Obituary of Jacob Slessman from the Columbia City (Indiana) Post in 1893

header of obituary from newspaperImage and transcript of the obituary for Jacob Slessman, age 36, son of Michael Slessman, of Whitley county, Indiana from 1893.


"Jacob Slessman killed", obituary, Columbia City (Whitley, Indiana) Post, 27 September 1893 (Wednesday), page 4; microfilmed newspaper, Peabody Public Library, Columbia City, Indiana.

Transcript of Obituary [paragraphs and emphasis added]

Jacob Slessman, a son of Michael Slessman, of this city, met a horrible death at an early hour last Wednesday morning [20 September].

Mr. Slessman has been an employee of the Wabash road for years past, having served in various capacities. At the time he met his death he was acting as a brakeman on the Eel River division.

The train was a heavy freight, and it was necessary to "double" the steep grade approaching Brownell from the south a small station near Peru [possibly Miami county, Indiana]. Slessman climbed down between the cars to pull the pin. After he had done so, or while he was in the act, it is supposed he lost his hold and fell upon the track in front of the rear cut of cars. The wheels passed over his body at the waist, completely severing it. The right arm above the wrist was also severed.

Slessman's home was in Montpeller [possibly Montpelier in Blackford county, Indiana], where his wife resides. They have no children.

Mrs. Slessman was notified of her husband's death and went immediately to Peru and brought the remains to this city on the evening train. They were conveyed to the home of his father where they remained until Friday afternoon [22 September]. The funeral occurred at 2 o'clock from the Lutheran church and was conducted by Rev. Francis.

The deceased was in his 36th year [born about 1857] and was an industrious and faithful employee. His untimely and sad ending was a heavy blow to his wife and other relatives who have the sympathy of the public in their deep sorrow.

Image of obituary

full obituary from newspaper