday 11:37 AM
- David Kung: Pixel abundance lowers the transaction cost. #remix12 @thamSaturday 11:37 AM
- Diving deep into Minority Report and social gestures. #FutureTech #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 12:02 PM
- Ha "@jamesashley: "Everyone you make a PowerPoint, Edward Tufte kills a cat." - future track #remix12" @KristenHRachelsSaturday 12:10 PM
- Very impressed with the presentation by oblong. the works already moved past mice with touch. Now we are moving on to gestures. #Remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 12:59 PM
- Also, why does the twitter android app not allow me to save hash tags? @twittermobile @MRHwickSaturday 1:02 PM
- Very impressed with the presentation by oblong. The world has already moved past mice with touch. Now we are moving on to gestures. #Remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 1:04 PM
The Future of Interface Technology (Ash Thorp)
Movies are often the harbinger of technology to come. Only ten years ago Minority Report was amazing movie audiences and now we use these concepts to play games. Ash will cover the creative process in creating UI's for movies and his views on the future of Interface Technology.
- #sketchnotes from @ashthorp's talk on his process designing fictional UI for Total Recall, Prometheus, et al. #remix12 @justsomeguySaturday 7:22 PM
- Looking forward to hearing Ash Thorpe speak about his work on Minority Report, Prometheus, Iron Man 3 creating UIs for Hollywood. #remix12 @DubyaSobchakSaturday 1:18 PM
- And now for a change of pace: future of interface technology. #Remix12 @missteboSaturday 1:31 PM
- Checking out @ashthorp for "the future of interface technology" #ux #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsSaturday 1:32 PM
- The best way to define your future is to reinvent it. George lois. #remix12 @NhuKimSaturday 1:33 PM
- "The best way to define your future is to reinvent it" #REMIX12 @whoisvinceSaturday 1:34 PM
- Sitting in on @ashthorp at #Remix12 talking about his work on many major motion pictures and our perception of "future tech" @thrillgoreSaturday 1:34 PM
- Its interesting how he says the old James Bond intros were inspiration for his intro work on X-Men First Class. #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 1:36 PM
- Ash Thorpe worked on the way the Machine sees the world in Person of Interest!!!! (The movie pitch anyway) #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 1:40 PM
- "Don't create barriers to your interface design." @ashthorp at @remixsouth @IdeaKitchnSaturday 1:41 PM
- "I get obsessed with what I do." "I see it in my head and then have to go sell it" totally. We relate Ash! #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 1:43 PM
- Pixar movies are never done, they just have to release them. #remix12 #ReMixSouth @IdeaKitchnSaturday 1:47 PM
- Amen "@digitalcandy: "I get obsessed with what I do." "I see it in my head and then have to go sell it" totally. We relate Ash! #Remix12" @KristenHRachelsSaturday 1:47 PM
- Huge fan of Total Recall the movie.. Cool seeing @ashthorp show off his design/ ux work on the film #badass #Remix12 @KristenHRachelsSaturday 1:51 PM
- Listening to ash thorp talk about his design work on total recall and prometheus. Best session at #remix12 @NhuKimSaturday 1:51 PM
- "It's important to draw. It's important to get that idea out." "”Ash Thorp. #remix12 @_vinciSaturday 1:58 PM
- @Ashthorp has one amazing future gui reel. #Remix12 @thewolfeSaturday 2:00 PM
- "It's important to draw. I take a thought and go as far as I can in the time I have." Ash Thorp #remix12 @joshcothranSaturday 2:01 PM
- Truer words have never been spoken. #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 2:06 PM
- Good design is as little design as possible. It's innovative. #Remix12 @ashthorp #ux @KristenHRachelsSaturday 2:09 PM
- All the tools in the world are meaningless without an essential IDEA. - George Lois #Remix12 Ash Thorp session @digitalcandySaturday 2:09 PM
- Your IDEA is the path to your answer, not the tools. Via @ashthorp at @remixsouth #remix12 #design @IdeaKitchnSaturday 2:09 PM
- @Ashthorp nailed it: We didn't know what the future of interfaces would be until Minority Report was released. #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 2:12 PM
- @Ashthorp says holograms and other fictitious UIs are like the lens flare of movies. #Remix12 @digitalcandySaturday 2:14 PM
- #wishinIwasfishin **** #ashthorp #remixsouth @JDKNSSaturday 2:18 PM
- "Failure is a huge part of success." via @ashthorp at @remixsouth #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSaturday 2:26 PM
- @Ashthorp words of wisdom. Really cool dude @remixsouth @alvasaviSaturday 2:30 PM
A Panoramic View: The History of Media and the Design of Mobile AR (Jay Bolter)
Mobile AR (for smart phones and tablets) is an exciting arena for innovation in experience design, and a design platform is emerging called the "AR browser." This platform make possible innovative forms of education, entertainment, and even art. We will briefly look at some examples, including AR videogames and cultural heritage tours. Then, we will focus on one special visual and interactive application: the AR panorama. As a form of exhibition, the panorama dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. Today panoramas have been remediated for mobile devices, and this new generation of panoramic applications promises new ways of seeing and even touching a world of digital content.
