Marriage record of Carrie B. Long and Heber J. Pence of Whitley, Indiana in 1909

header of marriage register page Transcript (as well as links to original document images) of the marriage application, license and certificate of Carrie B. Long and Heber J. Pence in Whitley, Indiana, United States from 1909.

Citations and Online Images

Marriage Application

Marriage Application of Carrie B. Long and Heber J. Pence, 10 April 1909, Whitley County Circuit Court; Marriage Application Book 3, page 11; Indiana, United States (

Marriage License

Marriage Certificate of Carrie B. Long and Heber J. Pence, 10 April 1909, Whitley County Circuit Court; Marriage Record Book 7, page 411; Indiana, United States (

Transcript of Application (Female)

Application is hereby made for a license for the marriage of
Carrie Long to Heber J. Pence
upon the following statement of fact relative to said parties

1. The full christian and surname of the woman is: Carrie Long
2. Color: White
3. Where born: Churubusco, Ind.
4. When born: 29 April 1888
5. Present residence: Churubusco, Ind.
6. Present occupation: At home
7. Full christian and surname of father: Abraham Long
8. His color: White
9. His birthplace: (blank)
10. His occupation: Teamster
11. His residence: Churubusco
12. Full christian and maiden name of mother: Sadie Sleeceman
13. Her color: White
14. Her occupation: housekeeper
15. Her birthplace: Ohio
16. Her residence: Churubusco
17. Has the female contracting party been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons within the last 5 years?: No
18. Is this her first marriage?: yes
19. If not, how often has she been married?: (blank)
20. Has such prior marriage, or marriages, been dissolved?: (blank)
21. If so, how?: (blank)
22. When?: (blank)
23. Is the female contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal, or any other contagious or transmissable disease?: no
30. Is she an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is he under guardianship as a person of unsound mind?: no
Signature of applicant: Carrie Long

Jim Galvin deposes and says that he has personal knowledge of the facts above stated and that they and each of them are true.
Jim Galvin [signature]

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of April 1909
Hugo Logan
Clerk Whitley Circuit Court

Transcript of Application (Male)

Application is hereby made for a license for the marriage of
Heber J. Pence to Carrie Long
upon the following statement of fact relative to said parties

1. The full christian and surname of the man is: Heber J. Pence
2. Color: White
3. Where born: Smith Tp., Whitley Co, Ind.
4. When born: 1 Sep 1886
5. Present residence: Smith Tp., Whitley Co, Ind.
6. Present occupation: Farmer
7. If no occupation, what means has the male contracting party to support a family? (blank)
8. Is the male contracting party of nearer blood kin to the female contracting party than second cousin? No.
9. Full christian and surname of father: Joe M. Pence
10. His color: White
11. His birthplace: Smith Tp., Whitley Co.
12. His occupation: Farmer
13. His residence: Smith Tp.
14. Full christian and maiden name of mother: Nana Hedges
15. Her color: White
16. Her occupation: house keeper
17. Her birthplace: Smith Tp., Whitley Co.
18. Her residence: Smith Tp.
19. Has the male contracting party been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons within last 5 years?: No
20. If so, is he now able to support a family and likely to so continue? (blank)
21. Is this his first marriage?: yes
22. If not, how often has he been married?: (blank)
23. Has such prior marriage, or marriages, been dissolved?: (blank)
24. If so, how?: (blank)
25. When?: (blank)
26. Is the male contracting party afflicted with epilepsy, tuberculosis, venereal, or any other contagious or transmissable disease?: no
27. Is he an imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, or is he under guardianship as a person of unsound mind?: no
Signature of applicant: Heber J. Pence

Fred E. Sanders deposes and says that he has personal knowledge of the facts above stated and that they and each of them are true.
Fred E. Sanders [signature]

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of April 1909
Hugo Logan
Clerk Whitley Circuit Court

For License see Marriage Record 7, page 411.

Transcript of License and Certificate

Heber J. Pence to Carrie Long (SS)
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this 10th day of April, 1909, the following Marriage License was issued, to wit:

Know Ye, That any person empowered by law to solemnize Marriages is hereby authorized to join together as HUSBAND AND WIFE, Heber J. Pence and Carrie Long, and for so doing this shall be sufficient authority.

In Testimony Whereof, I, Hugo Logan, Clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court, hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of said Court, at Columbia City, this 10th day of April, 1909.
Hugo Logan [signature], Clerk

Be It Further Remembered, That on this 14 day of April, 1909, the following certificate was filed in my office, to wit:

This Certifies, That I joined in Marriage, as Husband and Wife, Heber J. Pence and Carrie Long, on the 11th day of April, 1909.
M. M. LeCount [signature]

[Note: LeCount was pastor of a United Brethren church in Churubusco.]