Obituary of Peter Frank, Senior from the Greenville (Ohio) Democrat in 1872

header of obituary from newspaper An obituary for Peter Frank, Sr. of Adams county, Indiana from the Greenville (Ohio) Democrat in 1872.


Obituary of Peter Frank, Sr., 18 September 1872 (Wednesday), page 3, col. 3, Greenville Democrat; Darke, Ohio, United States; Microfilm Roll 27386; Ohio History Connection, Columbus, Ohio, United States


On the 8th inst., at the residence of Mr. George Frank, Adams county, Ind., Peter Frank, Sr., aged 95 years and 16 days.

The deceased was born in Lehigh county, Pa., August 23, 1777. He was married to Magdelena Werst in 1802. Moved to Darke county, O., in 1831, where he lived until 1867, when he went to spend the remainder of days with his son George, and with whom he lived until his death, and by whom his remains were brought to this place for interment.

The deceased had been a member of the Lutheran Church. His family, including his children, grand-children, and great grand-children, numbered one hundred and fifteen, and the number may be more, but not less.

The number of his days here on earth were many, yet they did not lessen his mortality nor take away the certainty of death. Let the measure of our days teach us wisdom that we may be wise unto salvation.

Brief services were held at the grave by WM. McCAUGHEY.
Greenville, O., Sept. 9, 1872


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