- Sitting in on Prof. Jay Bolter's session: A Panoramic View: Media History & the Design of Mobile AR. #Remix12 ^cd @remixsouthSaturday 2:49 PM
- Nerdherder: #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:59 PM
- There are over 100 million mobile game players in the US alone. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:00 PM
- Augmented-Reality Web Browser - ARGON: #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:02 PM
- Aurasma - virtual browser. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:06 PM
- Wikitude - Augmented Reality SDK. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:06 PM
- Layer - Easy way to add digital content to print media. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:07 PM
- (I saw a bunch of shirts at Target that use this!) Zappar = Augmented-reality + clothing. #MobileAR #Remix12 @cdharrisonSaturday 3:09 PM
- Voices of Oakland - Interactive History Tour. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:10 PM
- Augmented Reality Trail Guide #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:16 PM
- TourWrist - Create, Share & View Panoramas. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:17 PM
- Google Art Project. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:18 PM
- Loving all this AR stuff"¦ #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 3:20 PM
- Blown away by how cool Argon is. I can't wait to install it on my iPad when I get home. #MobileAR #Remix12 @cdharrisonSaturday 3:22 PM
- Microsoft Photosynth - Capture your world in 3D. #MobileAR #Remix12 @cdharrisonSaturday 3:23 PM
- Pleasantly surprised by the #MobileAR talk at #Remix12. It's more fascinating than I expected it to be. @cdharrisonSaturday 3:29 PM
- Further Reading: The Panorama: History of a Mass Medium [Hardcover] by Stephan Oettermann #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:32 PM
- WhatWasThere: Ties historical photos to Google Maps. #MobileAR #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 3:33 PM
- 19th century panorama paintings as precursor to AR? Fascinating talk from Jay Bolter. #remix12 @6stringbelieverSaturday 3:50 PM
Bringing 'Minority Report' to your Desk: Gestural Control Using the Microsoft Kinect (Chris Twigg)
- Now if we could only start doing all this gesture detection with consumer grade webcams, we would see a revolution. #Remix12 @MRHwickSaturday 1:07 PM
- I got to see Chris Twigg of @threegear present some awesome gesture interface demos at #remix12 today: @mrfrostiSaturday 8:25 PM
Random memes & thoughts
- Full #Remix12 schedule with speakers' bios & talks: free app in Appstore & Google Play @eventor_rzFriday 8:07 AM
- Excited for @RemixSouth today! #Remix12 @melkleinFriday 8:17 AM
- Here we go! #Remix12 @FwdAnimationFriday 8:26 AM
- Here we go! #Remix12 @remixsouthFriday 8:26 AM
- All registered!! #remix12 @marekpcFriday 9:19 AM
- Here for RemixSouth! #remix12 (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center w/ 13 others) @thrillgoreFriday 9:31 AM
- #remix12 no wifi. so no live tweets, sorry! @adellefrankFriday 9:49 AM
- No outlets or wifi at #remix12. This is a WEB conference people!! @crystalgardnerFriday 10:05 AM
- I'm @remixsouth #remix12 @Tumshie40Friday 10:06 AM
- At least there is @Starbucks coffee. #Remix12 @HeatherDiane17Friday 10:06 AM
- If you see @JC in passing, there's a good chance he's got a cup of coffee in hand. Meet our #UX speaker at #Remix12. @remixsouthFriday 10:06 AM
- Lol '@boopboopbdoop: "Where are we going?" "Just follow the nerds." Good morning from #remix12!' @KristenHRachelsFriday 10:07 AM
- Was really looking forward to hugging my twoot-friend @willsansbury this morning at #Remix12. @pinkrocktopusFriday 10:07 AM
- #remix12 seriously, @remixsouth is there Wi-Fi? @gobiglabsFriday 10:10 AM
- Oh yeah. btw, I'm taking over Ninja's sweet stream of tweet for RemixSouth 2012 #Remix12 @ninjamultimediaFriday 10:11 AM
- no wifi, no power, no bacon #epicfail #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 10:13 AM
- If I wanted a conference without wifi, i'd go to fucking burning man. #Remix12 @johnwilliams713Friday 10:14 AM
- No wifi @ #remix12 and no iphone5 charger. I will be finding all iphone5 users to hunt down a charging device like its my job. Watch out :-) @KristenHRachelsFriday 10:15 AM
- Someone at #remix12 should have talked to @sanjay about wifi :-( @GhettoCodeFriday 10:19 AM
- No WiFi + No Power Source == No Bueno! #remix12 #SadPanda @NathanielDealFriday 10:31 AM
- Just noticed that 3 pals of mine are at #remix12: @daveixd @heywren and @ssummers Hope y'all have a great time! @mojoguzziFriday 10:47 AM
- @mojoguzzi In fact, we're all speaking at #remix12! @daveixd @ssummers @heywrenFriday 10:48 AM
- Sounds like they're watching a movie or something next door. #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 10:50 AM
- @heywren @daveixd @ssummers That's what I meant to say--y'all are all speaking at #remix12@mojoguzziFriday 10:50 AM
- LOUD outside the door in hallway.. Can... not..... think... #Remix12 @nesalotFriday 10:55 AM
- #remix12 No Power in the rooms -- fail! @Hadley_BrandtFriday 11:00 AM
- No badge. No wifi. @remixsouth is not off to a good start! #Remix12 @thewolfeFriday 11:02 AM
