Obituary of Charles Long from the Tri-County Truth (Churubusco, Indiana) in 1931

header of obituary from newspaper An obituary for Charles Long of Churubusco, Indiana from 1931.


"Charles H. Long, dead", obituary of Charles Long, 1931, probably from the Tri-county Truth newspaper (Churubusco, Whitley, Indiana, United States), photocopy found in "Obituaries and death notices, 1920s to 1990s, Churubusco, Whitley County, IN", 2012, by Allen County Public Library.

Transcript of Obituary [emphases added]

[handwritten] 1931

Charles H. Long, 72 [born around 1859], well known Churubusco grocer, died at his home on W. Whitley street in Churubusco at 9:30 o'clock Thursday night, December 31st. Mr. Long had been unable to work since last Friday. He had been suffering for several years with kidney trouble.

He had been in the grocery business for 27 years. Mr Long was well known in Churubusco and throughout the surrounding territory. The announcement of his death is received by his many friends with deep regret.

He was a public spirited citizen and active in civic affairs. 

Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Sarah Turnbull Long; two children, C. W. Long of Churubusco and Mrs. Heber Deems of Smith Township [Whitley, Indiana]; five grandchildren; and one brother, Abraham Long of Churubusco.

The body removed to the F. M. Sonday funeral home, was taken back to the residence Friday afternoon.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Churubusco United Brethren church, Rev. J. A. Gump officiating, assisted by Rev. J. C. Bailey. Burial was made in the Eel River cemetery.