- #REMIX12 (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center w/ 23 others) @Dorothea007Friday 11:05 AM
- Stop using "foo" ! #Remix12 @jasonpxFriday 11:09 AM
- How do I follow the #Remix12 hash tag while ignoring the ones wining about wifi? @tbwiiiFriday 11:11 AM
- @joshtheorange at #ReMix12 ?? I see some mailchimp signs! @sophiavuxFriday 11:28 AM
- Which of the following basic amenities are available at @remixsouth ... wifi, power, badges or none of the above? #remix12 (hint: it's none) @dborensteinFriday 11:29 AM
- #remix12 anyone know where to buy the paid wifi? @adellefrankFriday 11:34 AM
- Lack of power drops in web track may hurt the afternoon class. May the best battery win! #Remix12 @CyberMusketeerFriday 11:35 AM
- @remixsouth anyone know where to buy paid #wifi at @adellefrankFriday 11:36 AM
- @adellefrank @remixsouth you could call your cell provider and purchase tethering or mobile hotspot for a month. costs about $20 @itlstudiosFriday 11:56 AM
- Reading through #remix12 and seeing the same posts over and over. Native retweeting is your friend... @cosleiaFriday 11:58 AM
- @adellefrank thanks for the RT :) @designtoadsFriday 11:59 AM
- "This projector sucks" count++ #Remix12 @richardroyalFriday 12:03 PM
- I bet we could get a pretty epic game of "Magic The Gathering" going in this room right now #NerdsRule #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 12:05 PM
- Im sure the group in the next room want to kill us for all the noise. Sorry developers! #Remix12 @designtoadsFriday 12:06 PM
- Registered #remix12 @ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center @keshdingFriday 12:06 PM
- Is that @kamyrinn at #remix12 @FredstukFriday 12:11 PM
- @designtoads ha ! Crazy loud designers :) #remix12 @jasonpxFriday 12:12 PM
- Stop by #kabbage's booth and say hello. It's ronery out here.. #remix12 @karura16Friday 12:13 PM
- ...and there goes the laptop battery. #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 12:17 PM
- @jasonpx we are rowdy nerds! #Remix12 @designtoadsFriday 12:26 PM
- if you hear of anyone with a Build 2012 ticket to spare, let me know - #remix12 #win8 #build @SmartyPFriday 12:31 PM
- Looks like they're bringing in extension cords and power strips for the afternoon responsive workshop...thank goodness! #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 12:47 PM
- Dear #remix12 attendees, if you're loving this dose of local geek/design love, you'll really dig @geekend Nov 8-10 250mi due SE in Savannah @daveixdFriday 1:15 PM
- On the outside of my window, 11 stories up - the Monster Grasshopper attacks Atlanta #remix12 @eymihaFriday 1:34 PM
- Being part of the Remix rookie team was more than enough, but to continue and move further to finals is such a plus plus! Blessing! #Remix12 @ajjoseFriday 1:36 PM
- Got a chill station going on at #Remix12. @seabreFriday 1:51 PM
- Now we've got @bencallahan, @daveixd, @sanjay, @prpatel kicking off the 2nd half of Day One of #Remix12 @remixsouthFriday 2:04 PM
- Will this be #Remix12 tomorrow? Can't wait to find out. @cdharrisonFriday 2:06 PM
- The designer in me wants to sit in the UX track, but the developer side wants to go hang out with responsive design. #Remix12 @designingseanFriday 2:09 PM
- #remix12 I wish there was individual option paid #wifi since access is not provided by this #tech conference! #ux #... @VisualArtWerksFriday 2:11 PM
- Just witnessed the cutest thing. GrownUps running for the ice cream break #remix12 @SocialEspionageFriday 2:20 PM
- @joshcothran is cold as ice (cream) at #Remix12 @pinkrocktopusFriday 2:26 PM
- Lol '@cdharrison: Will this be #Remix12 tomorrow? Can't wait to find out.' @KristenHRachelsFriday 2:35 PM
- Thought the same'@SocialEspionage: Just witnessed the cutest thing. GrownUps running for the ice cream break #remix12' @KristenHRachelsFriday 2:36 PM
- Interactive Design #remix12 you? '@SocialEspionage: @KristenHRachels thanks! Which room are you in?' @KristenHRachelsFriday 2:48 PM
- This whole fucking thing is just a big "gotcha". I don't like it. #Remix12 @johnwilliams713Friday 2:48 PM
- there's a rumor that PSY is headlining the conference after party #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 3:17 PM
- @keshding bad workshop choice after bad choice. Hahaha #ReMix12 @jduchimaFriday 3:17 PM
- Must be where the conference WiFi budget went. '@itlstudios: there's a rumor that PSY is headlining the conference after party #remix12' @davewhiteheadFriday 3:30 PM
- So where's everyone from? I've only talked to other Atlanta peeps so far. #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 4:04 PM
- It has been a roller coaster working with Windows Azure in Django. @MRHwickFriday 4:37 PM
- Mobile first is basically the theme of #Remix12 @seabreFriday 4:56 PM
- Good first day at #Remix12. Going home now to meditate on the ideas I've absorbed. @thrillgoreFriday 4:58 PM
- Nice to meet @askadove, @pritijagger and Mark Wolfe today! #remix12 @cosleiaFriday 5:04 PM
- Nerds! #remix12 @ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center @heathhoustonFriday 5:05 PM
- good day at #Remix12 anyone want to grab a beer? I do not want to hit 75N @cgspicerFriday 5:22 PM
- @mrjsmith sorry... and right after lunch! #Remix12 @bencallahanFriday 5:34 PM
- @jasongraphix me too'”thanks! #remix12 @bencallahanFriday 5:36 PM
- Looks like we'll be hitting the hotel bar tonight sometime after 9. I'll tweet when we head that way! #Remix12 @bencallahanFriday 5:42 PM
- @mgilliland @bencallahan I guess this geek beer collision shouldn't have surprised me. Say hi to each other for me. #Remix12 @jhunterjFriday 5:44 PM
- Thank you attendees for making this a great first day of #remix12. Tomorrow will be amazing. @jamesashleyFriday 5:57 PM
- Blanket fort and movie night with kiddo. Then #remix12 tomorrow! @WonderPonderingFriday 7:42 PM
- Was great seeing @bencallahan today at @remixsouth #remix12 @marekpcFriday 7:46 PM
- ending sessions at 5pm is cruel and unusual punishment for those of us commuting out of ATL #remix12 @itlstudiosFriday 8:14 PM
- Enjoying some good beer and food with fellow #remix12 speakers @wesleyhalesFriday 8:49 PM
- Who's going to be at @RemixSouth tomorrow? Say hey to me if you get a chance! #Remix12 @cdharrisonFriday 9:23 PM
- Saw old friends, met new ones, HTML5 tips & tricks, Killer Vegetarian Lunch = Great Day 1 #remix12 @ophedianFriday 9:49 PM
- Lovely dinner with Bill Buxton and the #remix12 speakers tonight at fig jam. @jamesashleyFriday 10:54 PM
- @robtarr, @bencallahan Alright, but I want to hear the results of this one... #remix12 @Bishops_moveFriday 11:26 PM
- Left a bar full of #Remix12 folks bc it's pumpkin time for me. Nighty Nite @remixsouth @daveixdFriday 11:56 PM
- Some late night @remixsouth activity with our speakers & kareoke. #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSaturday 1:32 AM
- Set my alarm for 6:30 but woke up naturally at 5:30. Guess I'm excited about #remix12 day 2... @cosleiaSaturday 6:02 AM
- Picking talks for today. Yesterday I did the web track but today I'm interested in UX and Future Tech stuff :) #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 6:51 AM
- Wish I had a smaller, secondary laptop. I'm not sure I want to lug the behemoth around to five different talks today. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 6:53 AM
- #Remix12 I'm up and dressed before 8am on a Saturday... @remixsouth , I hope you appreciate this. I wouldn't do it for everybody. :-) @gobiglabsSaturday 7:19 AM
- Home Depot has cleared out...yesterday it looked like they owned the hotel, today it's like they were never here. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 7:57 AM
- Free bagel. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 8:10 AM
- Ended up chatting a bit with the organizer! I'm way early so he greeted me personally, although I didn't realize who he was... ^^; #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 8:12 AM
- The sun rises over Atlanta as the second day of #Remix12 begins. @eymihaSaturday 8:13 AM
- Day 2 of #Remix12! Lined up today: @wasbuxton keynote, 20 incredible sessions, @carlsmith closing keynote + prizes/giveways + After Party! @remixsouthSaturday 8:16 AM
- Let's do this, #Remix12. (@ Remix South 2012) @cdharrisonSaturday 8:26 AM
- If I'm going to be taking notes on my phone I might want to stop using it and draining the battery. #addicted #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 8:37 AM
- Car rides to #remix12 highlight what our uh ... "company culture" Is. And that culture is very very odd. Future hires beware. #slicedmush @marcymarcySaturday 8:44 AM
- After meeting speakers last night I now have a ponderous problem with @remixsouth: I want to attend EVERY session. #remix12 @justsomeguySaturday 8:45 AM
- #ReMix12 day two (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center w/ 4 others) @jduchimaSaturday 8:49 AM
- The @remixsouth organizer just tested a microphone by saying 'In a world...' Love it. #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 8:58 AM
- Good morning, #Remix12! We'll be live-tweeting from various sessions today. Keynote starts in 5 mins. @remixsouthSaturday 9:00 AM
- All set for @wasbuxton's keynote at #remix12. @gcaugheySaturday 9:01 AM
- Second and final day of #Remix12 (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center w/ 9 others) [pic]: @thrillgoreSaturday 9:04 AM
- Day 2 at #remix12 Let's go! @NathanielDealSaturday 9:12 AM
- #remix12 having a hard time hearing the speaker? @Hadley_BrandtSaturday 9:13 AM
- At the keynote from Bill Buxton @ #Remix12 @DubyaSobchakSaturday 9:13 AM
- And now the fabulous bill buxton @wasbuxton #remix12 #22sq @FredstukSaturday 9:13 AM
- Watching the @wasbuxton keynote @remixsouth #Remix12 @beleySaturday 9:19 AM
- Attendees: Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you! #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:21 AM
- Hanging out at #remix12 @WonderPonderingSaturday 9:24 AM
- Up before 10 again. Is it a miracle? Nooooo, its for #Remix12 @rjlavergneSaturday 9:33 AM
- #Remix12 couldn't have happened without our great sponsors. If you get a chance, check out their sites, tweet them: @remixsouthSaturday 9:41 AM
- @wesleyhales I'm here. Where is playa check in? #remix12 @tbwiiiSaturday 9:47 AM
- In case you missed it, here's our Day 2 Schedule: #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 9:53 AM
- #remix12 Anyone got a link to Buxton's presentation slides? @7LayersDesignSaturday 9:57 AM
- Promoting @ATLSW at #ReMixSouth. @jen_bonnettSaturday 10:09 AM
- @remixsouth Is the video for love streaming, or will the presentations be available online sometime after te conference? @designingseanSaturday 10:10 AM
- @remixsouth love = live. Got to live autocorrect! @designingseanSaturday 10:11 AM
- People keep talking about a developer shortage. Whatever. @teampolymathic. #weexist #webuildstuff #eligiblenerds #letstalk #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 10:15 AM
- Looking to meetup with a Designer at #RemixSouth, hit me up if your intersted in working on a #webdesign project! @NathanielDealSaturday 10:16 AM
- #remix12 #mobile day (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center w/ 14 others) @KristenHRachelsSaturday 10:16 AM
- Happy #Remix12 Day, y'all! Ubering this morning, getting pumped for @jc, @ashthorp, and @pamelafox goodness. If you're around, say hello :) @moxieloxSaturday 10:18 AM
- #Remix12 how do I connect to wifi? @ParitoshMohanSaturday 10:18 AM
- #hmtl5 workshop #remix12 @dlmultimediaSaturday 10:26 AM
- DAY TWO!!!!!111!1!1!!! #remix12 @werdnuhSaturday 10:26 AM
- So today when coming to #remix12 I ran out of gas, had two construction stops, and had to detour to a different exit. What an adventure! @werdnuhSaturday 10:28 AM
- Woo! The time has come! #Remix12 (@ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center w/ 17 others) @moxieloxSaturday 10:43 AM
- 2nd Half #Remix12 @ Remix South 2012 @rjlavergneSaturday 10:46 AM
- PointStream = the future of movie making #remix12 @benjtinsleySaturday 10:54 AM
- Stop by the Veredus booth to register to win a PS Vita. They're giving one away today. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 10:54 AM
- my bad, PointStreamer. check it out #remix12 @benjtinsleySaturday 10:55 AM
- #Remix12 Amazing speakers can't demo or use all aspects of their slides lack of Wi-Fi access. smh @gobiglabsSaturday 10:55 AM
- Sweet app sketchbook scored @ #remix12 #design #mobi @ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center @KristenHRachelsSaturday 10:55 AM
- Why didn't I know about #remix12 until TODAY? Argh. Next year. @gary_schroederSaturday 10:56 AM
- Loving the free app sketchbook I just got! #remix12 @keshdingSaturday 11:04 AM
- My knowledge transfer itinerary for today. #remix12 @DavidMarsolekSaturday 11:09 AM
- In the cheering section with @wonderpondering and we just @nicdev to be complete. #remix12 @moxieloxSaturday 11:09 AM
- @jc @remixsouth what time is your talk? @antonpeckSaturday 11:09 AM
- This dude asked if I had a badge. I woulda had it on if they had an official one for me instead of this bootleg one, smh.. #Remix12 @rjlavergneSaturday 11:09 AM
- Today at #ReMix12 - more web tech I will probably have to change jobs to use! Maybe I can take some of the JS goodness back to IM! @CyberMusketeerSaturday 11:11 AM
- Shoutout to this hotel being selfish with the WiFi #Remix12 @rjlavergneSaturday 11:15 AM
- @richardroyal @misstebo @jfsteele How's @remixsouth today? @TriciaSeifertSaturday 11:21 AM
- enjoying the talks at remix south #Remix12 @digitalsleepSaturday 11:27 AM
- Important note for speakers: Always have a way to show your presentation w/o web access. Several #Remix12 speakers have struggled w/this. @mrjsmithSaturday 11:35 AM
- @brianleroux Atlanta, Georgia, in 2 hours, remixsouth. @pamelafoxSaturday 11:37 AM
- Take away so far with #remixsouth... Need to talk to your users and understand them. @apolloc1214Saturday 11:44 AM
- Biggest message of #Remix12 so far - sites of the future will require closer and closer collaboration between devs and designers. @missteboSaturday 11:56 AM
- @misstebo we also need to throw the biz side into this collaborative hug fest. #remix12 - Where are the biz folks? @daveixdSaturday 11:58 AM
- Wall of awesome #Remix12 sponsors. @cdharrisonSaturday 11:59 AM
- Dear #Remix12 Apple did not invent design, and most things in tech are stolen from Xerox @richardroyalSaturday 12:07 PM
- Let today be the day I got a chicken sandwich #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 12:10 PM
- Didn't get to grab an @appsketchbook earlier? A few left, next to door of mobile room. Get one! #Remix12 @stephenmartinSaturday 12:12 PM
- @Tumshie40 Are you at #Remix12 today? Come see me at 4pm in the UX room. Let's catch up! @mickwintersSaturday 12:20 PM
- @mickwinters lol I am!! I'll deffo come over #remix12 @Tumshie40Saturday 12:25 PM
- I hate having to leave #remix12 but still not over this cold. Wall hit. Really great job on this conference! Congratulations to all! @inkblurtSaturday 12:31 PM
- Traveling in style at Public getting lunch +@appendTo #Remix12 @elijahmanorSaturday 12:45 PM
- #remix12 UX closer! @mickwintersSaturday 12:49 PM
- Lunch with @MailChimp + epiclabs friends, meeting Bill Buxton, now @AshThorp! #Remix12 @ Remix South 2012 @moxieloxSaturday 1:00 PM
- Might as well call this tech Saturday. Engrossed in #RemixSouth #remix12 and #BlissDomCA conferences from the comfort of my TL. @i_am_libertySaturday 1:06 PM
- "Make all the things seamless!" seems to be the theme of #remix12. @bmenozaSaturday 1:08 PM
- Keep the spirit alive! '” '@IdeaKitchn: Today's @remixsouth is for the @visitmix crew. cc: @TommyLee @rainypixels @amyrc @Systim @Anyware' @TommyLeeSaturday 1:11 PM
- Pick up your @AppSketchbook if you haven't already! (In the box next to Mobile.) Smooth iOS outlines for app design. @remixsouthSaturday 1:16 PM
- Sessions are starting promptly at 1:30pm. #Remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 1:24 PM
- Exhausted from lunchtime socializing. Hope to bury myself in the next three talks. #remix12 #introvert @cosleiaSaturday 1:28 PM
- Totally need a measurement track next year! '@digitalcandy:@daveixd @jc without math, no one at this conference would have a job! #Remix12' @davewhiteheadSaturday 1:31 PM
- Hey, #remix12 'ers, want 2 keep learning fun stuff? For only $35 next weekend, come back for #DcAtl !! @adellefrankSaturday 1:31 PM
- @remixsouth looks like they are all gone .. Too late @rrawlaSaturday 1:44 PM
- When speakers end on a negative note, I feel kind of violated. A shame since the content was so engaging. #remix12 @boopboopbdoopSaturday 2:10 PM
- Which one of you guys also have Navi as your phone's alert? #Remix12 @tbwiiiSaturday 2:11 PM
- @remixsouth OMG YOU GUYS it's ice cream time again!! #Remix12 @pinkrocktopusSaturday 2:21 PM
- @remixsouth 100ish people in this session, I see 3ish using iPad and stylus to take notes. Most have pen and paper. Stop killing trees :) @apolloc1214Saturday 2:25 PM
- Thank you to @ie for helping to make @remixsouth possible. #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSaturday 2:27 PM
- I don't know if I can make it through two more talks. #mentallyweary #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 2:30 PM
- '@pinkrocktopus: @remixsouth OMG YOU GUYS it's ice cream time again!! #Remix12' Oh hell yeah. @ninjamultimediaSaturday 2:39 PM
- The #Remix12 after party is at: {Three} Sheets, 6017 Sandy Springs Circle Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30328 @thrillgoreSaturday 2:42 PM
- True! "@cosleia: I don't know if I can make it through two more talks. #mentallyweary #remix12" @designtoadsSaturday 2:48 PM
- #Remix12 Attendees: Please take a moment and sent a tweet of thanks to one of our awesome sponsors! @remixsouthSaturday 2:50 PM
- Speeches + Keynotes * Empty Carbs^3 = #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 2:52 PM
- Thank a sponsor: @IE @MailChimp @Veredusatl @KabbageInc @Uber_ATL @Encosia @mospired @ninelabs @epiclabs @wilderminds @RosenfeldMedia @remixsouthSaturday 2:56 PM
- Also thanks to community sponsors: @awdg @atlhtml5 & @ixda #remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:57 PM
- And don't forget to check out and #remix12 @remixsouthSaturday 2:58 PM
- @remixsouth Thanks @atlhtml5 @kabbage for turning me on to @Bishops_moveSaturday 3:01 PM
- Thank you to @kabbage for making @remixsouth happen this year. (And they're a great company to work for!) #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSaturday 3:09 PM
- @IE Thank you for sponsoring #Remix12 @RemixSouth! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:14 PM
- @MailChimp Thank you for sponsoring #Remix12! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:15 PM
- @Veredusatl Thank you for sponsoring #Remix12! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:15 PM
- Thanks @IE for sponsoring #Remix12! And also, thanks for finally being an awesome browser! @thrillgoreSaturday 3:17 PM
- @KabbageInc Thank you for sponsoring #Remix12! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:18 PM
- @Uber_ATL Thank you for sponsoring #Remix12! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:19 PM
- @Encosia Thank you for being a #Remix12 sponsor! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:19 PM
- @MailChimp is a TERRIFIC asset! everyone should use them for their campaigns #remix12 @itlstudiosSaturday 3:19 PM
- @WilderMinds Thank you for being a #Remix12 sponsor! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:19 PM
- @RosenfeldMedia Thank you for being a #Remix12 sponsor! @cdharrisonSaturday 3:19 PM
- @kabbage Thanks for sponsoring @remixsouth @rrawlaSaturday 3:20 PM
- #Remix12 Thanks to all the sponsors for @remixsouth @rrawlaSaturday 3:21 PM
- Big thanks to @mospired fir sponsoring #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 3:29 PM
- Big thanks to @mospired for sponsoring #remix12 @manVSpanSaturday 3:32 PM
- PUT. THAT. COFFEE. DOWN. Coffee is for closers. RT @mickwinters: #remix12 UX closer! @scottyhendoSaturday 3:36 PM
- Thanks to everyone who made @RemixSouth an epic win this weekend. Learning + nerding! #Remix12 @ In An Uber @moxieloxSaturday 3:37 PM
- Phone is dying. Still wish there was WiFi. #Homestretch #Remix12 @HeatherDiane17Saturday 3:40 PM
- Some very cool User eXperience learning here at #remix12 @SigmundRoydSaturday 3:51 PM
- @remixsouth Is there a link to all the presentations / content / videos etc.. ? @rrawlaSaturday 3:52 PM
- if giving a presentation on a projector, use high contrast & dark-on-light color scheme #remix12 @is0chronousSaturday 4:03 PM
- #remix12 : where I finally learned to #tether #necessitymotherofinvention @adellefrankSaturday 4:04 PM
- @rrawla Not sure, but I'll find out. ^CD @remixsouthSaturday 4:08 PM
- Thanks to our sponsor @StackUX for the righteous sketchbooks, stickers and tshirts! Thanks for your support! @remixsouthSaturday 4:12 PM
- Calling it early at #ReMix12 with my luck my ticket will get called for the closing prizes @jduchimaSaturday 4:12 PM
- @justsomeguy Sorry to miss catching up at all when we're both in the ATL. I hear your #remix12 talk went well. See you in Toronto, perhaps? @mcordellSaturday 4:16 PM
- #remix12 Always learn the most when devs and designers are at the same event. Everyone was amazing! @ssummersSaturday 4:19 PM
- Getting that knowledge at #Remix12 ! @PixelCantinaSaturday 4:21 PM
- Great speakers, discussions, topics and ideas from @remix12 -- didn't enjoy "background music", low quality projectors and thin walls ! @jasonpxSaturday 4:23 PM
- Don't forget: For only $35 next weekend, come back for #DcAtl & learn more webby stuff !! #remix12 @adellefrankSaturday 4:24 PM
- Great speakers, discussions, topics and ideas from #remix12 -- didn't enjoy "background music", low quality projectors and thin walls ! @jasonpxSaturday 4:26 PM
- #Remix12 Day 2 almost over. @PixelCantinaSaturday 4:26 PM
- @rrawla We're not sure just yet. We'll announce something post-conf. ^cd @remixsouthSaturday 4:35 PM
- Having a ball and gaining knowledge at #RemixSouth #remix12 @Store404Saturday 4:37 PM
- Free download of @jonathanstark\'s PhoneGap training module available for limited time #remix12 #dcatl #mobile @adellefrankSaturday 4:41 PM
- Interested in summary of best tweets from #remix12 ? Check tomorrow PM for my post of such. Thx! @adellefrankSaturday 4:52 PM
- Almost time for the closing keynote and giveaways. Gimme the prize! #highlanderreference #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 5:08 PM
- Closing out #remix12 @ Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center @bmenozaSaturday 5:08 PM
- Remix South was awesome! Great ux conference for devs as well. #remixsouth @GhangwaSaturday 5:14 PM
- The superhero award goes to @IdeaKitchn for saving today's live stream. You rock! #Remix12 @EpicLabsSaturday 5:18 PM
- Bit of a rough start to #remix12 but I learned a lot and had a good time. I'll be back. @GhettoCodeSaturday 5:23 PM
- @jamesledford @remixsouth anytime :) @wesleyhalesSaturday 5:49 PM
- I did not win a new iPad ;_; #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 6:02 PM
- I just won an iPad at #Remix12! Sweet! Thanks guys!!! @kfmcalliSaturday 6:02 PM
- Thanks to @remixsouth and all the sponsors for a great conference! #remix12 @cosleiaSaturday 6:04 PM
- Having a few drinks before the #remix12 party with @kessampanthar at Tosca in the hotel. Come join us. @EncosiaSaturday 6:10 PM
- Hey @remixsouth what's everyone doing until the after party? #Remix12 @beleySaturday 6:11 PM
- @adellefrank thanks Adelle for all the #dcatl promotion! See u next Saturday. @DrupalCamp_ATLSaturday 6:19 PM
- Agreed! "@ssummers: #remix12 Always learn the most when devs and designers are at the same event. Everyone was amazing!" @PeterOyloeSaturday 6:24 PM
- That's a wrap! Thanks to everyone that attended #Remix12 and made #Remix12 the best and biggest Remix ever! #YouAreAllAwesome @remixsouthSaturday 6:25 PM
- JOIN US! #Remix12 After Party tonight @ 7:30 at Three Sheets Atlanta! We've drinks to give away & appetizers for you! @remixsouthSaturday 6:29 PM
- JOIN US! #Remix12 After Party tonight @ 7:30 at Three Sheets Atlanta! Weve got drinks to give away & appetizers for u! @remixsouthSaturday 6:31 PM
- Funny visual from #HTML5 prez at #remix12 : bugs/apple vs. daffy/android @html5guySaturday 6:33 PM
- Thank you @MailChimp for making @remixsouth happen. #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSaturday 6:37 PM
- #remixsouth best take away: interaction design is not jus graphics and layout. Includes understanding human behavior and motivation. @apolloc1214Saturday 6:42 PM
- #Remix12 after party (@ {three} sheets) @thrillgoreSaturday 6:46 PM
- How about that traffic? #Remix12 @thrillgoreSaturday 6:55 PM
- I suspect most of us have been noticing this in our analytics but Android web traffic now "officially" surpasses i ... @adellefrankSaturday 6:56 PM
- @jenboulwareSC afternoon snack. @adellefrankSaturday 6:58 PM
- Thank you @remixsouth, all the sponsors and the crew who made #Remix12 happen. @mospiredSaturday 7:00 PM
- So far no wifi info, so I've plugged my phone into my laptop for a personal hotspot. Also no power outlet near me so laptop ... @adellefrankSaturday 7:14 PM
- Have a lot of things from #Remix12 to inspire some creative ideas. Many thanks to ALL the presenters. @DavidMarsolekSaturday 7:18 PM
- #Remix12 avoid 285 construction traffic, use powers ferry - Johnson ferry Atl route to three sheets /cc @remixsouth @mosesngoneSaturday 7:21 PM
- pro tip for speakers: being smart isn't enough. Tone, body language, storytelling, thread creation, charisma all count. @adellefrankSaturday 7:30 PM
- presenter quality axiom: highly likely that the quality of your presentation correlates to how often you move away from the ... @adellefrankSaturday 7:31 PM
- Traffic to the after party is murder... #Remix12 @cgspicerSaturday 7:47 PM
- @itlstudios thx for tethering tip. is free with my lovely rooted android phone :) @adellefrankSaturday 8:08 PM
- I had an absolute blast today, thanks speakers ,sponsors, attendees and @remixsouth what a happy ,joyful day #remix12 @Tumshie40Saturday 8:32 PM
- I hope all of my new #remix12 friends are having a good time. Don't get too crazy @genecrawford. @robtarrSaturday 8:35 PM
- Party still going? #remix12 @elijahmanor @jasongraphix @heywren @bencallahanSaturday 8:48 PM
- @thrillgore I think I know you from CHUGALUG? I was at #Remix12. Only Friday, though. @seabreSaturday 9:32 PM
- Where's the @remixsouth party? #Remix12 @daveixdSaturday 9:41 PM
- @remixsouth Had a great time! Thank you all. #Remix12 @askadoveSaturday 9:58 PM
- Drawing ninja turtles with @JordanJung at #remix12 afterparty! @justsomeguySaturday 10:01 PM
- With a nice hug from some random Asian girl - who was really more interested in @bencallahan - ReMix12 & my week of conferencing ends. @thamSaturday 11:11 PM
- Thanks again to @jc @bencallahan @joshnetherton @walkdesign @carlsmith and everyone else who spoke @remixsouth - great conference! #remix12 @marekpcSaturday 11:35 PM
- Ok, off to Fellini's for a late night bite. #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSaturday 11:51 PM
- Late night remix12 dinner at Fellini's @ Fellini's Pizza @IdeaKitchnSaturday 11:57 PM
- thanks @RosenfeldMedia for sponsoring #remix12! looking forward to breaking into Search Analytics @joshcothranSunday 12:50 AM
- What a great time with all my local and out-of-town peeps. Have a safe return, see you next time #Remix12 @nicdevSunday 12:52 AM
- Back from 1am pizza afterafterparty w #remix12 crew, great closer, still wowed by @remixsouth. Tremendous fun. Thank you! #thebananasarealie @justsomeguySunday 1:54 AM
- Um, #Remix12 was awesome! Can't wait till next year. And with that to my new friends ill see you the next time I use twitter @DrupalCamp_ATL @thrillgoreSunday 2:39 AM
- Heading to the airport in 15'”share a cab?#remix12 @bencallahanSunday 7:47 AM
- Goodbye @remixsouth and all my new friends'”had a great time! Keep me posted on your #rwd work.Until next time...#remix12 @bencallahanSunday 8:03 AM
- @daveixd Interesting fri w/chair ex. most didn't read your txt and interpreted "do on" as "do with" a chair. #listen # @caltemoseSunday 8:08 AM
- Had a blast at #Remix12 yesterday. @cdharrisonSunday 8:45 AM
- There are way too many people to thank for making #Remix12 the best Remix ever. You know who u are, thank you for your hardwork & dedication @FwdAnimationSunday 9:37 AM
- After #Remix12 I'm totally psyched and ready to finish my new portfolio site and draw non-stop like a mofo @jduchimaSunday 11:08 AM
- It's really cool to see #ReMIX12 getting larger every year. Now all we need are blackjack tables. @igaenssleySunday 11:10 AM
- Ready to explore the intrsxn of ui/ux and #architecture, #smarthomes thx to #remix12 @wasbuxton @daveixd @caltemoseSunday 11:16 AM
- Learned SOOO much at #remix12 #remixsouth & met so many neato new people! Looking forward to translating knowledge into practice #rwd @natasheebearSunday 11:52 AM
- @wesleyhales Thanks for speaking man!!!! And even bigger thanks for all the support youve given for #Remix12. I really appreciate your help! @FwdAnimationSunday 12:01 PM
- Thanks to the @remixsouth crew and sponsors for having me speak. It was great fun. I'll post video soon. #remix12 @jcSunday 12:09 PM
- @jc Man, thx for speaking (loved ur talk) & all that youve done to help make #Remix12 great. Words can express my thanks for your support. @FwdAnimationSunday 12:24 PM
- Driving through Chattanooga in about 45 minutes on the way back home from #Remix12 +@ifandelse @jeffrey_way @elijahmanorSunday 1:13 PM
- Thanks for organizers, speakers, & attendees of @remixsouth. Was a great event & enjoyed meeting talented & enthusiastic people #Remix12 @elijahmanorSunday 1:17 PM
- Farewell Atlanta, as always we had too much fun. #Remix12New York, I am on my way! #FOWD @carlsmithSunday 1:21 PM
- @SuperMillo @ssummers Thanks for repping Microsoft at #Remix12. Your insight & participation is vital to the future of web, desktop &a @warrenmSunday 4:41 PM
- @bencallahan @heywren Enjoyed both of your talks at #Remix12, but especially enjoyed meeting and hanging out with you individually. @warrenmSunday 4:43 PM
- Thanks to @FwdAnimation @manVSpan @IdeaKitchn & crew for all of your hard work on #Remix12. The community owes you a debt of gratitude. @warrenmSunday 4:45 PM
- It seems a large majority of the #remix12 crowd was rocking a @pixelworkers shirt this weekend @jordanjungSunday 5:10 PM
- @remixsouth @FwdAnimation @IdeaKitchn I hope you're taking it way easy today after # @pinkrocktopusSunday 5:32 PM
- Can't say enough about @remixsouth, super fine event and a super great web community in ATL! #Remix12 Thanks for such a great time! @unmatchedstyleSunday 6:16 PM
- It's somehow a much longer drive from #Remix12 than it was to it. I had a great time meeting everyone! @eymihaSunday 6:21 PM
- @remixsouth was awesome because of our speakers, sponsors & volunteers. Thanks to all & thanks to all who came to #remix12 @IdeaKitchnSunday 6:26 PM